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  • Ditech Financial Llc v. Costley A. Jeremiah, Mary Elizabeth Howe, Midland Funding Llc Dba In New York As Midland Funding Of Delaware Llc, John Doe 1 - JOHN DOE 12 THE LAST TWELVE NAMES BEING FICTITIOUS AND UNKNOWN TO PLAINTIFF,THE PERSONS OR PARTIES INTENDED BEING THE TENANTS, OCCUPANTS, PERSONS OR CORPS, IF ANY, HAVING OR CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN OR LIEN UPON THE PREMISES, DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/31/2019 10:35 AM INDEX NO. 521762/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 29 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/31/2019 UP uME 40TJRT OF THE STATE QF NEW YORK r KINGS OF STATPMENT OF AUTHORIZATION FOR ELECTRONIC FILING (Managing Attqrney Authorizing Filing Agent Entity) I, Sara Z. Boriskin , Esq.,( AttorÃey Registration No. m e managing attorney of/attorney in charge of e-filingfor RAS Boriskin.LLC . (the"Firm"). I hereby acknowledge and represent that the attorneys in the Firm who are authorized users of the New York State Electronic Filing System ("NYSCEF") hereby authorize any employee of Provest. LLC who possesses a NYSCEF filing agent ID to filedocuments on their behalf and attheir direction, as a filingagent, in any e-filedmatter in which they are counsel of record throughNYSCEF, as provided in Section no2.5-b of the.UnifornrRules for the Trial Courts. This authorization pxtends to any.consensual matter in which these attorneys have previously consented to e-filingormay hereafter consent, to any mandatory mat ter inwhich they have recorded their representation and toany matter in which they authorpe the filiqg agent to record consent or representation in the NYSCEF system. This authorization.extenÿ.s to·any and alldocuments these attorneys generate and subñ1itto'fhe agent filirfg for lijiginany such matter. This authorization, posted once on the 'NTSCEF website as toeach niatter inwhich these attorneys are counsel of record, shallbe deemed to accompany any docu¿pent in thatmatter filedby the filing agent on bphalf of thes.e attorneys, Where a dõdunient inten Ad or iiicludes u e iriforinätionitssehorth inthe E- filing Filing Rules, the attorney willnotiff the filingagent and direct the filingagent to mark that document'SeduEe in tle NY8CEF systemc These attorneys further authorize thefiling agent to vieyfsu'ch Secure documents that they have filedér tliatthey genei·ate andpubm tto the filing agent forfiling in any such matter. . his authorizÂtion also extends to nïa ers of ayment which th filips nt may make either by debiting an account the filing agent ñ1aintains with the Con Clerk any authoritied e-filingcounty of by account the Firm maintains witli?theC rity rk óf aný . . authorized e-filingcounty. This authorization regarding thisfilingagent shall continue untilth Firm revokes the authorization in writin n a péhofitiëd form deliverdd to the E Filing Re e Center. Westbury, NY 11590 gfature City, sta e Zip Code an¾ Saral Boriskin, Esq. 51640-7675 Print Name Phone 1 of 1