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  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview


APPEARANCE This form is available STATE OF CONNECTICUT 2. Rev. 1223 r Pb G5 34 trough 812, 10-19, 26.64, 250-2, 250-8 in other language(s). SUPERIOR COURT www There are instructions and important notices on page 2 (the back) of this form. Read page 2 before filling out this form. Retum date (For CivilFamily cases) 05/11/2024 Oo fam filing this appearance to let the court and all attorneys and soif-represented Docket Number parties of record know that | have changed my address. My new address is below. UWY CV21-5028294 Name of case (Full name of first Plaintiff v. Full name of first Defendant) Note: in Crimine/Motor Vehicles cases, the Plaintitf is The State of Connecticut Burton, Nancy v. Mason, David Philip et al. Oo Bd Oo ‘Address of court (Number, street. town and zip code) ‘Scheduled court date (Criminal/Mator Vehicle cases only) _Rowsing adie! Geographic ___| 400 Grand Street, Waterbury, 06702 Enter the Appearance of ‘Name (Your name or name of official, firm, professional corporation, or individual attomey) ‘Juris number (For attomeyfaw finn) David B. Stanhill, Esq. 443350 ‘Mailing address Post Office box number Telephone number (Area code first) 53 State Street, 15th Floor 617-330-7000 ‘Citytown State Zip code: Fax number E-mail address: Boston MA | 02109 617-330-7550 in the case named above for: (Select one of the following parties. See descriptions/notes on page 2 of this form.) PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT ( The Plaintiff. (1) The Defendant. C All Plaintiffs. (] All Defendants. (2 The following Plaintiff(s) only: [x] The following Defendant(s) only: David Philip Mason (J Other (Specify): (1 This is a Family Matters case (such as divorce, custody, or child support). My appearance is for: (Select one or both) ( matters in the Family Division of the Superior Court (1 Title 'v-D Child Support matters (J This is a Criminal/Motor Vehicle case, and | am filing this appearance as (_] a Public Defender or [“] Assigned Counsel [-] This appearance is for the purpose of a bail hearing only. (Special Public Defender) (2 This appearance is for the purpose of altemative arraignment proceedings only. if an appearance by other counsel or self-represented party is on file for this party/parties, select one option below: 1. (CJ This appearance is in place of the appearance of. Name and Juris Number (if applicable) to be replaced 2. [x] This appearance is in addition to an appearance already on file. | agree that documents can be delivered (served) to me electronically in this case. (Practice Book Sec. 10-13) [x] Yes oO No Signed seirepresented party) ‘Name of person signing at leR (Print or type) Dats signed G # “ tas David B. Stanhill 0228/2022 Certification FOR COURT USE ONLY | certify that a copy of this document was or will immediately be mailed or delivered electronically or non-electronically on (date) _2/28/2022 to all attomeys and self-represented parties of record and that written consent for electronic delivery was received from all attorneys and self- represented parties of record who received or will immediately be receiving electronic delivery. Name and address of each party and attorney that copy was or wil be mailed or dalivered to" Nancy Burton (pro se) - 154 Highland Ave, Rowayton, CT 06853; Elinore Carmody - Howd & Ludorf LLC; Dennis Gibbon - Howd & Ludorf LLC; Julia Pemberton (Town of Redding) - Karsten & Tallberg LLC; Mark O'Donnell (Chief of Police) - Karsten & Tallberg LLC; Charles Dellarocco (Dept. of Agriculture) - Jonathan Edward Harding, Esq. and Matthew Levine, Esq.; Bryan Hurlburt, Commissioner (CT Dept. of Agriculture); Town of Redding (Building Dept., Health Dept., and Police Dept.) - Karsten & Tallberg LLC. “if pgcessary, attach additional sheet or sheets with name and address which the copy was or will be mailed or delivered to. CT Te Print or type name of person signing Date signed An) Christine Parise, Esq. 02/28/2022 Page 1 of 2