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  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview


ELECTRONICALLY FILED 1 Michael C. Osborne (Bar No. 95839) Superior Court of California County of Santa Cruz 2 Elaine Kobylecki (Bar No. 299311) 10/25/2021 3:25 PM Alex Calvo, Clerk By: Richard Kersten Seago, Deputy 3 COKINOS | YOUNG 611 Gateway Blvd., Ste. 233 4 South San Francisco, CA 94080 Telephone: (628) 229-9280 5 Attorneys for Defendant 6 THETA CHI FRATERNITY, INC. 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ 10 11 DAPHNE BELETSIS, et al., Case No. 19CV03287 12 Plaintiff, DEFENDANT THETA CHI FRATERNITY, INC.’S NOTICE OF MOTION AND 13 v. MOTION TO CONTEST DEFENDANT ZACHARY DAVIS’ APPLICATION FOR 14 THETA CHI FRATERNITY, INC., et al. DETERMINATION OF GOOD FAITH SETTLEMENT 15 Defendant. Date: November 29, 2021 16 Time: 8:30 AM Department 10 17 Action Filed: October 31, 2019 18 19 20 TO THE COURT, ALL PARTIES AND THEIR COUNSEL OF RECORD: 21 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on November 29, 2021 at 8:30 a.m., or as soon thereafter 22 as this matter may be heard, in Department 10 of the above-referenced Court, located at Santa Cruz 23 Courthouse, 701 Ocean Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060, defendant THETA CHI FRATERNITY, 24 INC. (“Theta Chi National”) will and hereby does move the Court for an Order denying the 25 Application for Determination of Good Faith Settlement filed by defendant Zachary Davis 26 (“Davis”). 27 This motion is made pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 877.6(a)(2) on 28 DEFENDANT THETA CHI FRATERNITY, INC.’S NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION TO CONTEST DEFENDANT ZACHARY DAVIS’ APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION OF GOOD FAITH SETTLEMENT 1 the grounds that the settlement between defendant Zachary Davis and plaintiffs as referred to in 2 said Application was not entered into in good faith; and therefore, said settlement shall not bar 3 other joint tortfeasors from claiming against the settling defendant for equitable comparative 4 negligence or comparative fault. 5 This Motion is based upon this Notice, the concurrently filed Memorandum of Points and 6 Authorities and Declaration of Elaine Kobylecki in support thereof, the complete file and records 7 in this action, and upon such other evidence and oral argument that may be offered at the hearing 8 on this Motion. 9 Dated: October 25, 2021 COKINOS | YOUNG 10 11 12 Michael C. Osborne Elaine Kobylecki 13 Attorneys for Defendant THETA CHI FRATERNITY, INC. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 DEFENDANT THETA CHI FRATERNITY, INC.’S NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION TO CONTEST ZACHARY DAVIS’ APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION OF GOOD FAITH SETTLEMENT