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  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview
  • Daphne Beletsis, et al vs Christopher Guevara, et al(23) Unlimited Other PI / PD / WD document preview


ELECTRONICALLY FILED Superior Court of California County of Santa Cruz 7/17/2020 10:39 AM 1 ROBERT J. ROMERO (SBN 136539) Alex Calvo, Clerk By: Declan Salsedo, Deputy 2 HINSHAW & CULBERTSON LLP One California Street, 18th Floor 3 San Francisco, CA 94111 Telephone: 415-362-6000 4 Facsimile: 415-834-9070 5 RAY TAMADDON (SBN 144494) 6 HINSHAW & CULBERTSON LLP 11601 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 800 7 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Telephone: 310-909-8000 8 Facsimile: 310-909-8001 9 Attorneys for Defendant ZACHARY DAVIS 10 11 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 12 FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ 13 14 DAPHNE BELETSIS, individually, and as Case No. 19CV03287 Administrator of the Estate of ALEXANDER 15 BELETSIS, and YVONNE RAINY, surviving Hon. John Gallagher parent of ALEXANDER BELETSIS, deceased, 16 DEFENDANT ZACHARY NASH DAVIS’S Plaintiffs, AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING ON 17 JOINDER IN DEFENDANT LEON’S vs. NOTICE OF DEMURRER AND 18 DEMURRER TO FIRST AMENDED THETA CHI FRATERNITY, INC., a New COMPLAINT 19 York corporation, individually, as a member of and t/a the Theta Iota Chapter, University of NEW DATE: August 31, 2020 20 California, Santa Cruz, as a member of the Time: 8:30 a.m. fraternal order known as Theta Chi Fraternity, Dept. 10 21 and as an alter-ego and successor entity of the Theta Iota Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity; Complaint Filed: 10/31/19 22 THETA IOTA CHAPTER OF THETA CHI Trial Date: None Set FRATERNITY, individually, and as an and 23 agent and alter-ego of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc.; CHRISTOPHER GUEVARA, 24 individually, and as an agent/member of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. and Theta Iota Chapter of 25 Theta Chi Fraternity; BRAD VISACKI, individually, and/or as an agent/member of 26 Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. and Theta Iota Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity; JORDAN 27 KEIICHI TAKAYAMA, individually, and as an agent/member of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. and 28 1 DEFENDANT ZACHARY DAVIS’S AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING ON JOINDER IN DEMURRER OF LEON 1030248\306145658.v1 1 Theta Iota Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity; ZACHARY NASH DAVIS, individually, and 2 as an agent/member of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. and Theta Iota Chapter of Theta Chi 3 Fraternity; NAJPREET SINGH KAHLON, individually, and as an agent/member of Theta 4 Chi Fraternity, Inc. and Theta Iota Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity; STEFAN MATIAS 5 LEON, individually, and as an agent/member of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. and Theta Iota 6 Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity; MOISES FRANCISCO TENORIO GARCIA, 7 individually, and as an agent/member of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. and Theta Iota Chapter of 8 Theta Chi Fraternity; RAFAEL GARCIA, individually, and as an agent/member of Theta 9 Chi Fraternity, Inc. and Theta Iota Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity; EMMANUEL THOMAS, 10 individually, and as an agent/member of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. and Theta Iota Chapter of 11 Theta Chi Fraternity; BOBBY KARKI, individually, and as an agent/member of Theta 12 Chi Fraternity, Inc. and Theta Iota Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity; DEREK KING, 13 individually, and as an agent/member of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. and Theta Iota Chapter of 14 Theta Chi Fraternity; JOHN DYLAN LEITCH, individually, and as an agent/member of Theta 15 Chi Fraternity, Inc. and Theta Iota Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity; QUINN MCLAUGHLIN, 16 individually and as Trustee of the QUINN M. MCLAUGHLIN LIVING TRUST, 117 Pasture 17 Rd., Santa Cruz, CA 95060; and JOHN DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, individually, and as 18 agents/members of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. and Theta Iota Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity; 19 Defendants. 20 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 28 2 DEFENDANT ZACHARY DAVIS’S AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING ON JOINDER IN DEMURRER OF LEON 1030248\306145658.v1 1 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on August 31, 2020 at 8:30 a.m., previously set for July 22, 2 2020, in Department 10 of the above-entitled Court, located at 701 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz, 3 California 95060, defendant Zachary Nash Davis ("Davis") will and hereby does join in the Demurrer 4 and Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed in support thereof by co-defendant Stefan Matias 5 Leon ("Leon"). 6 7 DATED: July 15, 2020 HINSHAW & CULBERTSON LLP 8 By: 9 ROBERT J. ROMERO RAY TAMADDON 10 Attorneys for Defendant ZACHARY DAVIS 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 DEFENDANT ZACHARY DAVIS’S AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING ON JOINDER IN DEMURRER OF LEON 1030248\306145658.v1 1 PROOF OF SERVICE 2 Daphne Beletsis, et al. v. Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc., et al. Case No. 19CV03287 3 (STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) 4 I am employed in the County of Los Angeles, State of California. I am over the age of 18 5 and not a party to the within actions; my business address is 11601 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 800, Los Angeles, CA 90025. 6 On July 15, 2020, I served the document(s) entitled DEFENDANT ZACHARY NASH 7 DAVIS’S AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING ON JOINDER IN DEFENDANT LEON’S NOTICE OF DEMURRER AND DEMURRER TO FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT on the 8 interested parties in this action by placing true copies thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope(s) addressed as stated below: 9 SEE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST 10 ☐ (BY MAIL): I placed the envelope for collection and mailing at Los Angeles, California. 11 The envelope was mailed with postage fully prepaid. I am readily familiar with this firm’s practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing. Under that practice it would be deposited 12 with the U.S. postal service on that same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at Los Angeles, California, in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of party served, service is 13 presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than 1 day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. 14 ☐ (VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL): I deposited such envelope to be placed for collection and 15 handling via UPS following our ordinary business practices. I am readily familiar with this business’ practice for collecting and processing correspondence for UPS. On the same day that 16 material is placed for collection, it is picked by UPS at Los Angeles, California. 17 ☒ (BY E-MAIL OR ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION): Based on a court order or an agreement of the parties to accept service by e-mail or electronic transmission, I caused the 18 document(s) to be sent to the person[s] at the e-mail address[es] set forth herein. I did not receive, within a reasonable time after the transmission, any electronic message or other indication that the 19 transmission was unsuccessful. See Cal.R.Ct.R. 2060 20 ☐ (BY HAND DELIVERY): I caused to be delivered by hand each sealed envelope to the addressee(s) mentioned in the attached service/mailing list. 21 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the 22 foregoing is true and correct. Executed on July 15, 2020, at Los Angeles, California. 23 Kristina Hightower 24 25 26 27 28 1 PROOF OF SERVICE 1030248\305642115.V1 1 SERVICE LIST 2 Daphne Beletsis, et al. v. Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc., et al. Case No. 19CV03287 3 Douglas E. Fierberg, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiffs 4 Jonathon N. Fazzola, Esq. Lisa N. Cloutier, Esq. 5 THE FIERBERG NATIONAL LAW GROUP 161 E. Front St., Suite 200 6 Tiaverse City, MI 49684 Tel.: 202-351-0510 7 Fax: 231-252-8100 Email: 8 9 10 Ivo Labar, Esq. Co-counsel for Plaintiffs SAWYER & LABAR, LLP 11 201 Mission St., Suite 2240 San Francisco, CA 94105 12 Tel.: 415-262-3820 Email: 13 14 Philip J. Downs, Jr., Esq. Attorneys for Defendant Michael C. Osborne, Esq. THETA CHI FRATERNITY, INC. 15 Jaskiran Samra, Esq. COKINOS | YOUNG 16 One Embarcadero Center, Suite 390 San Francisco, CA 94111-2585 Copy on e-service: 17 Tel.: 415-228-0208 Email: 18 19 Robert T. Mackey, Esq. Attorneys for Defendant 20 Ryne W. Osborne, Esq. STEFAN MATIAS LEON VEATCH CARLSON, LLP 21 1055 Wilshire Blvd., 11th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 22 Tel.: 213-381-2861 Fax: 213-383-6370 23 Email: 24 25 26 27 28 1 PROOF OF SERVICE 1030248\305642115.V1 1 Norman L. Chong, Esq. Attorneys for Defendant Joseph D. O’Neil, Esq. NAJPREET SINGH KAHLON 2 Samantha Lewin, Esq. TARKINGTON, O’NEILL, BARRACK & 3 CHONG A Professional Corporation 4 201 Mission Street, Suite 710 San Francisco, CA 94105 5 Tel.: 415-777-5501/707-576-1380 Fax: 415-546-4962/707-544-3144 Copy on e-service: 6 Email: 7 8 Andrew M. Lauderdale, Esq. Attorneys for Defendant HARTSUYKER STRATMAN & QUINN MCLAUGHLIN 9 WILLIAMS-ABREGO One Almaden Blvd., Suite 400 10 San Jose, CA 95113 Tel.: 408-271-5325 11 Fax: 408-271-5301 Email: 12 Matthew C. Jaime, Esq. Attorneys for Defendant 13 MATHENY SEARS LINKERT & JAIME, LLP CHRISTOPHER GUEVARA 3638 American River Drive 14 Sacramento, CA 95864 Tel.: 916-978-3434 x 129 15 Email: 16 Mary Childs, Esq. Attorneys for Defendants YOKA & SMITH EMMANUEL THOMAS, BOBBY 17 445 South Figueroa Street, 38th Floor KARKI, DEREK KING and JOHN Los Angeles, CA 90071 DYLAN LEITCH 18 Tel.: 213-427-2300 Email: Copy on e-service: 19 20 21 John R. Brydon, Esq. Attorneys for Defendant Derek H. Lim, Esq. BRAD VISACKI 22 Shannon Mallory, Esq. DEMLER, ARMSTRONG & ROWLAND, LLP 23 1350 Treat Boulevard, #400 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 24 Tel.: 415-949-1900 Email: 25 26 27 28 2 SERVICE/MAILING LIST 1030248\305642115.V1 1 Julie Azevedo, Esq. Attorneys for Defendant Shawn Toliver, Esq. JORDAN KEIICHI TAKAYAMA 2 Janet H. Leader, Esq. LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH 3 2185 N. California Blvd., Suite 300 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 4 Tel.: 925-357-3456 Tel.: 925-478-3260 Copy on e-service: 5 Email: 6 7 Alan F. Hunter, Esq. Attorneys for Defendant Elizabeth G. Landess, Esq. RAFAEL GARCIA, JR. 8 Jack T. Bussell, Esq. GAVIN CUNNINGHAM & HUNTER 9 1530 The Alameda, Suite 210 San Jose, CA 95126 10 Tel.: 408-294-8500 Fax: 408-294-8596 11 Email: 12 Patrick R. Ball, Esq. Attorneys for Defendant Idin Kashefipour, Esq. MOISES TENORIO GARCIA 13 MESSNER REEVES LLC 10866 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 800 14 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Tel.: 310-909-7440/949-612-9136 15 Fax: 310-889-0896 Email: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 SERVICE/MAILING LIST 1030248\305642115.V1