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  • In Re: Ruth BanegasName Change document preview
  • In Re: Ruth BanegasName Change document preview


IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA RUTH BANEGAS ) Petitioner ) Civil Action File ) File No. 20FM8162 Vv: ) ) ERICK MARTINEZ ) Respondent ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF SPECIAL PROCESS SERVER Personally, appeared before the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths in the state of New York, Sam Christiansen, who having been duly sworn, deposes and states as follows: 1am Sam Christiansen, I am over twenty-one (21) years of age and a citizen of the State of New York. I am nota felon. I am a non-party to this action and I am not related by employment or otherwise to Petitioner, Petitioner's attorney or Respondent, in the above styled case. AFFIANT FURTHER SA VETH NOT. This 23,4 day of edrudr. 2022. Ay EF — AFFIANT Sworn to and subscribed before me this 234 day of February, 2022. Lk Notary Public SSS OFFICIAL SEA SSS L NICOLLE C. CHRISTIANS Ist Notary Public-New Yon we 01CH6408751 ‘ommission Expi PTEMBER 08, 20 "Zep SSSSS ELK!