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  • Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb, D/B/A Christiana Trust, Not Individually But As Trustee For Hilldale Trust v. Frederick E Smith A/K/A FREDERICK SMITH, The Brooklyn Group, Llc, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York City Transit Adjudication Bureau, John Doe, Jane Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb, D/B/A Christiana Trust, Not Individually But As Trustee For Hilldale Trust v. Frederick E Smith A/K/A FREDERICK SMITH, The Brooklyn Group, Llc, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York City Transit Adjudication Bureau, John Doe, Jane Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb, D/B/A Christiana Trust, Not Individually But As Trustee For Hilldale Trust v. Frederick E Smith A/K/A FREDERICK SMITH, The Brooklyn Group, Llc, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York City Transit Adjudication Bureau, John Doe, Jane Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb, D/B/A Christiana Trust, Not Individually But As Trustee For Hilldale Trust v. Frederick E Smith A/K/A FREDERICK SMITH, The Brooklyn Group, Llc, New York City Environmental Control Board, New York City Transit Adjudication Bureau, John Doe, Jane Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


INDEX NO. 521631/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 40 e @ RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/19/2019 At an JAS Term, Part FRE Ie the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of KINGS, at the Court House at 360 Adams Street, Brgoklyn, New York, on the day of a PRESENT: HON. HON. NOACH DEAR JS.C. STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS WILMINGON SAVINGS FUNDS SOCIETY, FSB, D/B/A CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT INDIVIDUALLY BUT AS TRUSTEE FOR HILLDALE TRUST, ORDER DISCONTINUING THE ACTION Plaintiff, WITHOUT PREJUDICE AND -vs- CANCELLING NOTICE OF PENDENCY Index # 5 521631/2018 02 BLOCK: 3457 LOT: 58 FREDERICK E. SMITH A/K/A FREDERICK SMITH; THE BROOKLYN GROUP, LLC; NEW YORK CITY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL BOARD; NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT ADJUDICATION BUREAU; NEW YORK CITY PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU; “JOHN DOE” AND “JANE DOE” said names being fictitious, it being the intention of Plaintiff to designate any and all occupants of premises being foreclosed herein, Defendants. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 81 GRANITE STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11207 THIS MATTER having been opened to the Court by way of Motion filed by FEIN, SUCH & CRANE, LLP, attorneys for the Plaintiff for an Order (1) Discontinuing the current action without prejudice and (2) canceling the Notice of Pendency filed in the KINGS County Clerk’s Office on OCTOBER 26, 2018 and the Additional Notices of Pendency filed on NOVEMBER 16, 2016 and MARCH 1, 2019 pursuant to RPAPL §1331, and the Court having considered the supporting papers, any opposition filed thereto, and oral argument, if any, and it appearing that Plaintiff is entitled to the relief requested and for other good cause shown; 1 of 2 INDEX NO. 521631/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 40 @ @ RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/19/2019 ORDERED, that the Plaintiff's motion is granted in its entirety, and it is further, ORDERED, that the above entitled action, and all causes of action alleged therein, and any and all counterclaims and cross claims, be and the same hereby are discontinued, and it is further, ORDERED, that the action filed on OCTOBER 26, 2018 and the Additional Notices of Pendency filed on NOVEMBER 16, 2016 and MARCH 1, 2019 pursuant to RPAPL §1331 be and is hereby is discontinued without prejudice due to the loan being paid in full and it is further, ORDERED, that the County Clerk of KINGS County is directed, upon payment of proper fees, if any, to cancel and discharge a certain Notice of Pendency filed in this action on OCTOBER 26, 2018 and the Additional Notices of Pendency filed on NOVEMBER 16, 2016 and MARCH 1, 2019 pursuant to RPAPL §1331 against real property known as Block 3457 and Lot 58 and also known as 81 GRANITE STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11207, and said Clerk is hereby directed to enter upon the margin of the record of the same a Notice of Cancellation referring to this Order; and it is further, ORDERED, that the Clerk of the County of KINGS be served a copy of this Order with Notice of Entry. ENTER, HON. Supreme Court Justice FILED HON NOAC EAR JUN 49 2019 KINGS COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE 2 of 2