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  • Yotrio International VS Jenkins Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Yotrio International VS Jenkins Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Yotrio International VS Jenkins Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Yotrio International VS Jenkins Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Yotrio International VS Jenkins Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Yotrio International VS Jenkins Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Yotrio International VS Jenkins Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Yotrio International VS Jenkins Unlimited Civil document preview


DRU ANNE KEEGAN, ESQ. Gate Bar No. 157076) FILED AL BY FAX KEEGAN & ASSOCIATES AMEDA COUNTY Attomeys at Law September 2009 28, San San Jose. Californie Jose, California 95112 : rueByR aES court Lvs) Telephone:> (408)297-9986 ¥ Rosanne Case, Deputy Facsimile: (408)297-9978 CASE NUMBER: RG08422174 AttorneyforDefendants/Cross-Complainants 7) JAMES CAMERON andNICOLE JENKINS Dn “I SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Oo IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA {UnlimitedJurisdiction] YOTRIO INTERNATIONAL, L.L.C., CASE NO: RG08422174 ee Plaintiff, NICOLE JENKINS’ OPPOSITION TO YOTRIO INTERNATIONAL, L.L.C.’s ee v. MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES TO FIRST SET OF REQUESTS ee JAMES CAMERON JENKINS, NICOLE FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS AND DOCUMENT PRODUCTION AND FOR ee JENKINS, and DOES 1-50, inclusive, MONETARY SANCTIONS ae ee JAMES CAMERON JENKINS andNICOLE JENKINS, Date: October13,2009 Time: 3:15p.m. ee : Dept: 24 Cross-Complainants, Won. Patrick Zika ee v. eeet YOTRIO INTERNATIONAL, L.L.C., et JIANGPING XIE, JIANGYONG XIE, ee JIANGQIANG XIE,and ROES 1-50, inclusive, Cross-Defendants. Ne 31 East Julian St, San Jose, California 95112 & ASSOCIATES Defendant/Cross-Complaimant NICOLE JENKINSopposesPlaintiff/Cross-Defendant YOTRIO INTERNATIONAL, LLC’s (hereinafter, “YOTRIO”)Motionto CompelFurtherResponsestoFirst Setof Phone: (408} 297-9986 RequestsforProduction of Documentsand for Monetary Sanctions asfollows: bt SOD itt KEEGAN nN NICOLE JENKINS’ OPPOSITION TO YOTRIO’S MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS 1 Lyd 8/66-/62-80r7 SHALVIDOSSV8 NYSFIdY dee:zo60 gzdes 1 I.INTRODUCTION 2 The instant motionpertains to17document requests servedbymailonNICOLE JENKINS 3 ||Ghereinafter, “NICOLE”)on oraboutApril3, 2009. YOTRIO requested thesame documentsfrom NICOLE’S 4 | husband, JAMES CAMERON JENKINS(hereinafter, collectively “the JENKINS”),andfiled an identical motion 5 jj against him aswell.JAMES CAMERON JENKINS submitshis own opposition tothepresent motion, 6 || mirroring this briefinall relevant aspects. 7 As set forthbelow,YOTRIO’Sdocument requests were andremainoverbroadandcallfordocuments 8 ||protected framdisclosure byrecognized privilege. Accordingly, theyrespectfully request thattheCourt 9 || deny YOTRIO’smotions andawardthem monetarysanctions. 10 TI.BACKGROUND 11 YOTRIO’Smotion concerns17documentrequests generally secking all documents relating to:(2) 12 | Bond Manufacturing Company, a non-party tothisaction; (6) The JENKINS’personal bank account 13 || statements; (7)TheJENKINS’personal telephonerecords; (10) The JENKINS’cross-claims; (13) The 14 || JENKINS’ presentemployment;(14) contracts betweenThe JENKINS’andBond Manufacturing Company; 15 || (6) The JENKINS’federal andstate taxreturns; (17) The JENKINS’travel expenses; (18) The JENKINS’ 16 ||attorney’s fees; (19)The JENKINS’ moving expenses; (21) The JENKINS legal right towork intheUnited 17 | States; (22 27)communicationsbetweenTheJENKINS’and YOTRIC’Scustomers; and (28) The JENKINS’ 18 || ownership of BondManufacturing Company. 19 ‘The JENKINS’ servedtheir responses tothedocument requests on May6, 2009.The FENKINS’ 20 }| interposed objections tosome of the requests, butagreedtoproduceallrelevant, non-privileged documents 21 |)intheir possession, custody or control. Afterinitially meetingandconferring, andsubsequently producing 22 | all relevant, non-privileged documents, YOTRIO filedthe presentmotions, withouranyfurther attemptsto 23 |l meet and confer.Thereafter, YOTRIO requestedthat JAMES drophisdiscovery motionagainst YOTRIO 41 East Julian St., San Jose, California y5i12 24 || which was set tobe heardon October6, 2009, in return fora dismissal of the present motions. Counselfor ASSOCIATES 25 || the JENKINS refusedtodismiss JAMES’discovery motion,and accordingly, thepresent motionswerekept Bhone: (408) 297-9986 26 | on calendar. See, Declaration of DruAnne KeeganinOppositiontoYotrioInternational, L-L.C.’s Motion KEEGAN & 27 | toCompel Further ResponsestoFirstSet of Requests forProductionofDocuments andDocument RinneWranre renee rae et wn Seems. Boreron Deena cems ea Brarmer nan Doninietian ac Racmsasre 2 Zid 9/66-/ 62-807 SALVIOOSSV 8 NVSDSA™M dor:zo60 gzdes 1} ProductionandforMonetarySanctions (hereinafter, “Keegan Decl.”), {] 7, Exhibit“C.”” 2 TH. ARGUMENT 3 A. YOTRIO’S DEMANDS CLEARLY EXCEED THE PERMISSIBLE SCOPE OFDISCOVERY 4 The scopeof discovery is limited tomatters thatarenotprivileged and that are“relevant tothe 5 || subject matter involvedinthependingaction or tothedetermination of anymotionmade inthataction, if 6 ||thematter is itself admissible inevidenceorappearsreasonably calculated toleadtothediscovery of 7 || admissible evidence.” C.C.P.§2017.010(emphasis supplied). Here,YOTRIO’Sdocument requests far 8 ||exceedthescopeof permissible discovery inthat theyseekinformation pertaining toprivileged matters, 9 ||including information protected fromdisclosure bytheCalifornia constitution. Forthereasonssetforth 10 || below, theCourtshoulddeny themotionandaward sanctions toNICOLE. 11 1. The Scope of Discovery isLimited totheParties’ Claims 12 YOTRIO filed its Complaintagainst husband.andwife,JAMESJENKINSand NICOLEJENKINS on or 13 | about November 25,2008. The Complaint generally alieges thatJAMESbreachedemploymentduties owed 14 | toYOrRIO andthatthe JENKINS usedYOTRIO’S fundsfornon-business purposes. By all accounts, NICOLE 15 | JENKINS’ roleinthis litigation wasminimal.On January 26,2009,theJENKINS answered and filed a cross- 16 |} complaint against YOTRIO and its individual principals, thethreeXLEbrothers.TheCross-Complaint 17 | alleges, inter alia, that YOTRIO andits principals failed to payJAMESthemoney theyagreedtopaywhen they 18 || bought JAMES’shareof the company. 19 Accordingly, discovery is limited to those claimspresented intheComplaintand Cross-Complaint, 20 } totheextent not privileged orotherwise protectedfromdisclosure. 21 2. Scope ofDocument Requests 22 By contrast, YOTRIO’Sdocument requests substantially exceedthescopeofdiscovery by secking 23 |}information related tothe JENKINS’ personal bankaccounts, phone records, taxreturns, coatracts with a Fast Julian St., San Jose, California 95112 & ASSOCIATES 24 | Bond Manufacturing Co.,attorneys’ fees, andtravel and movingexpenses. As discussed inmore detail 25° || below, many ofYOTRIO’s documentdemands impermissibly inquire into subjects protected by privilege, one: (408) 297-9986 26 }tprivacy protection, and other prohibitions on discovery. ItshouldbenotedthattheJENKINS havenot KEEGAN 27 | altogether refusedtoproducedocuments,andindeed, haveproduced documentsinresponsetodemands Renae _ Rainrins ra Ceaannr Brmrirep BoeMnners TA RENTIZET BAR PRANCTION NF NOCUMENTS 3 er'd 8/66-/62-80r7 SHALVIOOSSV8 NVYOIFWY dov:zo60 gzdes nos.2,13and 14.Keegan Decl., ff] 4 -6, 9; Exhibits “A - B”. As totheremaining requests, the JENKINS wishtopreservetheir objections. Keegan Decl., |] 9. 3. PrivacyProtection When privacytights areasserted, theparty seekingdiscovery mustshow aparticularized needforthe confidential information sought.The broad“relevancy tothesubject matter”standard isztenough. The Courtmustbe convincedthat theinformation isdirectly relevant toa cause of action ordefense... £2,that it is ersenféad to determining thetruthofthematters indispute.Harris v.SuperiorCourt (Smets) (1992)3 Cal.App.4th 661,665 (emphasis supplied). Moreover,discovery will not beorderedif the information soughtisavailable fromothersourcesorthroughless intrusive means. Allenv.Superior CourtSierra) 10 (1984)151CalApp.3d447,449. TheJENKINS objected todocument demands nos.6, 7, 16—19,21,and i 28on thegroundthatthesedemandsseckinformation protected from disclosure by theresponding parties’ 12 tight of privacy andconfidentiality undertheCalifornia andU.S.constitutions. Demands nos.6 and16—19 13 all requestdocumentspertaining to financial matters clearly within theconstitutional privacy protection. 14 Specifically, demand no.6 requests “AllDOCUMENTS RELATING TO YOUR bankaccount statements fromJanuary1, 2006 tothepresent.”A cight of privacy exists astoa party's confidential 16 financial affairs, evenwhen theinformation soughtisadmittedly relevant tothelitigation. Cobb v.Superior 17 Court(1979)99 Cal. App.3d543,550.Moreover,theconstitutional privacyprotection extendsto 18 “confidential customerinformation whatever form it takes, whetherthatformbe taxreturns, checks, statements, or other accountinformation.” Fortunato v.SuperiorCourt(Ingrassia) (2003)114Cal.App.4th 475,480(emphasisinoriginal). Accordingly, thedocumentssoughtarewithin the“zone” of privacy as described inFortunato.Likewise, demand no.16seeksdocumentsrelating tothe JENKINS’ federal andstate taxreturns, which arealso clearly within thezone of privacy described by Fortunato. Demand no. 7seeksdocumentspertaining to theJENKINS’phonerecords. JENKINS’phone records au East Julian St., San Jose, California 95112 clearly contain significant private information evenif not related topersonal finances.California courts & ASSOCIATES 25 haverepeatedly recognized thattherecords of phonecalls made toandfroma certain number areprotected Phone: (408) 297-9986 26 by theCalifornia constitution, Art.I,§ 13.See, eg.Peoplev.Blair (1979) 25 Cal.3d640, 654 ~655;Peoplev. Larkin(1987) 194 Cal. App.3d 650,654. KEEGAN 27 Attica © Terie Oonnerrias Ta voroia'S Maronta Cover Proture Prepawers TA Bnetrap Donnncrinn ni NOCMENTS 4 rid 9/66-/ 62-807 SALVIOOSSV 8 NVSDSA™M dor:zo60 gzdes Demands nos.17— 19requestall documents pertaining totravel expenses, attorneys’ feesand moving expenses. As consumcrfinancial information, eachof these categories ofdocuments islikewise entitled to privacy protection. See,ag,Alchv.Superior Court (TimeWarner Entertainment Co.)(2008) 165 Cal.App.4th 1412,1423. Demand no. 21requests all documents pertaining totheJENKINS’right towork intheUnitedStates. The JENKINScontendtheir immigrationstatus, asidefromits completelackof relevance tothesubject matterandthusoutside thescopeof permissible discovery, is a highly personalandconfidential matter whichtheyshouldnotbe compelledtodisclose. Finally, Demand no.28requests all documents pertaining to theJENKINS’ ownershipof Bond 10 Manufacturing Company. Thisdemand alsoclearly implicates their financial investments, whichiswithin 11 theconstitutional privacyprotection. 12 4. Overbroad,Burdensome and OppressiveRequests 13 ‘The JENKINS’ further objected todemands nos.2, 6 — 7,10, 16 — 19, 21 —28 onthegroundsthatthe 14 demands areoverbroad, burdensome,andoppressive. Many of these demands are overbroadbecausethey 15 areunlimited astoscopeand astotime, such asDemand no.2, which requests “AllDOCUMENTS 16 RELATING TO BOND [Manufacturing Company].”Othersareoverbroadbecause theyareextremely i7 overinclusive, suchasDemand no.6,requesting all documents relating tobankaccountstatements forthe 18 last threeyears, andno.7,requesting all phone records forthesame period. Likewise, Demands nos.16— 19 19(taxreturns, travel and movingexpenses, and attomeys’ feesforthelast three vears), 21(documents 20 pertaining tothe JENKINS’ legal right towork intheUnitedStates), 22~ 27(all documents pertaining to 21 communicationswithWal-Mart, Menards,GroceryOutlet, Inc., Garden Ridge,Stonehaven Group of 22 Companies,andAMA, Ine.for thepastthreeyears), and 28(all documentspertaining tothe JENKINS’ alleged ownershipof BondManufacturing Company withoutLimitation asto time) acesubstantially # East Julian St. San Jose, California 95112 24 overbroadandif existing, wouldbe comprisedof documents notrelevant tothisaction. & ASSOCIATES 25 Moreover,becauseofthevolumeof documentsthat potentially couldfall within these broad hone: (408) 297-9986 26 categories, collecting, reviewingandproducingthese recordswouldbe extremely burdensomeand KEEGAN 27 oppressive, especially inightoftheminimalvalue of thedocumentstotheinstant litigation. Riant o Eran? Onnnernan Ta van @ Marinastn Cnniper Provure Recenners Th Rrnteer rar PRAneTinn Ag DNACTIMENTS 5 gid 8/66-/672-807 SHALVIDOSSV8 NYSAAY di ¢:z0 6097 des 1 5. Relevance 2 The JENKINSobjectedtoDemands nos.2,6 —7, 10, 13, 14,16 -19,and 21— 28on thegroundthat 3 |{ the documentsrequested arenotwithinthescopeof permissible discovery because theycallfor information 4 || not relevant tothesubject matterof this actionandareneither themselves admissible inevidencenordo 5 || they appear to bereasonably calculated to lead tothediscoveryofadmissible evidence. Emblematicof 6 || YOTRIO’S searchforirrelevant information is its request fordocumentspertaining tothe JENKINS’ tight to 7 | workin theUnited States(Demand no.21).The JENKINS’immigration status andrighttoworkareinno 8 || way implicated byany of the claims or cross-claims, and areinnoway enforceable byYOTRIO ina private 9 ||civil action. Suchinformation isrequested solely forthepurposeof harassment, andshouldnotbe 10 || endorsed by theCourt. li Likewise, YOTRIC’Sunlimited requests (eg,all documents relating toBond Manufacturing, without 12} limitation; phonerecords; all documents relating to contracts between BondManufacturingandthe 13 || JENKINS, ef)significantly exceedthescopeof permissible discovery inthat theycall fordocuments far 14 || beyond thescopeof thesubject matter of this litigation or thedetermination of anymotionherein.C.C.P.§ 15 | 2617.010. 16 Inaddition, YOTRIO’sdemand fordocumentspertaining tothe JENKINS’ current employment 17 j| Demand no.13)is not relevant tothesubject matter of thelitigation or the determination of anymotion 18 || herein. YOTRIO hascomplainedthattheJENKINS’ breachedvariousduties arising fromtheir employment 19 ff arrangement withYOTRIO. Thatrelationship no longer exists, andasa tesult, theidentity of,aswellas 20 I documentspertaining to the JENKINS’ current employerarenotrelevant toYOTRIO’saction, thecross- 21°jf action, or anymotion. 22 6. NonspecificDemands z 23 The JENKINSobjected to Demands nos.2and 10on thegroundthatthedemandsarefartoo a