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  • E.P., Infant Under The Age Of 14 Years, By Her Father And Natural Guardian, Jorge Luis Perez And Jorge Luis Perez, Ind. v. The City Of New York, The Board Of Education, The Department Of Education Of The City Of New York Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 10/09/2018 03:50 PM INDEX NO. 519659/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/09/2018 F rom o1fas/ gnt't 12>04 #B28 P.002 Q02 SNPREMR COURT OF THE $TATE OF NEW YORK CO UNTY OF NEW YORK ST ATT,MENT OF AUTRORTEATION FOR E' ACTRONIC ISING (Single Attorney for Firm Employee or hdependent FHing Agent) T, ÎSingoh Esq.,(attomey RegistrationNo. ) ata as authoriseduser ofthe NY$CBF systems (unct ID:ÒTownkY19 M. acknowledge ). I hereby that 2Amaican Clelal (uthe has registered as a fillag agcat gathothed us9r of the $lis:gagnat") NYSCHF system (userF ), Forther I herebyauthorise agent the filing to file im dee::::e::ts my behair and st mydirecton matter in any e-filed in whichI em conoselof record throughthe New York State CourtsB1ect ron io Fiff as system,as provided inSeelkm 202Ab(d)(1) of the Unifonn Rules forthe TrialCourts, This authñr.::ff ort extends to may matterin whichI have previouslyeé:ma--I to o-tUingand to whlah any 7natter is 1 may authorizeute f iting agen t to record my consentinthe NYSCEF system. This au4orization filing extends n any and a11docuraentsI generate and submit to the fl!ing agent forfilf og in any such matter.Thf o posted uthorization, once an the NYSCEF website as to cash matterin which I am counsel aball of record, be deemed to accompany anydocument filedinthat matter by agent, the filing Whare a Se:=;=: intendedfor f illag includesscoure information as set fbrth inthe B-FilingRules,I willnotifythe filing as at and direct the filing agentto mark thatdocument Secure in the NY5Cf5F systettt I furnitor endorize ager t to view the filing such Socate documents thatI havefliedor thatI generateami submit tothe filing agent 63r filing in any suchmatter. This e WJi in ftling agentshaH continec untilI revokeitin wrifugon a escrib eliveredto * Center. alin ; Resource Signatur's Dated PrintN to Stmet Addreen Firm/Department City,Stateand tipCode Phone E-Mail ddress 1 of 1