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  • Andrews VS Andrews Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Andrews VS Andrews Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Andrews VS Andrews Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Andrews VS Andrews Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Andrews VS Andrews Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Andrews VS Andrews Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Andrews VS Andrews Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Andrews VS Andrews Unlimited Civil document preview


Ty =) _ we , . a _ CM-110. ATTORNEY OR-PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name; State Bar numbér, and address): ee Wallace C. Doolittle; Esq. (#158116) James P. Downs (139489) LAW. OFFICES: ‘OF: WALLACE C.DOOLITTLE © 1260:B Street, Suite 220, Hayward, CA 94541 TELEPHONE NO! 510/888-0600. FAX NG. (Options): 510/888-0606 FILED E-MAIL ADDRESS (Opiiona): dOolittiew @ doolittlelaw:com AL AMED A COUNTY ATTORNEY.FOR (Name): Plaintiff/Amanda Andrews:aka Amanda Kaufman — . SUPERIOR:COURT.OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA stkeet aboness’ 1225 Fallon St. Nov 1 D-2017 MAILING ADDRESS: 1225 Fallon St. A Lo civ ano ziP.Co0E: Oakland, CA 94612 ; oe lope BRANCH NAME: Rene.C. Davidson 2 a aa . : “PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: -AMANDA.ANDREWS py ; DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: JASON ANDREWS: ; CASE: MANAGEMENT: STATEMENT : {Check one): (¥] UNLIMITED ‘CASE | EIMITED.CASE- i . ‘ (Amount'demanded (Amount-demanded is: $25,000 H exceeds $25,000) or less): : A: CASE MANAGEMENT. CONFERENCE i is'scheduled as. follows: 28, 2017 ‘Date: November Time: 9:15 :a:m. Dept: 15 Divi oa! Address of court (if different.from the address above): . LZ3 Notice of ntaott-Anpar by Telephone, ‘by (name): Wallace C. Boole:eames Downs b. con This statement is submitted jointly. by patties (names): 2. Complaint and cross-complaint. (to. be. aniswered: by: plainiiffs. and: CLOSS-COr a. The’ comple aint was filed on (date): 06/06/201 7 . b. CC The cross-complaint, ‘if any, was: filed: on:(date): 3, Service (to be:answered by: plaintifs: and: cross-complainants: only) a a Ce All parties: naimied in the complaint’ and cross:complaint. have:been: served, havea smissed, : b. [1] The. following:parties:named in'the:co plaint'or cross-complaint : os (1): a ‘have not. been:served: ‘(specify'r names and explain: why: not): (2) [] have been served. but. have: not appeared. and have no seen disd nissed (specify (3): co have-had-a default enteréd against them (specify naines): c. a The: following additional parties maybe added, (specify names, nature’ of involvemen they. mayibe served): 4. Description.of:case. _.. i a. Type of case:in’ Ww complaint Co ‘cross-complaint (Describe, including Ga Breach-of dral.and written: contract, ‘bresach of covenant of. good: faith and fair déa misrepresentation, étial. related: to defendant Ss: ‘sale of real property’ in: which plait foriAdopled to Manav Judicial Council of Califomia SSS CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT. CM-110 (Rey. July-1, 2071} pe re oad a -CM-110 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: AMANDA. ANDREWS ue “ DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: JASON: ANDREWS ‘4: by Provide a. brief. statement of the case, including any ‘damages. “(if personal injury di 1a dama es claimed, mean medical expenses to date’, ei indicate: Source, and’ amour misrepresentation, et al. telated to defendant’ '§ sale’ of. Teal: property in.whic k interest:--: damages in excéss of $250,000 woe 6. Juty orn onjury trial The party parties request ral ajurytial CL) a sonia trial. name.of each party requesting. a jury trial): mae Re H ' 6 ‘ a. [2] The tral has been set for (date): : ae - b. a No tal date: has been.Set: This case willibe ready for trial within:12 months of the date:of the fil ng of the complaint(if c. Dates: ‘on:nWhich parties or attorneys will not be available fot trial.eoecne inavailability): 7. trea length. of trial orz 7] days (specify imbén) Ai b = hourss.(shor causes) (specify): 8. Trial representation (to be answered! for each party): The 'party:or’parties: will: be represented. at tral tw by'the’ attorney:or pai by the followirigs as Attorney: b:. Firm: c. Address: - : ‘ d.. Telephone ‘number: : ‘ . E-maibaddress: ‘LET additional: representation is described iin. Attachment 8: 9. Preference: (_-]. ‘This case-is entitled to preference (specify code section): 10. Alternative: ‘dispute: resolution: (ADR) ‘a. ADR information packag Face note: that different ADR: ‘process: (1) For parties reptesetited by ‘counsel: Counsel [om] has: co has not. Prov ‘in tiile.3.221 to.the client and reviewed ADR options’ with:the:client. ‘b. Referral: to:> judicial arbitration or civil action:mediation (if available). (1) (__] This mattér:is subject to:mandatory judicial:arbitration under‘ Code ‘of Civil: ‘Thediation-under-Cede of Givil Procediire section.1775.3 because:th the } Statutory limit:. Lo (2) ft] ‘Plaintiff-elects: to refer this case to: judicial: arbitration and agrees to i Civil: ‘Procedure section 4441. 41. (3) £_] This case is ‘exempt from judicial arbitration under rule 3.811 of the:California‘Rulés , mediation: under: C20de:of Civil Procedure section. A775.etseq: (8p city. tic +CM-140 (Rev, July", 2011] Page 2 of & C , @ ‘ . @ . | PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: AMANDA ANDREWS PEFENDANTIRESPONDENT JASON ANDREWS - The party or parties completing this form are willing to : participate-in the following ADR indicate the: status of the »! processes (oheck: all.that: apply): stipulation): OE TH - (4) Mediation ra (2) Settlement | . Ta conference . - 3) Neutral evaluation al tidtit (4) Nonbinding judicial} = ’ arbitration: “Agiéed to co Judicial arbitr (8). Bindingprivate |. * Cy arbitration i ’ ree © Other (specty: =| ©. CS CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT CM-110 [Rev: July 4; 2014] “ Page sors _ PLAINTIFE/PETITIONER: AMANDA. ANDREWS DEFENDANTRESPONDENT: _JASON ANDREWS: 44. Insurance a. Co Insurance‘carrier, if. -any, for party filing this statement (name)? b. Reservation of rights: [J Yes £1] No -EQ Coverage issues’ wil significantly. affect résolution: of: this case: | > (explain): 12: Jurisdiction ; Indicate any:matters that may affect the: court's jurisdiction:or processing. of. this. case and de scribe:th | Bankruptcy L_] Other. (specify): Status: 13. Related cases, ; consolidation, and coordination [_] There‘are companion, underlying, of related cases. ay Narvié-of case’. (2) Name’of court? (3);Case number: * (4) Status: [__] Additional'caSes are:described:in Attachment: 13a; b. []Amotion'to [__] consolidate [2]: coordinate:. will be fled by (0 ; 14. Bifurcation f] ‘The: party or parties: intend ‘to-file.a motion for'an order: bifurcating, § séver 3 of. causes‘of action: (specify moving party, type Of: motion, and reasons): ces 15, Other motions o : | The’ ‘party: or patios expectto: fle the: following: motions before trial: (spect moving party type of moti al 16. Discovery’ a. (_] The party or parties have: | completed all: discovery. : , b. bv] The following: discovery: will be, completed: by the date specified. (describe all ‘Party. en an Description Defendants | . _ Written:Discovery. Deféndanits | Depositionsof percipient Defendants ce LJ] The’ following discovery: issues, including iissues regarding 1‘the: discovery: of. elect onic ally’ ste : ‘anticipated (speciy):' 4 4 * OM-140'[Rev. July 4,72017) i . _CM-110 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: AMANDA ANDREWS — DEFENDANTRESPONDENT; JASON ANDREWS. 1 17.. Economic: litigation: a. cE] This isa limited civil case-(i.e., the amount demanded:is:$25;000 or less). and the econdémic i : —* Civil Procedure sections 90-98: wil apply tto this: case: i Teaver wilkbe-fi led (if checked, explain: spectively why: economic Itigatior Should not apply to: this case): 18. Otherissues ral The party or parties. request thatthe’ ‘following additional matters-be consideredss ‘det lanagement conference (specify): Defendant has filed.a declaration indicating he willbe filing:demur to. complairit- 19. Meet and confer " ae . _ of.the:California.Rules “of Court ‘if not, explain): b. After meeting:and conferring ‘as required by rule 3. PA of the California Rules: of Cou ; th é pi rie (specify): . . + y t ‘ ‘20. Total:number:of pages ‘attached (ifany): ‘lam.completely: familiar with. this case-and. Will bé f as raised: by this statem ‘the: case management: conference,’ including the: ‘written authority: of: the. party whei e ‘Date: November's, 2017 Wallace C: Doolittle, Eq, ee > (TYPE OR PRINT:NAME) * Z ne _ > (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) C4 Additional’ signature are attache CM-140 [Rev. Juty 1, 2014)" : e ‘ 4 1260 nota party to the: within éntitled action. My business address isi eee ‘Hayward; California 94541. : follows and ‘by’ placing: true. copies’ thereof enclosed in séaled e velopes: a addressed as. follows: ; “ Jacqueline. C. Fagerlin, Esq. ‘LO | The. Cardoza.Law: Offices ‘ll. 1407 Oakland:Bivd., Ste. 200 | Walnut Creel, CA 94596-8405 42) business ‘with the United States. Postal Service, I declare: under’ penalty of perjury under’ the laws of the. State forgoing:i is a true and. correct statement-and: that’ ‘this Proof of: on November 15; 2017. . ; 18: 19 20 21. 23 24 |. 25 | 26 2T