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Filing # 30935011 E-Filed 08/17/2015 12:27:14 PM IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. CRIMINAL DIVISION "B" STATE OF FLORIDA, CASE NO. 15MM008106ASB vs. MARIE ANGE ALICE, Defendant / MOTION TO APPOINT EXPERTS TO EVALUATE THE DEFENDANT FOR COMPETENCY TO PROCEED Comes now the Public Defender for the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit, by and through the undersigned Assistant Public Defender, and moves this court, pursuant to SEC.916.12, Fla. Stat.(2005), and Fla R. Crim. P.3.210, to issue an Order appointing experts to evaluate the Defendant for competency to proceed with any material stage of the proceeding and to stay further proceedings pending the further order of this court. In support to this motion undersigned counsel states: 1. Defendant was found incompetent to proceed in April of 2015. 2. Defense counsel sees no reason to believe that Defendant’s mental status has changed. 3. Undersigned counsel certifies that this motion is made in good faith and on reasonable grounds to believe that the Defendant is incompetent to proceed. WHETEIOFE, UHUEISIZiEd COUTSE Tespecitully requests that this Motion to Appoiiit Experts to Evaluate the Defendant for Competency to Proceed be granted. FILED: PALM BEACH COUNTY, SHARON R. BOCK, CLERK, 08/17/2015 12:27:14 PMState vs. MARIE ANGE ALICE Motion Appoint Experts Page 2 Respectfully submitted, CAREY HAUGHWOUT Public Defender 15th Judicial Circuit 421 3rd St. Winot Dalen Danah BT 22401 WOSL rail DCAC, PL JI4UL (561) 355-7500 JESSICA ZIEHLER Assistant Public Defender Bar No.: 0112308 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy hereof has been emailed to , Assistant State Attorney, Division “B”, 401 N. Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 to the following email address CCDIVB@SA15.ORG on this day of August, 2015. bm GE Tacciea Ziehler Assistant Public Defender