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  • Marie J. Frederique v. Renaldo W. Graham, Edward W. Wright Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Marie J. Frederique v. Renaldo W. Graham, Edward W. Wright Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


INDEX NO. 521471/2018 F DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/06/2020 At the Centrai Compliance Part of The Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of Kings, at the Courthouse located at 360 dams Street, Brooklyn, New York on. the day of Spurl 20 PRESENT: _( Colo my ee aX CAL. NO. 27 mreie FREDER IQUE Plaintiff(s), CENTRAL COMPLIANCE PART CONFERE! NCE ORDER -against- INDEX No. 5 2/ EUs | r9 8 f 01 ON DEFAULT CHRAHAM ) ETAL Defendant(s) X ON CONSENT AFTER ORAL ARGUMENT Plaintiff to provide all outstanding authorizations within twenty (20) days. (Enumerate if necessary on Page 2) All outstanding responses woto Disgo eae Inspe ction requests within twenty (20) days. Depositions of must be held on or,before Independent Medical nme to be held on or before a/a6 (within thirty (30) days after the plaintiff's depositions). Defendant to desi peg por(s) by Medical Reports must be exchanged within SA {Ph savn le ex Plaintiff shall file a Note of Issue on or before or action may be dismissed. Plaintiff must comply with the Uniform Rules of Kings County for placipg action on the Calendar. If the Note of Issue is filed prematurely, motions to strike Note of Issue must be made within the time-period required in the CPLR. Further ordered TE a7 be Be Se ov m Ry By 2/op fo RnR €&& do Re wot Bey 2L27 [20 Ti to pe spent Je AS a LLP (Le fetai i LAs Bf 42L cent of AOL failure of any party to exes with the terms of this Order will result in the striking of 4 Bipading: This order does nat constitute a CPLR § 3216 notice. ENTER: cj For Clerk's Use Only a Retracked: O Standard D Complex ~4 se COD Hon. JSS: a 20 L—— x FIRM N, SIGNATURE ATTORNEY FIRM_JPORVDERL (AW DEeE by Dust, Steat aw FOR PLAINTIFF(S) ATTORNEY FIRM LLELLQ by he FOR DEFENDANT(S) az ATTORNEY FIRM by FOR DEFENDANT(S) ATTORNEY FIRM by FOR DEFENDANT(S) ATTORNEY FIRM by FOR DEFENDANT(S) CSICCP-REV 11/2018 lofl