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  • Dr. Stephanie Doniger v. New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, Dr. Joseph Bove, Dr. Christopher Kelly Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Dr. Stephanie Doniger v. New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, Dr. Joseph Bove, Dr. Christopher Kelly Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/18/2019 01:40 PM INDEX NO. 521691/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 . . RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/18/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS DR. STEPHANIE DONIGER, Plaintiff, - against - INDEX NO. 521691/2018 STIPULATION TO EXTEND NEW YORK-PRESBYTERIAN BROOKLYN DEFENDANTS' TIME TO METHODIST HOSPITAL, DR. JOSEPH BOVE, ANSWER OR OTHERWISE and DR. CHRISTOPHER KELLY, in their individual RESPOND TO THE capacities COMPLAINT Defendants. IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by the attorneys for Plaintiff and Defendants New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn MethGdist Hospital, Dr. Joseph Bove and Dr. Christopher Kelly that Defendints' time to answer, move or stherwise respond to Plaintiff s ccsNSs: shall be extended to January 25, 2019. Défcñdants waive any objections to service of the c:n dri Def;nd .nts expressly reserve all other rights and defenses. EPSTEIN BECKER & GREEN, P.C. AKIN LAW GROUP, PLL By: /s/ Brian G. Cesaratto By: James S. Frank imi hutani Brian G. Cesaratto Zafer A. Akin 250 Park Avenue 45 Broadway, Suite 1420 New York, New York 10177 New York, NY 10006 (212) 351-4500 Attorneys fbrPlaintiff Attorneys for Defendant New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, Dr. Joseph Bove, Dr. Christopher Kelly . . . SO ORDERED: 1 of 1