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  • In The Matter Of The Application Of Stephen P. Zaccheo v. The City Of New York, New York City Police Department Torts - Other Negligence (MVA) document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of Stephen P. Zaccheo v. The City Of New York, New York City Police Department Torts - Other Negligence (MVA) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 10/30/2018 11:21 AM INDEX NO. 521780/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/30/2018 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION For Court Clerk Use Only: UCS-840 (7/2012) Supreme COURT, COUNTY OF Kings Judge Assignea Index No: Date Indexissued: Enter the complete case caption.Do not use et al or et ano. If more space is required, bate CAPTION: nder sheet. attach a caotion IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF STEPHEN P. ZACCHEO, Petitioner(s), P!:!nt!"3)/P:titioner(s) THE CITY OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT, Respondent(s). Defendant(s)/Respcadent(s) ÍNATÚRE OF ACTION OR PROCÈEDING: Check ONE box only and specify where indicated. |MATRIMON!AL COMMERC!AL Otontested O BusinessEntity P:!din;; corpórat;óns, partnerships, LLCs, etc.) NOTE: For all Matrimonial actionswhere the padies under have children O Contract and attach the age of 18, complete the MATRIMONIAL RJI Add:ndum. O Insurance(whereinsureris a party, except arbitration) For UncontestedMatrimonial use RJI form actions, UD-13. O UCC (including sales,negotiable|,.:t.::::) TORTS O OtherCommerc!e!: (specify) O Asbestos O ereastImplant NOTE: For Commerciâ|Divisionere!gnmentrequests[22 NYCRR § Q EnvirGamentâ|: complete 202.70(d)], and attach the COMMERCIAL DIV RJI A.ddendum. (specify) REAL PROPERTY: How many properties does the application include? O Medical,Dental, or Podiatric Ma!practice O Condemnation O Motor Vehicle O Mortgage Foreclosure(specify): O Recidentie! O Commerc:ai O ProductsLiability: PropertyAddress: (specify) streetAddress City State Zip O Other NegEg= ,MVA NOTE: For igege Foreclosure actions a one- to four-family, involving (specify) owner-occupied,residential or an owner-occupied property, O Other Professional Malpractice: condominium,cGmp|éte and attach the FORECLOSURE RJI (specify) - Section: Q Tax Certiorari Block: Lot: O Other Tort: O Tax Foreclosure (SP°° O OtherReal Property: (SP®° ) OTHER MATTERS O of incorperst Certificate o t on [see NOTE under CGmmarciâ|] SPECIAL PPDCEED!NGS O emergency Medical Treatment O CPLR Article [see NOTE 75 (A±!tration) under Commercial] O Habeas Corpus O CPLR Article78 (Body or Officer) O Local Court Appeal O Election Law O Mechen!c·s Lien O MHL Article 9.60 (Kendra's Law) O Name Change O MHL Article10 (Sex Offender Confinement-Initial) O Pistol Permit Revocation Hearing Q MHL Article10 (Sex Offender Confinement-Review) O saleor Finance of Religious/Not-for-Profit Property Q MHL Article81 (Guardianship) Q Other: O OtherMental Hygiene: (specify) (specify) O OtherSpecialProceeding: (specify) STATUS OF ACTION OR PROCEEDING: Answer YES or ÑO for EVERYquestionAND enter additional !nf:c:t!::where indicated. YES NO Has a summons and complaintor summons w/noticebeen filed? If yes, date filed: Has a summons and osmp:âintor summons w/noticebeen served? If yes, date served: is this action/proceeding being filed post-judgment? If yes, judgment date: 1 of 2 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 10/30/2018 11:21 AM INDEX NO. 521780/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/30/2018 NATURÈOFsÜÒ L L INTERVENTION: Check ONE box only AND enter edditWnol 5'-s:Sen where indicated O infant·s Comprese O Note of Issue and/or Certificate of Readiness O Notice of Medical, or Podiatric Dental, M 's cEcs Date Issue Joined: O Notice of Motion _ Relief Sought: ReturnDate: O Notice of Petition Relief Sought: ReturnDate: O Order to ShowCause Relief Sought:Di"°Ve'Y ReturnDate: O OtherEx Parte Application Relief Sought: O Poor PersonApplication O Request for Preliminary Conference O Residential Modgage Foreclosure SettlementConference O Writ of Habeas Corpus O Other (specify): CASES- Ust any related actions. For 5':'s± include actions, any related and/or criminal Family Court cases. RELATED If additional space is required, complete the RJi Addendum and attach If none, leave blank. Case Title Index/Case No. |Court |Judge (if assigned) R±E -:: >I p to Instant Case For parties "Un-Rep" number withoutan attomey,check box AND enter phone party address, and e-mail address in space provided. If fr .-:=? space complete is required, and attach the RJi Addendum. Parties: Attai cys and/or Unrepresented Lit!gants: Un- .ssue List parties in caption order and Provide name, attorney firm name,businessaddress,phone number and e-mail Joined Rep indicate party (e.g. deféñdõñ‡; role(s) addressof all attorneys that have appeared in the case. For unrepicconted Carrier(s): 3rd party plaintiff). provide litigants, address,phone number and e-mailaddress. ZACCHEO iUTTNER, ESQ. LEEM. LastName LastName FirstName STEPHEN iUBlN ASSOCIATES,LLP FirstName FirmName . ..... PrimaryRole: 150Broadway,23rdFloor NewYork NewYork 10038 Plaintiff StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): NO F1(212)285-3800 +1 (347)771-8204 Phone Fax e-mail LastName LastName FirstName THECITYOF NEWYORK ZACHARYW. CARTER FirstName FirmName 100CHURCHSTREET NY NewYork Defendant streetAddress City State Zip . SecondaryRole(if any): NO Phone Fax ...___......__...._.___._____. e-mail LastName LastName FirstName NEWYORKCITYPOLICEDEPARTMENT FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: 1000SutterAvenue BROOKLYN NewYork 11208 Defendant StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mail LastName LastName FirstName FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: NewYork Defendant StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mail I AFFIRM UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT, TO MY KNOWLEDGE, OTHER TH AS NOT D ABOVE, THERE ARE AND HAVE BEEN NO RELATED ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS, NOR HAS A REQUEST FOR JUDICI L I RV NTION PREVIOUSLY BEEN FILED IN THIS ACTION OR PROCEEDING. Dated: /7 SIGNATURE 2376697 LEE M. HUTTNER, ESQ. ATTORNEY REGISTRATION NUMBER PRINT OR TYPE NAME PrintFor 2 of 2