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  • The State of Florida vs. Dumas, Diamond Iniki document preview
  • The State of Florida vs. Dumas, Diamond Iniki document preview


3/2/2010 2:33 PM James B. Jett Page 1 Traffic School Affidavit Og cages Z450Y | swear or affirm that, subject to penalty of perjury and possible contempt of. court, I have not elected traffic school at any time during the preceding twelve (12) months, 0 nor more than five 20. times during a Period of of ten. @ 2 years. {do not hold ¢ a commercial driver's tes Oh, ‘understand that non-compliance sh shall c cause ‘the Suaporsiea atin my driver's fie € We option for traffic school, Points will be assessed accordingly against my driver's license anda detoavert will be duc 8 the CITATION ) ] —_ (3 O- a Lar Pet » LO retary Pate! Depa “My commission expires: yet iL 2619 Ee, oe Complete this affidavit only you are. electing the traffic school option, so “SER 11. 2010 _ PROVIDE YOUR TRAFFIC SCHOOL WITH A COPY. oF THis aFriOMliiBOR ENROLLOMENTG °C0.,INC.