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  • CACH LLC vs BRUGES, YEZIO SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview
  • CACH LLC vs BRUGES, YEZIO SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview


IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SARASOTA, MANATEE, AND DeSOTO COUNTIES CASE NO: 7 C2 ONC. CACH LLC vs Jas a Bie Gee 1. 2. Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND ORDER STAYING CASE TO SETTLE all claims and counterclaims of this suit during a mediation conference, the Defendant(s) agree(s) to pay the Plaintiff(s) $ : f og 4 iL , and $ / g. Yt Arrefeuey’ Fers in court costs and $ ¢ ' in interes}for a total of $_ <> ¢ The Defendant(s) agree(s) to pay by: (Please circle) CASH| CHECK Cfoney ORDER. The first payment of $.SOQ. O-0 will be paid on or before Ser. FO, BO Land each subsequent Tit payment of $ Goa c OO) will be paid on or before the oO ____.. of each (Please circle MONTH WEEK thereafter until the total amount indicated above is paid. Payments shall be sent to: Nez 1LeSA- A, FeETa=i SL PA sy FB ¢ 36 S¥ HEU, Because Fr BAKSY -7FE/(L Tec. §6b6- FF 7-AO6 So long as these conditions are met, this lawsuit is stayed and will go no further. If the Defendant(s) complies with the conditions, Plaintiff(s) shall advise to the Court in a written statement and the Court will dismiss the case. If there is a failure to comply with this Agreement, Plaintiff(s) shall be entitled to judgment for the amount above less any payments made, without further notice to the Defendant(s). In order to acquire judgment, Plaintiff(s) must file with the Clerk an affidavit stating under oath in what manner Defendant(s) failed to comply and the amounts properly sought. ZA lf any signing by the parties is an agency/corporate/representatpe individual. at relationship shall be noted by that BREEMENT MOS qe 8/21/01 Plaintiff Date Defendant Date | acknowledge my participation in the parties reaching | hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing this agreement, and | witness their signing of it. has been forward to the parties by hand delivery/mail on the LL (] below noted date. CBANLY owas §& (/O~h _ Mediator * Date Mediator/CDS Program Director © Date APPROVED AND ORDERED Oo , day of , 7 , at the Courthouse/Judicial Center, in Sarasota, Manatee, or DeSo agusthe case from pending settlement. l4a antes, Florida. The Ci FILED IN OPENCOURT THIS 22/9 BAY OF (LMAgurf4 0 O_. eC COURT PUTY CLERK Low — PLAINTIFF PINK ~ DEFE” STL (iin a