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  • JARVIS, ALESHA vs RODELLI, LAURA SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview
  • JARVIS, ALESHA vs RODELLI, LAURA SMALL CLAIMS BETWEEN $500.01-$2,500 document preview


|_| IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA : D<]_IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA ) DIVISION: CASE NUMBER: CIVIL 2007 SC 004597 NC ALESHA JARVIS 4918 72ND STE BRADENTON, FL 34203 =o SARASOTA, FL 34231 (FS \)® CG FINAL JUDGMENT / ORBER IT IS ADJUDGED THAT The Plaintiff recover from the Defendant(s) the principal sum of $ q 1S ~___, with costs of -=~Making a subtotal of $_Q2./.S OQ ———— ‘that shall bear interest of 11% per year and addition prejudgment interest of $ . , (if applicable), for all of the above let xecution issue. Defendant(s) shall complete Florida Small Claims Rules Form 7.343 (Fact Information Sheet) and return it to the Plaintiff or their attorney within 45 days from the date of this order, unless the Final Judgment is satisfied or a Motion for a New Trial or Notice of Appeal is filed. Jurisdiction of this case is retained to enter further orders that are proper to compel the Defendant(s) to complete form 7.343 and return it to Plaintiff. [] This action stands DISMISSED with/without prejudice because Pilaintiff/ooth parties failed to appear/ voluntarily dismissed the action. L] This case is set for pretrial/trial on at . /Any request for postponement must be in writing, scheduled for hearing and upon written notigé to the other party. Dated this 16th day of October 2007. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE | hereby certify that a true copy of the forgoing has been mailed or handed to the parties listed above. Dated this 16th day of October 2007. FILED FOR RECORD STAMESNSN KAREN 6 SHING oS ifs sa IRCUN. COURT -> _ > SoS A DATE) 10/1 G Od ion sy , {@tcionemn 4 pets oO, FILED IN CrEN COURT TH O\ payor ZC _, 200 L. / KAREN. RUSHING, CLERK OF COURT Bo wo | \e cove ‘ BY: Ho MOt ME