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  • SACHEM CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC v. DEPAOLA, MICHAEL Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview
  • SACHEM CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC v. DEPAOLA, MICHAEL Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview


STAY OF EXECUTION APPLICATION - STATE OF CONNECTICUT’ SUMMARY PROCESS JD-HM-21. Rev, 218 SUPERIOR COURT C.GS. §§ 47a-26i, 472-30, 478-35, 472-36, 478-37, 474-38, 472-39 . www. Name and mailing ea wr attorney ADA NOTICE Sachem CAGE 46 The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with Disabilities c/o HiescH Levy ¢ Foavtetn Act (ADA). If you need a reasonable An ) eat accommodation in accordance with the ADA, pnd heen contact a court clerk or an ADA contact person Fim RFE Y, eT obs 4 listed at 4 Name and mailing actfess of defendant or defendant's attorney Instructions to tenant Le "Michael ke f A Fill-out this application and file all three (3) copies / @/ S. Mpaee STR with the clerk of the court location where the judgment was entered. One (1) copy will be SnsT Caray ’ CT o & 026 returned to you showing the date of hearing. L ! d address of plaintiff (landiggd) (If not indicatgd above), E Wen? Cag tdal- sf Dtsch Levy , oa Sete ST. tayesieh . Naine of defendant/applicant (lenanif (if not indicated above) and address (if not indicfled above or if different from location of premises below) Michael’ Repacly 1615. hw J. KAT Eranty CT 06226 Location of premises LY Date of judgment 101 5. man sv kasr Camby CT be Gta (9 To: The Superior Court 7 ce ‘equest that my eviction be delayed (stay of execution of the judgment) because: Z| live in the premises. B. | have tried to find other premises for meand my family somewhere else in my city or town or in a city or town near my city or town in a neighborhood like my neighborhood and cannot find one. / This application is made honestly and | will do whatever the court orders me to do. The eviction was not granted because of nuisance committed or permitted by me or because of the use of or permitting the use of the premises for an immoral or illegal purpose or because | never had a right or privilege to live in the premises. 3. If the eviction was granted because of nonpayment of rent, then within 5 days of the date of judgment, | deposited with the clerk the full arrearage (amount of back rent and/or use and occupancy owed to the landlord) of $ “adhe ane by section 47a-37 of the Connecticut General Statutes; OR Ne lo arrearage exists. (Applicant should bring proof of payment to the hearing.) (Jag WOT Kort Leb b ¥ Co ORL / Provide: explanation of how much time is needed and why: ' 7 2 Live Awe Run a bucves Fiore (proper PLaw Tif £o0eclosed (eer Chae Lord , Zhe 4 “cor, em Lease AWD ZT holem ale JO move sry bas) weds. . FF woulo weed S-é' IS Gripe 70 ftupotly Relocate My Bigpress 0A Sudiee. sosteih ll Telephone number of defendanVapplicant fendanffappligant) Date signed J 300-873-308 | MA rl if Notice of Court Hearing - Stay & Execution Application To: The parties named above The tenant(s) named above has filed an application in this court requesting a stay of execution of the j Judgment shown above, as stated in the application above. The Superior Court will hold a hearing on this application at the Place, Date and Time shown bi not come to the hearing, the court may deny the application. Plac ‘hearing (if different from clerk's office address shown above) . : Date of hearing” Ti 7 Obs Sud SOVvcr Hey CT | 9-1-1 i a= me SN Date “GC: ( S-) > ee Distribution: Original-Court Copy 1-Plaintiff Copy 2 - Defendant/Applicant STAY OF EXECUTION ES 0.00