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  • SACHEM CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC v. DEPAOLA, MICHAEL Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview
  • SACHEM CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC v. DEPAOLA, MICHAEL Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview


SUMMARY PROCESS (EVICTION) STATE OF CONNECTICUT ® PTE ANSWER TO COMPLAINT SUPERIOR COURT LREH- Cv-1760/ JD-HM-S Rev. 12-16 Retum date 09 0 C.GS. §§ 47a-4a, 47a-5, 47a-7, 474-20, 47a-20e, ATa230, 47a-33, 47a-57, 49-31p S- 3 - CZ 2 Name of Plaintiff(s) (Landlord(s)) a Defendartt(s) (Tengnt(s)), y Sachtm Cho jdad KMickacl De pool Judicial ousing Geographic ress of Court (Number, street: and toWn) Cl pistict JAsession [] Area Number at: x $0- Wor Rohn lee &. Harte wd (CT Section 1 — Summary Process (Eviction) Answer OG(0 b (This section does not apply to Special Defenses below) For-each numbered paragraph of the landlord's Complaint, please "x" whether you Agree, Disagree or Do Not Know. 1. Agree [_] Disagree Do Not Know [_] 5. Agree [] Disagree Do Not Know [| 2. Agree [_] Disagree Do Not Know [_] 6.Agree [| Disagree Do Not Know [ | 3. Agree [_] Disagree Do Not Know [_} 7. Agree [_] Disagree Do Not Know [ | 4. Agree [_] Disagree Do Not Know [_] 8.Agree [_] Disagree Do Not Know [_] Section 2 — Special Defenses (Facts that show the court that the plaintiff has no legal right to what the plaintiff has requested in this case.) "x" the bexes next to the statements below that apply to you and fill in the information requested. a. All rent has been paid to my landlord. b. [_] Rent was offered to my landlord on (date): which was before the date | received the Notice to Quit. c. [_] No rent is due, under Connecticut Law (section 47a-4a of the Connecticut General Statutes) because there are housing or health code violations in violation of Connecticut Law (Section 47a-7(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes). List violations below. d. []! notified [] mylandlord, [[] HousingCode, [[] the Health Department, or [_] the Building Department of the violations listed in section c above on (date): e. [_] This eviction is being brought because | contacted my landlord or public officials or agencies to complain about my apartment (Sections 47a-20 and 47a-33 of the Connecticut General Statutes). f, oO | filed a rent increase complaint with the Fair Rent Commission on (date): g. [_] I live in a building or complex with 5 units or more or in a mobile manufactured home park and | have a physical or mental disability, or | am 62 years old or older, or LJ my spouse, sibling, parent or grandparent is 62 years old or older and permanently lives with me, or L] my spouse, sibling, parent or grandparent has a physical or mental disability and Permaner ly lives wi (Section 47a-23a of the Connecticut General Statutes.) wy isbeme. "eh h. (See Notice on back/page 2 of this form) This eviction was brought after a foreclosure action, ani have a written lease that is still in effect or ‘ | never received a 90 day letter (notice) before the notice to quit was delivered (served). Additional Information: . Defendant's (Tenant's) Certification | certify &: a fe 4 g* document was or will immediately be mailed or delivered electronically or non-electronically on (date) -f' _ to all attorneys and self-represented parties of record and that written consent for electronic delivery was received from all attorneys and self-represented parties receiving electronic delivery. Name and address of each party and aor that gpy was mailed or delivered to* - &¢| 40 SHEP MAD ov x Bane rely Clam. Feackiele C+ 06824 *If necessary, attach agditional sheet or sheets with name and address which the copy was mailed or delivered to. (Use form JD-CV-67, Continuation of Parties) Signed (Ind Nets y ond ty) Print or type name of person signing my poi : a Depo Lo Vb) S.Mww $1, EasT Gmbh CT ol4os | tbo 593-B9% Distribution: Original - Court File Copy 4 - Plaintiff (Landlord) 6 Attomey Copy 2 - Defendant (Tenant)