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  • PAR PARALLEL LLC v. SPOSATO, CHRISTOPHER Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview
  • PAR PARALLEL LLC v. SPOSATO, CHRISTOPHER Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview


SUMMARY PROCESS EXECUTION STATE OF CONNECTICUT The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut FOR POSSESSION (EVICTION) SUPERIOR COURT complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act JD-HM-2 Rev. 4-19 (ADA). If you need a reasonable accom-modation in accordance with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an C.GS. §§ 47a-26h, 472-42 ADA contact person listed at Court Docket number Date of judgment [1 Judicial District [X] Housing Session ECV-19-6004664S June 6, 2019 ‘Address of court location (Number, street, town and zip code) 17 Belden Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06850 r Name and mailing address of plaintiflandlord or attomey Instructions to plaintiffflandlord or attorney: 1. Complete this form. Chesson & Schweickert LLC 2. File this form with the clerk for the clerk to sign. 215 Broad Street Milford, CT 06460 3. After this execution is signed by the clerk, the clerk will upload it to the case's electronic file. 4. Plaintifffandlord or attorney may then print and deliver the signed execution to a State Marshal. L J Name(s) of plaintifi'synandiord(s) Name(s) of defendant(s)tenant(s) and/or occupant(s)) Christopher S posato, Catalina Sposato PAR Parallel LLC ‘Address of premises (Number, street, town and apartment number) 1340 Washington Boulevard, Apt. 517, Stamford, CT 06902 TO: Any proper State Marshal By the authority of the State of Connecticut, you are commanded to give the plaintiff(s)fandlord(s) possession of the premises above by putting the defendant(s)/tenant(s) and any other occupant(s) bound by the judgment out of possession. If the defendant(s)fenant(s) and such other occupant(s) have not removed all their possessions and personal effects, then you may remove them and deliver them to the place of storage designated by the chief executive officer of the town; before removal you must give the chief executive officer of the town 24 hours notice of the eviction, stating the date, time, and address of the eviction, as well as, a general description, if known, of the types and amount of property to be removed from the premises and delivered to the designated place of storage. Before giving notice to the chief executive officer you must use reasonable efforts to locate and notify the defendant(s)/tenant(s) and any other occupant(s) bound by the judgment of the date and time the eviction will take place and the possibility of a sale of their possessions pursuant to Section 47a-42 of the Connecticut General Statutes. Serve a true copy upon each defendant/tenant and/or Signed (Clerk) Date signed occupant bound by the judgment and retum within 60 days. Notice to defendant(s)/tenant(s) and/or occupant(s) (To be completed by State Marshal) Your landlord (the plaintiff) won a judgment against you in this eviction case. This means that you must move out of the premises at the address above by this date: Date At (Time) om M. If you do not remove your possessions and personal effects on or before that date, your possessions and personal effects will be removed by the State Marshal and stored at: You may call: to reclaim those possessions and personal effects and to arrange to have them given back to you. (If your possessions and personal effects are removed and stored and you do not reclaim them and pay the expense of storage within 15 days, then they may be sold by the town under Section 47a-42 of the Connecticut General Statutes.) If you think you have a right to stay in the premises, you should contact an attorney immediately. This paper does not have to be handed to you personally. The place of storage was designated by the chief executive officer of the town Return of Service and | further advised said chief executive officer, so far as known, of the By virtue of On ‘At (Time) general description, types, and amount of the property to be removed from this execution, — M. said premises, On At (Time) [1 | notified the defendant(s)/tenant(s) and/or occupant(s). | used reasonable efforts to locate the defendant(s)/tenant(s) = M. oO and/or occupant(s) but was unable to notify the following: and afterwards, the defendant's(s’)/tenant's(s') and/or occupant's(s’) possessions, [LZ] had been removed. were removed by me and stored. The plaintiff(s)/landlord(s) were then Thereafter | notified the chief executive officer of the town where the premises are situated, oO put in possession of said premises. On ‘At (Time) Signed (State Marshal) Date signed — M. Fees that the eviction of the defendant's(s')/tenant's(s') and/or occupant's(s’) possessions and personal effects would take place, On ‘At (Time)