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  • PAR PARALLEL LLC v. SPOSATO, CHRISTOPHER Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview
  • PAR PARALLEL LLC v. SPOSATO, CHRISTOPHER Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview


AFFIDAVIT OF NONCOMPLIANCE STATE OF CONNECTICUT COURTUSE ONLY WITH STIPULATION SUPERIOR COURT AFENWS JD-HM-22 Rev. 519 www P.B.§ 17-53 ea ADA Notice The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ADA contact person listed at www a aa = SS = oo = = a Cbisrt at Xl Seasion at _ Stamford/Norwalk NWH-CV-19-6004664S de " , town zip code) 17 Belden Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06850 “Ware of case PAR Parallel LLC v. Christopher Sposato, et al. ‘Date of judgment or court order Z] Use and occupancy Amount due: $ Payment date(s) duress ane [X] Arrearage Amount due: _ $2,500.00 Payment date(s) _ 7/19/2019 The undersigned hereby deposes and states the following: 4. 1am over the age of eighteen years and | believe in the obligation of an oath. 2. | am the person ordered to receive the above-mentioned payment(s); or, | am familiar with the accounting/financial books and records of the entity ordered to receive the above-mentioned payments, and | have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein and the facts set forth are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. 3, On the above-mentioned date of judgment or court order, the defendant was ordered to pay use and occupancy and/or arrearage in the amount shown above, on or before the payment date(s) indicated. / . 4. To date, payment has not been received» I full — ‘defendants have only paid $846.38 towards the above obligation which puts them in their sti ired . 5. | therefore request that a Summary Process (Eteben oe ie act eine eon ‘seen (Afar) ‘or type name and tile of person Signing Date signed > ( | Y A Upn~__” Jennifer Woelfel — Property Manager Bulg Subsbyued and = sworn to before me: “Tul \9 ro es te Gi Ge — by. Lulig Certification | certify meg a \q- document was or will immediately be mailed or delivered electronically or non-electronically or in hand on_ Q_ (date) to all attorneys and self-represented parties of record and to all parties who have not appeared in this matter and that written consent for electronic delivery was received from all attorneys and self-represented parties receiving electronic delivery. (if necessary, attach additional sheets with names, addresses and methods of delivery.) ‘Stamford, CT 06902 Hand delivered Mailed MAslopher Sposato, Esq Parallel 41, 1340 Washington Boulevard, Apt. 5 com Electronically delivered jame a 88 of Second al ‘or party oe delivered] Mailed (C Electronically delivered Name and address of third attorney or party Li Mand delivered [J Mailed Electronically delivered ‘and address of fourth attomeypr party Hand delivered] Malled [7 Etectronically delivered Print or type name of person signing Date sh Robert W. Chesson “Toulig re t ‘state and zip code) Telephone number Ch in & Schweickert LLC, 215 Broad Street, Milford, CT 06460 203-874-4747 FOR COURT USE ONLY Notice To Defendant A Summary Process Execution will issue on the third business day after the filing of this affidavit with the court. If you object to the execution issuing, you must file an objection before the issuance of the execution with the clerk at the court address indicated above. File Date