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  • ERLANG SOLUTIONS LIMITED v. GORDON BAIRD DBA ORBIT FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.C40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • ERLANG SOLUTIONS LIMITED v. GORDON BAIRD DBA ORBIT FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.C40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • ERLANG SOLUTIONS LIMITED v. GORDON BAIRD DBA ORBIT FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.C40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • ERLANG SOLUTIONS LIMITED v. GORDON BAIRD DBA ORBIT FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.C40 - Contracts - Collections document preview


ORDER 410631 DOCKET NO: FBTCV185037159S SUPERIOR COURT ERLANG SOLUTIONS LIMITED JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF FAIRFIELD V. AT BRIDGEPORT GORDON BAIRD DBA ORBIT FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. 3/23/2021 ORDER The following order is entered in the above matter: ORDER: ORDER RE: REMOTE TRIALS AND HEARINGS A remote evidentiary hearing has been scheduled in this case. The parties shall comply with the following procedures regarding any documentary evidence needed for the hearing. If the remote hearing is a court or jury trial, then the parties shall also comply with any Trial Management Order issued by the Presiding Judge, except as modified herein. Counsel and self-represented parties must read and comply with the procedures outlined in the CONNECTICUT GUIDE TO REMOTE HEARINGS available at: ConnecticutGuideRemoteHearings.pdf. The parties shall pre-mark their own exhibits in accordance with the instructions contained in Form JD- CL-28, regarding Lists of Exhibits. Each party will place his/her exhibits in an Exhibit Binder with an Exhibit List. Exhibits must be paginated by exhibit number and page number. At least FOUR days before the hearing, the parties shall exchange their Exhibit Binders and provide ONE copy to the clerk’s office for the trial judge. [The parties may exchange the Exhibit Binders electronically, but must provide hard copies to the clerk’s office.] Each party shall provide ALL Exhibit Binders to the witnesses they intend to call at the hearing and shall arrange for where the witness will be located for the hearing. Witnesses must appear via audiovisual means, not just telephonically. The parties must ALSO submit their exhibits in PDF format through the E-Services site, by selecting “E- FILE AN EXHIBIT” from the drop down menu. Additional information may be found in the CONNECTICUT GUIDE TO REMOTE HEARINGS. No document will be marked either for identification or as a full exhibit unless requested by the party and ordered by the court on the record. Any exhibit offered during the evidentiary proceedings that has not been e-filed through the E-Services site may be precluded, except for good cause shown or unless the exhibit involves rebuttal or impeachment evidence. Before the start of evidence, the parties shall communicate with each other about whether objections exist as to the admissibility of any exhibits, and shall endeavor to agree on all redactions before the start of the hearing. Any questions about this order shall be directed to Ashleigh Doherty at Ashleigh E. Doherty, Esq. First Assistant Clerk, Fairfield JD 203-579-6527 ext. 6023 FBTCV185037159S 3/23/2021 Page 1 of 2 410631 Judge: BARRY STEVENS Processed by: William Gildea This document may be signed or verified electronically and has the same validity and status as a document with a physical (pen-to-paper) signature. For more information, see Section I.E. of the State of Connecticut Superior Court E-Services Procedures and Technical Standards (, section 51-193c of the Connecticut General Statutes and Connecticut Practice Book Section 4-4. FBTCV185037159S 3/23/2021 Page 2 of 2