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  • IHDE INVESTMENTS LP  vs.  COVENTURES LC, et alOTHER (CIVIL) document preview
  • IHDE INVESTMENTS LP  vs.  COVENTURES LC, et alOTHER (CIVIL) document preview


CAUSE NO. DC-14-13012 IHDE INVESTMENTS LP § IN THE DISTRICT COURT Plaintiff § § § § V. § DALLAS COUNTY § COVENTURES LC, d/b/a GOCOPTER § LC, DANIEL L. CLAASSEN, KENT § 14th JUDICIAL DISTRICT CLAASSEN, TROY MITCHELL, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER AND STEFAN LAUER Defendants ORDER ON DEFENDANTS’ SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS After considering Defendants Coventures LC d/b/a Gocopter LC, Daniel L Claassen, Kent Claassen, Troy Mitchell, and Stefan Lauer’s ("Defendants") special exceptions to Plaintiff’s Original Petition, the response, the pleadings, and arguments of counsel, the court makes the following rulings on exceptions that have not been agreed to by the parties: 1. The Court finds Plaintiff fails to allege torts that are independent of its claims for breach of contract. Therefore, Plaintiff’s claims for Negligence, Fraud and Misrepresentations are dismissed with prejudice. 2. Defendants’ special exceptions as to Plaintiff’s remaining claims of breach of contract contained in section ii paragraphs 21-25 are sustained. 3. Defendants’ special exceptions as to Plaintiff’s claim for Alter Ego Liability in section iv paragraphs 30 and 31 are sustained. The court orders Plaintiff to replead and cure the defects identified by the special exceptions that were sustained. If Plaintiff does not replead and cure the defects by __________, 200__, the court will strike each defective paragraph. SIGNED on _______________, 200__. _________________________ PRESIDING JUDGE