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  • Lewis Rents, Inc. VS Streeter Limited Civil document preview
  • Lewis Rents, Inc. VS Streeter Limited Civil document preview
  • Lewis Rents, Inc. VS Streeter Limited Civil document preview
  • Lewis Rents, Inc. VS Streeter Limited Civil document preview
  • Lewis Rents, Inc. VS Streeter Limited Civil document preview
  • Lewis Rents, Inc. VS Streeter Limited Civil document preview
  • Lewis Rents, Inc. VS Streeter Limited Civil document preview
  • Lewis Rents, Inc. VS Streeter Limited Civil document preview


| e ee eee FILED 1 | NELSON H. MOSHER, JR. ALAMEDA CGUNTY ATTORNEY AT LAW SB # 57853 9 2 || 15600 Washington Avenue EC Be | San Lorenzo, CA 94580 DEC 2004 3 || Tel: 510-278-8854 Fax: 510-278-0757 CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR pe ceutene . Ein 4 || ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF By é 7 Deputy ; LEWIS RENTS, INC. ‘ SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA 7 HAYWARD HALL OF JUSTICE (LIMITED CIVIL JURISDICTION) 8 || LEWIS RENTS, INC. Oe Case No. HG04178978 ss 9&9 Plaintiff ee ee A Limited Civil Case 10 vs DECLARATION FOR JUDGMENT PURSUANT CCP sec 585 (d) 11 || HAYVES E. STREETER ind and d.b.a GOLDEN STATE 12 | IMAGING Does Jthrough V, inclusive 13 Defendant / 14 I,Rafael Cruz, declare: 15 If sworn to testify, I would testify as to my own personal knowledge, competently thereto, 16 | as follows: 17 I am the controller of Lewis Rents, Inc. which is a corporation duly organized and existing 18 || under the laws of the State of California, and located in the unincorporated area known as San 19 | Lorenzo, Alameda County ,California. One of the duties as Controller is to keep the records of 20 ||Lewis Rents, Inc. and to keep track of the accounts of Lewis Rents, Inc. 21 T am informed and believe that Defendant Hayves E. Streeter is a residents of Oakland, 22 || Alameda County, California. The Hayward Hall of Justice is the court of proper jurisdiction because 23 ||it is the jurisdiction in which the contract was entered into. This action is not subject to the 24 ||provisions of section 1812.10 Civil Code or section 2984.4 Civil Code. Hayves E. Streeter presented 25 ||a business card that indicated that his business name was Golden State Imaging. 26 On February 27, 2004 prior to turning this matter over to itsattorney, Plaintiff Lewis Rents, 27 || Inc. caused to be sent to Defendant Golden State Imaging and Hayves Streeter a Statement of the DECLARATION FOR JUDGMENT 1 Under CCP section 585(d) account of the balance due. A copy of the Statement is attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and incorporated herein.. On March 25, 2004 a notice pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 1033 was sent to NH Golden State Imaging, Attn: Hayves E. Streeter. A copy ofthe notice is attached hereto as Exhibit WD 2 and incorporated herein. BP On or about December 30, 2003 Defendant Hayves E. Streeter on behalf of Golden State NH Imaging rented a 24’ diesel van with lift at rental rate set forth on the written rental contract. NHN Attached hereto as Exhibit 3 is a copy of the rental contract and incorporated herein. The Rental SN Contract is prepared in triplicate and is signed by the renter. One of the copies is given to the renter Se and the other two copies are retained by Lewis Rents, Inc. Exhibit 3 is the hard copy ofthe contract oOo signed by defendant Hayves E. Streeter. Prior to leaving the premises, an inspection of the rented OC vehicle ismade by an employee of Lewis Rents, Inc. and the renter. Attached to Exhibit 3 is the KF original inspection report signed by Defendant Hayves E. Streeter. NHN ae On January 2, 2004 Defendant Hayves E. Streeter caused the vehicle to be returned by WO Reggie Foster. A copy statement of the returned vehicle signed by Reggie Foster is attached to FBP we Exhibit 3. There was extensive damage to the box and the rear door caused by Defendant’s failure WN to secure his cargo and one of the tires needed to be repaired. Defendant’s agent took the check that DB was lefta security. NI After the vehicle and tire were repaired an invoice was prepared. A copy ofthe invoice dated OB wR OBO February 2, 2004 along with the invoices for the repairs are attached to Exhibit 3. The sum of $1,428.98 was due on the contract. This sum represents the rental charges of $330.00, repair COD ND charges of $996.75, mileage charge of $28.13 and sales tax of $74.10. No amount of the rental KF charges have been paid by the defendant. NO DN Plaintiff requests judgment for the $1,428.98 principal, interest at the rate of 18% per year WO KN from February 3, 2004 to December 1, 2004 in sum of $212.12 and costs of $ 212.30 and FP NY attorney’s fees pursuant to the court schedule in the sum of $357.25 for a total judgment of On NY $2,210.65. WB WY The contract in paragraph 7 provides in part: “ Customer agrees to pay any collection costs NI NY oH NH 2 DECLARATION FOR JUDGMEN’ i and attorneys fees incurred in the collection of this account...” Interest was determined as follows: 311 days between February 3, 2004 to December 1, 2004 NYO divided by 365 times 18% times $1,428.98 equals $212.12 interest. Paragraph 10 on the front page WY in the box in the lower eft hand corner provides: “Customers with a current and valid charge account, FP your invoices are due net 30 days or you will be assessed an 18% per year or 11/2 per month finance DAW charge on the delinquent balance. DO I declare under penalty of perjury a the laws of the State of California that the aforesaid NI is true and correct. Executed on oy (ef in Haryé,{4 Se Oo © = NO WH BP mim HR I vA OH RR BO OD DO KF WN NY NHN WD HN BR NHN NH A KN NY SNS bwoO oo NO 3 DECLARATION FOR JUDGMEN] STATEMENT | | _ - * Family Owned and Operated lnee 1966 “ 15740 HESPERIAN BLVD. WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE CERTIFIE SAN LORENZO, CA 94580-1536 See oe ES , INC. PHONE: (610)276-3080 a ‘ FAX; (610)278-9333 ACCOUNT NO. : 636-4655 Tar al A TERMS: - rs eee RANSACTION ~~ OVER'90 DAYS or : oe wee : ae nmSERVICE! CHARGE. OF14% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON Lo . cn LL:BALANGCES,30DAYS* , , oe EXHIBIT 1 : e NELSON H. MOSHER, JR. @ ATTORNEY AT LAW 15600 WASHINGTON AVENUE SAN LORENZO, CA 94580 VOICE: (510) 278-8854. FAX: (510) 278-0757 MARCH 25, 2004, GOLDEN STATE IMAGING ATTN: HAYVES E. STREETER 850 92ND AVENUE #3 OAKLAND, CA 94603 RE: LEWIS RENTS, INC. DEAR MR. STREETER: THIS OFFICE REPRESENTS LEWIS RENTS, INC. WITH REFERENCE TO YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THEM. THE SUM OF ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT AND 98/7 100 DOLLARS AND DOLLARS AND ($1,428.98) IS DUE AND OWING. IFWE DO NOT RECEIVE FULL PAYMENT WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS LETTER, WE SHALL FILE SUIT WHICH WILL RESULT IN A JUDGMENT AGAINST YOU, WHICH WILL INCLUDE, INADDITION TO THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OWED, THE ACTUAL COSTS OF FILING FEES, COST FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES AS ALLOWED BY LAW. YOU MAY FEEL THAT WE WILL NOT FILE SUIT, BUT IN AS MUCH AS THE COURT WILL MAKE YOU PAY OUR COURT COSTS, WE ASSURE YOU, WE WILL FILE SUIT. TO AVOID ANY MISTAKES, YOUR PAYMENT SHOULD BE MADE DIRECTLY TO THIS OFFICE. VERY TRULY YOURS, LA: Hon NELSON H. MOSHER, JR. cc: LEWIS RENTS, INC. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ALL INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. a EXHIBIT 2 HOURS . 15740 HESPERIAN BLVD. a, ) oO U MON - SUNDAY SAT 7:00 8:00 A.M. A.M. - -5:30 5:00 P.M. P.M. SAN LORENZO, CA 94580 INTER HOURS SUBJECT TO CHANGE ING. 510-276-3080 © FAX 510-278-9333 510-276-3080 « FAX 510-278-9333 A : CONTRACT aR Atte Si Ota: A th—hase INVOICE # R-CONTRACT CONTRACT LRSS6Saa LRG SOW PGRG | ‘DATE AND i = TIME IN BILL GOLDEN STATE IMAGING | Si FO “WEIS: HAYWES ohSTREETER - DATE DATE AND ANC 1E/ER/E00S Ch B14 « BSH SEND AVE HS ~ OAKLAND, CA. 54683 94603 ELAPSED BOLDEN STATE IMAGING Pamity Oued aud Operated since 1966 NP HoyWES STREETER | Os Sa OOND AYE #S WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE CERTIFIED . CAKLAND, CA.946835 94605 7 (WRITTEN BY CHECKED INBY AGENT JOB NUMBER/LOCATION GREG GONZALES HAYWES STREETER HASL4664 V.L.OR JOB PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER P.O.NO. OR BIRTHDATE DATE AND TIMEDUE IN AS14664 Le/ Sa / GS 16s30 QUANTITY — PART NUMBER _ DESCRIPTION na “RIGOR ERE ERWEEE EES AMOUNT 1 DAY RENTAL IN BY 9. @@AM) 1e/34 1) S@ESG 247 DTESEL VAN W/LIFT 7S. W/ GH) US. Be OM. dae Se. HAL Se. eet Hz. Gaz BREE ERERMREREERERERHREEREEER ERE ERE BEBE REE HEE PEUVEERSREEE . DAMAGE WAIVER DOES NOT COVER TIRES , OVERHEAD WAN, ENGINE OR UNDERCARRIAGE. WHEN ABDDING FUEL CHECK ENGINE GFL . CUSTOMER RESPONSIBLE FOR FLAT TIRES & TIRE DAMAGE CUSTOMER RESPONSTALE FOR ALL FUEL CHARGES USE DIESEL FUEL ONLY eee tan he mm nan atta. Leama abeam al HEE » Miles @ 4.29 per mile. | START= 9Ef4i4., a Wet 1 9 Sit Ge ACCEPTS FIXED D/W Sa. Bas AD 3.53 Su, GLA, | BSL eae Sa. Ze ESLEREM EEE RERERREREEEREREHUHRERHEREME BREE RHE EHREREE HEME REECE E REECE HREHRE CER ERER RECHERCHE EEE HEHE Cit y items Purchased fetburnm: sec Each Amount al D DIE “SEL. FUEL GAL 8f2Saa5 a a). Se » Gt PLEASE READ BEFORE SIGNING ee IF ALL ITEMS ARE .YOU MAY AMOUNT ELECT TO OF ACCEPT OUR DAMAGEWAIVER $20.00/DAY ~ $100.00/WEEK CHARGEFOR - $250.00/MONTH ONALL ANADDITIONAL TRUCK FEE RENTALS OF10% (REFERTO OF THE TOTAL SECTION EQUIPMENT 17 ONBACK OF RENTAL, ORA FIXED CONTRACT). RETURNED AT . DAMAGEWAIVER DOESNOTCOVER ANYOVERHEAD OR UNDERCARRIAGE DAMAGE(REFER TOSECTION17 ON BACKOFCONTRACT). .CUSTOMERIS RESPONSIBLE FORANYANDALL DAMAGE TO TIRES ANDTUBESCAUSEDBYBLOWOUT, BRUISES, FLATS, CUTS,ROADHAZARDS "DUE IN" TIRE OR OTHERCAUSES, CUSTOMERIS RESPONSIBLE FOR CHEGK' WATERANDOILDAILY (REFER TO SECTION 17 ON BACKOFCONTRACT) \. .CUSTOMERUNDERSTANDSTHATTHEDAMAGEWAIVER1S URANCEANDAGCEPTS/DECLINES THEDAMAGE WAIVER BYINITIALING IN CHARGES WILL BE: CF). THE INDICATED SPACE(REFER TO SECTION acceptsLJ 17 ON BAC! anrtiacsy? pecunesLJ animats) RENTAL Lig. aia 5.CUSTOMERIS RESPONSIBLE FORTHEFTOFEQul N WILLBE CHARGED CURRENT REPLACEMENTCOSTPLUSRENTALUPTOTHE | (TRUCKS FIXED TIMETHEEQUIPMENT IS REPLACED ANDIN "READY TO RENT" CONDITION. 6.IF EQUIPMENT FAILS,DO NOTATTEMPT TO REPAIR. NOTIFYOUROFFICE AT ONCE BY CALLING (510) 276-3080. NO ALLOWANCE WILLBEMADE D/W), FUEL @ &. Se 7. IF OFFICE WE IS NOT, SELL TIME. IFIED. WE CNARGE CHARGE FOR FOR ALL TIME OUT BOTHDELIVERY INCLUDING ANDPICK SATURDAY, UP. SUNDAY,ANDHOLIDAYS. OVERTIME RATES: 1/6 DAILY RATE PER HOUR, PER GAL. 8. (INITIALS) CUSTOMERHASBEENGIVEN ANDUNDERSTANDS WRITTEN AND/ORORALOPERATING ANDSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS. SALES TA 9.IF voysive 'Y QUESTIONS 10. CUSTOMER(S) WITH REGARDING A CURRENT AND THIS VALID BILLING, CHARGE PLEASE ACCOUNT, NOTIFY YOUR USAT ONCE. INVOICES ARE NO DUE ADJUSTMENT NET30DAYS WILL OR BE YOU MADE WILL AFTER BE 10 DAYS. ASSESSEDAN18% EXHIBIT 3 PERYEAROR 14%PERMONTHFINANCECHARGEONTHEDELINQUENT BALANCE. 41,[HAVE READ, DISCUSSED AND UNDERSTAND F4/E TERMS ANDCONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENTANDAGREETHERETO. THESIGNEROF THIS k Y MENT. ie -HEsPONTRACT/INVOICE LESSANYDEPOSIT GIVEN AT TIME OFRENTAL. . CONTRACT SIGNATURE SE PRINTNAME (CHE Ra ws fo . A pa- CIE OTHER PHAN LESSEE, ; SIGNER REPHESENTS: HEI {S AGENT.OFAND AUTHORIZE 'Q-SIGN:FOR LESSEE. -|” ORIGINAL-OFFICE PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTIFICATION TERNS and CONDITIONS ; ’ Forthepurposeof this RentalAgreement,“Rental Genter”shall mean RentalCenter, and understandssafety and operating instructions and who does notutilize allsafety its owners.officers, directors, shareholders, andemployees,and“Customer shall mean equipmentrequired tooperatetheequipmentor usetheequipment.Customershall not Customer,its agenisand/orEmployees. allowanyperesnio useoroperateiheequipmentwhen it isinneed ofrepair orwhen it Inconsideration ofhiring ofthe vehicles and/orequipment(herein “theequipment") is in an uns gAiton or situation; modify, misuse,harmorabuse theequipment, permit described on thefrontofthis RentalAgreementit is agreedas follows: any repaié#*o theequipmentwithout RentalCenter's prior written permission; orallowa 1. INDEMNITY/HOLD HARMLESS. CUSTOMER WILL TAKEALL NECESSARY PRE- lientobeplacedupon theequipment. CAUTIONS REGARDING THE EQUIPMENT RENTED, AND PROTECT ALL PERSONS Customeragreesto check: filters, fluid levels, air pressure. clean and visually inspect AND PROPERTY FROM INJURY OR DAMAGE. CUSTOMER AGREES TO HOLD theequipmentatleast dallyandtoimmediately discontinue useand notify Rental Center HARMLESS RENTAL CENTER FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, when equipmentisfoundto needrepairormaintenanceorisnotproperlyfunctioning. CLAIMS. JUDGMENTS. ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND COSTS. OF EVERY KIND AND CustomeracknowledgesthatRertal Centerhasno responsibility toInspect theequipment NATURE INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO INJURIESOR DEATH TO PERSONS whileit is InGustomer’spossession. AND DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE, MAINTENANCE, 10.RETURN OF EQUIPMENT. Customer agreestoreturn to Rental Center uponor INSTRUCTION, OPERATION, POSSESSION, OWNERSHIP OR RENTAL OF THE beforeRentalAgreement AgreedReturnDate.theequipmentin asgood condition as EQUIPMENT RENTED, HOWEVER CAUSED, EXCEPT CLAIMS OR LITIGATIONARIS- when received, ordinary wearandiear excepted. Custorner shall be liable forall damages ING THROUGH THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF RENTAL tooflossoftheequipmentoccurring becauseit wasnotreturned during RentalCenter's CENTER. regular businesshours.Customershallbe responsible forallcostsincurred by Rental 2,ASSUMPTION OF RISIVRELEASE - DISCHARGE OF LIABILITY. CUSTOMER Centerrecovering and returning damaged equipmentteRentalCenter's premises. iSFULLY SWARE AND ACKNOWLEDGES THERE IS ARISKOF INJURY OR DAMAGE Ti. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. RenialCenter makes no-warranty of ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR OPERATION OF THE EQUIPMENT RENTED HERE- merchantability of finess for any particular use or purpose, either express or implled. There UNDER AND HEREBY ELECTS TO VOLUNTARILY ENTER INTO entitled. - ' checks)andVehicleCode Section 10855 (relating tofailure toreturnleased orrented 15,RETAKING OF EQUIPMENT. Ifforany reasonit becomes necessaryforRental vehicles uton rental agreementtermination). Center toretakethe equipment,Customer authorizes RentalCenter toretakethe 6.POSSESSION/TITLE. Customersright topossessionof the equipmentterminates equipmentwithoutfurther noticeorfurther legal processand agreesthatRentalCenter ’ on theAg’eed ReturnDateindicated on thefront ofthisRentalAgreement.Retention — shallnotbeliable for any claims for damageortrespass arising outof theremoval ofthe ofpossessionafter thisdateconstitutes a material breachofthis RentalAgreement. equipment. Time isofthe essenceofthisRentalAgreement.Any extensionofthisRental 16.LEGAL FEES. In ithe eventanattorney isretained toenforceanyprovision ofthis Agreement mustbe agreedupon in-writing, TitletoIneequipmentisand shall remain. RentalAgreement, theprevailing party in the dispute shall be entitled to recover reasonable inRentalCenter.Iftheequipmentis notreturned and/orlevied“uponforanyreascn _attorney's feesandcourtcosts in such action, or proceeding. in an amount to be determined whatsoever. RentalCentermay retakesaiditems withoutfurther notice orlegalprocess — by thecourt. and usewhateverforceisreasonablynecessary fo doso.Custornerherebyagreesto 17.ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE W AIVER. Accidental damage waiverisnotinsurance. By indernnify. defendand holdRentalCenterharmlessfromany and all claimsand costs Customeraccepting theAccidental Damage Waiveron thefront of this RentalAgreement arising fromsuchretaking and/or levy. If equipment islevied upon,Customershallnotify and withimmediate