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  • RALPH, DIANE v. SCHWARTZ-BRINDLEY, ROBINV01 - Vehicular - Motor Vehicles - Driver and/or Passenger(s) vs. Driver(s) document preview
  • RALPH, DIANE v. SCHWARTZ-BRINDLEY, ROBINV01 - Vehicular - Motor Vehicles - Driver and/or Passenger(s) vs. Driver(s) document preview


SUPERIOR COURT BY AGREEMENT - V01, 702, TOS CASES CONNECTICUT JUDICIAL BRANCH OEM Ri 14615 wae Gourd Use Only ADA NOTICE TSCHORD VSCHORD The Judiciat Granch of the State of Toone Americans with Cisediitios a 1. Complete of sections and fis stronicaly ax Scheduting Order by Agreartent - VO1, T02, Td Caves nod & laeainanie ecole ‘by the cate and tine set forth in the echoduting notice you recelved fram the court. ‘accordance wilh the ADA, coniect » 2 Ail dates stbinitied must be within Ite tima dimils set forth in the notice you received from the court court Genk or a ADA contact perten Al countel and seit-represented purtis of reoord must thy the fuly completed form amd keep ligted at wi ud ch gow A. @ copy for thelr records. Ne rene ao =n Danbury OBD-Cv-196031062 § Diane Ralph vs, Robin Schwartz-Brindtey os/oTr2019 Case Type: Bye Motor Vehicles - Driver andlor Passenger(s) vs, Drivers) T02 Defective Premises - Private - Snow or ice LJ TOS Defective Premises « Private - Other Scheduling Order For any pleading, motion or event that is not covered by this ordar, the provisions of the Practica Book and/or the Genera? Statules shall spply. Status Conference (if applicable): WA - re File, mark ready and argue ail dispositive mations by: aree2020 - - ee File certificate of closed pleadings (JD-CV-11) by: a Bone Se Comptete all discavery by: 1272019 This case will be claimed to (check applicable): Jury Trial List C1 Court Triat List Jury cases onty: Verdict will likely be {check applicable): o Less than $50,000 More than $50,000 fiche ictongrons tapes geste 3 dates Hl ilable Ei eee ae vere ) gbugem 9 ~§ 2030 @) mene F— 32-2030 (3) emereze IQ ~ 90 “3090 Select a date for the pretrial (if applicable): wai2oz0 re A trial management conference will be scheduled In advance of the trial A Motion for Continuance (Form 10-CV-21) must be fled ifthe parties are seeking to change the fling and response dates for dispositive mations, including motions for Summary judgment, the trial management Conference date or the jury selection/trial date. The parties may modify any other dates in the scheduling order by agreamant. ‘When the dates are modified, a revised 116). a status/scheduiing conference with the individually assigned jo at any time by filing a Casefow Renee ay gue ing e ually assigned judg ing Sianed Gucge) ‘ate auod TOTAL P,OO1