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  • Capital One Bank VS Marshall Limited Civil document preview
  • Capital One Bank VS Marshall Limited Civil document preview
  • Capital One Bank VS Marshall Limited Civil document preview
  • Capital One Bank VS Marshall Limited Civil document preview
  • Capital One Bank VS Marshall Limited Civil document preview
  • Capital One Bank VS Marshall Limited Civil document preview
  • Capital One Bank VS Marshall Limited Civil document preview
  • Capital One Bank VS Marshall Limited Civil document preview


ema Ss @ ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name. state bar number. and address}: e oo wn LAW OFFICES OF PATENAUDE & FELIX A.P.C. . “ oe [RAYMOND PATENAUDE 128855 ; VICTOR PATENAUDE 216342/DAVID SCOTT 225893 MATTHEW GOLDING 171123 4545 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, 3RD FLOOR, SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 TELEPHONE NO.. (858) 244-7600 FAX NO. (Optional): (858) 836-0318 E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ; ATTORNEY FOR (Name). PLAINTIFF SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA | L E D sTREET ADDRESS: 24405 AMADOR STREET MAILING ADDRESS: ALAMEDA COUNTY city ano zip cone: HAYWARD, CA 94544 ; BRANCH NAME: NOV y) 9 2005 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: CAPITAL ONE BANK Ole Bh suPEnOR apy - DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: JAMES S MARSHALL Deputy CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT CASE NUMBER: (Check one): {__] UNLIMITED CASE |X] LIMITED CASE (Amount demanded (Amount demanded is $25,000 | HG04185974 exceeds $25,000) _or less) A CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE is scheduled as follows: Date: 12/08/05 Time: 09:00AM Dept.: 511 Div.: Room Address of court (if different from the address above): INSTRUCTIONS: All applicable boxes must be checked, and the specified information must be provided. 1. rary or parties (answer one): [X_] This:statement is submitted by party (names): CAPITAL ONE BANK b. [|] This statement is submitted jointly by parties (names): 2. Complaint and cross-complaint (to be answered by plaintiffs and cross-complainants only) a. The complaint was filed on (date): 11/18/04 [__] The cross-complaint, if any, was filed on (date): 3. Service (to be answered by plaintiffs and cross-complainants only) a. [| All parties named in the complaint and cross-complaint have been served, or have appeared, or have been dismissed. b. The following parties named in the complaint or cross-complaint (1) [_} have not been served (specify names and explain why not): (2) have been served but have not appeared and have not been dismissed (specify names): JAMES S MARSHALL (3) [__] have had a default entered against them (specify names): c. [| The following additional parties may be added (specify names, nature of involvement in case, and the date by which they may be served): 4. Description of case a. Typeofcasein [X | complaint [__] cross-complaint (describe, including causes of action) Complaint for money is based on the unpaid balance due for an account for credit provided to the Defendant at the Defendant's special insistence and request. Page 1 of 4 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Cal. Rules of Court, . Judicial Council of California CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT rule 212 CM-110 [Rev. January 1, 2005] Jo 2 0beg ® INSWALVLS LNAWS9VNVW 3SVv9 e — soe “s fxenuer eee} ob HD (snjejs ajeaipul) sseooid ygy ue 0} auo6 sey aseo au C_]oo ‘(ajep) hq paja|dwoo aq WIM YOY ‘NOY JO WO) e 0) paos6e aaey sawed II i; | 4 "JUSI]O SU] YIM SUOI}dO YqY PpemelAal sey Pue jUdIID 94} 0} 6 LOZ 91M Ul peyljuep! abeyoed uoNeWJOJU! YQ ou} pepiAoid jou sey j sey [| jesunog -e (Yadav) YoRNjosay ayndsiq saneuayy ‘OL aps, _ # te . “nad wae! : :(uoyjoas apoo Ayjoads) aouasajaid 0} papiqus st aseo siuy PIAEE Ty nei BOUdIBjAId 6 “g JUaUYoRYY Ul paquosep si uONneUeseidal jeuoNIppy | | bap hawt eat 4 ; :pojuasaidos Awegq - D MRS y ye “sSauppe jrew-J Nov tepget “ du f “sJequinu xe4 wequunu euoydeya | ‘sSelppy TUS ‘Aawoyy "e ‘Buymoyoy ayy Aq: [| ~uoRdes ayy ul paysy Aped yo Aouioyje ay) Aq [__} jeu} ye payuesasdal aq jm seamed Jo Aued ayy (Aved yore J0J pasamsue aq oj) uonejuasaidal jeu ‘(Ayoads) (sasneo yoys) sinoy [| -q ‘Gequinu Ayoads) skep [| ‘e 1(QU0 YOaYd) Bye} ||IM [EL] BU} Jey} ByewSe Sealed Jo Ayed sy, [2143 Jo yGua] payewnsy J(Aqigejeaeun 10) suoseas urejdxa pue sajep Ayoads) |euy 10 siqeyreae oq jou [IM SASUJOVe JO Saied ydIyM UO Sayeq °9 J(ujefaxa ‘Jou #) \uje|dwos ayy jo Gury ay] yo ayep ay] Jo syJUOW Z] UIUYM [eH] 10} Apead aq |IIM eased By] "Jas UBEq Sey s}ep |eLyON [| ‘a , {(ajep) 10} Jas UBaq sey jel) ayL e ayep Jelay ‘(ei Ainf e Buysanbe Aped yoee jo aweu ay} apiaoid ‘Ayied auo uey]) aio J!) ley funfuoue [| jew Ainfe [~~] Jsanbei sayed Jo Aued ayy [e143 Ainfuou 40 Aine (Qp Juawyseny se payeubisap abed e yoejje pue xoqg Sly] yOEaYyD ‘papeau si a9eds asoU! 4}) ‘SLSOD UNV S.AANYOLLV SATd OF éLS$ JO LNNOIWY T¥dIONINd SH ACN TIONI SHOVINVG “LSANOTY GNV AONALSISNI TW1IOddS S.LNVONAAIG JHL LV LNVONSAIG AHL OL GAGIAOUd LIGaAYD YOI LNNODOV NV YOd LOVULNOD V NO ANd FAONV TVd GIVdNA NV NO GASV4d dav SADVINVG (Je1/81 ay} JO ainjeu ey) aquosep ‘jYBnos s! jayas ajqeyinbea 4 ‘sBuiuuea JSO] ainjny payewiyse pue ‘ajep 0} sbuiwes soy ‘sasuadxe jeoipelu gaining payeuijsa ‘[JuNOWwe pue aoinos ajeoipul] ajep 0} sasuadxea jeoipew burpnjour ‘pawiejo sebewep pue Aunfus ay] Ayloads ‘qyGnos ase seBewep Ainful jeuosied 4j) ‘saBbewep Aue Bulpnjou! ‘aseo ay] Jo Juswajeys Joug e BplAdIg “gq v FL6S81FOOH TIVHSYVIN S SAINVE -LNSQNOdS4e/LNVON3SAAC | USENNN 3SvO ANO TVLd¥) ‘yANOILILAad/4sILNIVId PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: CAPITAL ONE CASE NUMBER: |DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: JAMES S MARSHALL . HG04185974 10. d. The party or parties are willing to participate in (check all that apply): (1) (__] Mediation . vena (2) L__] Nonbinding judicial arbitration under Code of Civil Procedure section 4441. 12 (discovery to close 15 days before arbitration under Cal. Rules of Court, rule 1612) - . ‘ (3) CF] Nonbinding judicial arbitration under Code of Civil Procedure section: 4141. 12 (discovery to remain open until 30 days before trial; order required under Cal. Rules of Court, rule 1612) me ) i Binding judicial arbitration ) L-) Binding private arbitration ) [__] Neutral case evaluation ) {___] Other (specify): e. {___| This matter is subject to mandatory judicial arbitration because the amount in controversy does not exceed the statutory limit f. {"__] Plaintiff elects to refer this case to judicial arbitration and agrees to limit recovery to the amount specified in Code of Civil Procedure section 1141.11. g. |__| This case is exempt from judicial arbitration under rule 1600.5 of the California Rules of Court (specify exemption): 11. Settlement conference [___] The party or parties are willing to participate in an early settlement conference specify when): 12. Insurance a. [__] Insurance carrier, if any, for party filing this statement (name): b. Reservation of rights: [__] Yes [__] No c. [__] Coverage issues will significantly affect resolution of this case (explain): 13. Jurisdiction Indicate any matters that may affect the court's jurisdiction or processing of this case, and describe the status. {| Bankruptcy [|] Other (specify): Status: 14. Related cases, consolidation, and coordination a. [__] There are companion, underlying, or related cases. (1) Name of case: (2) Name of court: (3) Case number: (4) Status: [_] Additional cases are described in Attachment 14a. b. [--] Amotionto [-] consolidate [—_] coordinate will be filed by (name party): 15. Bifurcation [__] The party or parties intend to file a motion for an order bifurcating, servering, or coordinating the following issues or causes of action (specify moving party, type of motion, and reasons): 16. Other motions [_] The party or parties expect to file the following motions before trial (specify moving party, type of motion, and issues): CM-110 [Rev. January 1, 2005} CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT Page 3 of 4 wv”. : x ’ wey ; pyop abeg @ LINAWALVLS LNSAWS9DVNVA asvo® [s00z “| Avenuer ~ey] OL L-WO peyoeye aie sounjeubls jeuolppy (AANMOLLY YO ALYVd AO SYNLYNDIS) (AWN LNIYd YO SdAL) 4 (AFNYOLLYC77)) (GWWN LNIdd YO AdAL) Pots T1095 9 dlAVa SO/E7T/TT 81 “‘pauinbas asaym Apied ayy yo AWuoujne uayUM ay} Bulpnjoul ‘aouasayuoo juswaheuew seo ay] JO aul] ayy je san SAUy UO SUOEINd|S OjUl J9}US 0} AjOYINe Bu} Ssessod |JIM pue ‘JUBWA}e}s Siu} Aq pasies SONSSI JAYJO SB ||aM SB ‘Yqy pue {uenoosip JO SNJE]S BU} SSNOSIP 0} pasedeid Ayjny 9q [JIM Pue Based Siy} YM sellWeY Ajajyaj|dwoo we | (Aue ji) payoeye saBed jo saquunu jejo} “zz "LZ Juauyoepy se peyseye [|] = auoU :(aUO yOaYD) a1e BSED SIU} Ul SIBPIO JUsIaGeEUeW ased SNOIAeg . siapso juawabeuew asey “17 /(Ayroads) Bulmo}|oj ayy uO aesHe saped ay} ‘NOD Jo sainy erwoyyeD 3u} Jo ZLZ ajns Aq pouinbay se Buusayuoo pue Bujeow usyy -q i(utejdxa ‘jou #1) yNoD JO SOINY elWOYeD ayy JO Z}Z aint Aq pasinba syalqns |e uo sealed |e YIM pauajuoD pue yowW SAeY salued so Aued our LX] -e JajJUOd pue JaaPF “OZ “CO/LTI/TI NO GALLINGNS LNAWOdNS LTNVAAC S.ASTLNIVId SSSD0Ud CNV AAISOFY OL AWIL LUNOD MOTIV OL SAV St-0¢ YOA ANNILNOD ASWATd “(Ayoeds) eoussaju09 JUsWeHeUeW ASLO OY) Je PSUILUA]EP 10 PasapIsUOd aq sueyeW |euONIPpe Hulmoy|o} au} yeu} JSenbes saimed so Aped ay SONSS!IJBIO “6L /(ase9 Siy} 0} Ajdde jou pjnoys jeu 40 Arancosip 0} Burejas sainpeoosd uoyebiy Diwouogza Aym Ayeoyjoods utedxe ‘payaeyo 41) poly aq [IM Al@Acosip JEUOMPPE JO} JO SAinpsdeid DILUOUOIA OU} L014) BSED BU} MEJPY}IM O}] UOHOW & PUe BSed |JAIO paylwm esi siy, | | “gq aseo si} 0} Ajdde im 96 ySnolu] OG SUONISS BINP|aDOIg |IAID JO apod ul sainpasodd uoHeby! dituOUCDS aU} PUe (SS9| JO OOD'SZ$ S! PaPUEWAP JUNOWE sy} ‘'9"!) BSED |IAID poy e SI SIU, [ X | “e uonebiyl] swoUesg “gL “(Ajyoeds) peyedionue ase sanss! Asacosip Bumoyjo} By [2 ayeq uonduaseq Aped “(AsaAoosip peyedionue ye aquosep) payloeds ayep ayy Aq payajdui0d aq jm Aaacosip Bumoyoy 4 [| “4 ‘AIBAODSIP Je payajduioo aAey saved so Aved oul [je Aiaaoasig “/1 FL6¢81tOOH TIVHSUVA S SSINVE -LNSQNOdS3u/LNVONAS30 | "M3aWNN 3Svo ANO TVLdVO ‘ySNOILILSd/ssILNIVId