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  • DAMIAN DOMINGUEZ VS LAKE LINDERO HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DAMIAN DOMINGUEZ VS LAKE LINDERO HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DAMIAN DOMINGUEZ VS LAKE LINDERO HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DAMIAN DOMINGUEZ VS LAKE LINDERO HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DAMIAN DOMINGUEZ VS LAKE LINDERO HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DAMIAN DOMINGUEZ VS LAKE LINDERO HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DAMIAN DOMINGUEZ VS LAKE LINDERO HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DAMIAN DOMINGUEZ VS LAKE LINDERO HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 06/22/2020 03:38 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by R. Sanchez,Deputy Clerk 1 AARON C. GUNDZIK (State Bar No. 132137) REBECCA G. GUNDZIK (State Bar No. 138446) 2 GUNDZIK GUNDZIK HEEGER LLP 14011 Ventura Blvd., Suite 206E 3 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 Telephone: (818) 290-7461 4 Facsimile: (818) 918-2316 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff Damian Dominguez 6 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10 DAMIAN DOMINGUEZ, an individual, Case No.: 19STCV33951 Assigned for all purposes to Hon. Laura A. 11 Plaintiff, Seigle, Dept. 48 12 vs. 13 LAKE LINDERO HOMEOWNER'S NOTICE OF CASE REASSIGNMENT ASSOCIATION INC., a California 14 Corporation, and DOES 1 through 25, 15 Defendants. 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----'Complaint Filed: September 24, 2019 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 NOTICE OF CASE REASSIGNMENT 1 TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 2 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above entitled action, previously assigned to 3 Hon. Elizabeth Allen White, is now assigned to Hon. Laura A. Seigle in Department 48. 4 Pursuant to the attached order, Plaintiffs counsel is to give notice. 5 6 DATED: June 22, 2020 GUNDZIK GUNDZIK HEEGER LLP 7 8 By:W Aaron Gundzik 9 Attorneys for Plaintiff Damian Dominguez 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 NOTICE OF CASE REASSIGNMENT Reserved for Clerk's File Stemp SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: FILED Stanley Mask Courthouse Supera Court of CaMornia Cou lyof Los Angeles 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 06/05,2020 PLAINTIFF(S): Stier RC .E i'C!O I Od. of Ca!ll Damian Dominguez Sy: S. Salo ~Pli1Y DEFENDANT(S): Lake Lindero Homeowner's Association Inc. et al CASE NUMBER: NOTICE OF CASE REASSIGNMENT AND ORDER FOR PLAINTIFF TO GIVE NOTICE (Dates Remain) 19STCV33951 TO THE PLAINTIFF(S) AND PLAINTIFF'S ATTORNEY OF RECORD OR PLAINTIFF(S) IN PROPRIA PERSONA: You are hereby notified that effective 06/15/2020 , an order was made that the above- entitled action, previously assigned to _E_li_za_b_e_t_h_A_ll_en_W_h_ite _ lsnowandshallbeassigned~_L_a_ur_a_A_._S_e_i_gl_e _ as an Individual Calendar (IC), direct calendaring judge for all purposes, including trial, in department 48 at _s_ta_n_le~y~M_os_k_C_ou_rt_h_o_u_se _ (See Chapter 3, Los Angeles Court Rules) All matters on calendar in this case will remain set on the dates previously noticed, in the department indicated above unless otherwise ordered by the court. Notice is further given that plaintiff in propria persona or counsel for the plaintiff is ordered to give notice of this all-purpose case assignment by serving a copy of the notice on all parties to this action within 10 days of service of this notice by the court, and file proof of service thereof within 12 days of this notice. Failure to timely give notice and file proof of service may lead to imposition of sanctions pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5 or otherwise. Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer I Clerk of Court Dated: 06/05/2020 By S. Sato Deputy Clerk NOTICE OF CASE REASSIGNMENT AND ORDER FOR PLAINTIFF TO GIVE NOTICE (Dates Remain) (Proposed LACIV 252) LASC Approved 00-00 Local Rules Chapter 3 Reserved for Clerk's Fiie Stamp SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: FILED Stoerbr Court of Catifor a Stanley Mosk Courthouse unlyof LosAngeles 111 North Hill Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 06/0512020 Sl'ia-n R C«iar, elUlOUh'aOfic:JcF I Oeitt a! C:iu- PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: 8y: s.ase 1 Damian Dominguez DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Lake Lindero Homeowner's Association Inc. et al CASE NUMBER: CERTIFICATE OF MAILING 19STCV33951 I, the below-named Executive Officer/Clerk of the above-entitled court, do hereby certify that I am not a party to the cause herein, and that on this date I served the Notice of Case Reassignment and Order for Plaintiff to Give Notice upon each party or counsel named below by placing the document for collection and mailing so as to cause it to be deposited in the United States mall at the courthouse in Los Angeles, California, one copy of the original filed/entered herein In a separate sealed envelope to each address as shown below with the postage thereon fully prepaid, in accordance with standard court practices. Aaron C. Gundzik Zachary Levine Gundzik Gundzik Heeger, LLP Wolk & Levine, LLP /15260 Ventura Blvd. 535 N. Brand Blvd. Suite 1920 Ste.300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Glendale, CA 91203 Lyne Ann Richardson Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. 19191 South Vermont Avenue, Suite 950 Torrance, CA 90502 Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer I Clerk of Court Dated: 06/5/2020 By: S. Sato Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE OF MAILING 1 PROOF OF SERVICE 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 3 I am employed in the County of Los Angeles, State of California. I am over the age of eighteen (18) and not a party to the within action. My business address is 14011 Ventura Blvd., 4 Suite 206E, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423. 5 On June 22, 2020, I served the following document described as 6 NOTICE OF CASE REASSIGNMENT 7 on the interested parties in this action: 8 (X) by serving ( ) the original (X) true copies thereof as follows: 9 Please see attached service list 10 ( ) BY MAIL () BY FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION I caused such envelope to be deposited in the mail at I caused said document(s) to be transmitted by facsimile 11 Los Angeles, California. The envelope was mailed with transmission to the name(s) and facsimile telephone postage thereon fully prepaid. I am "readily familiar" with number(s) of the person(s) named on the attached service 12 the firm's practice of collection and processing list. The facsimile machine telephone number of the correspondencefor mailing. It is deposited with U.S. postal sending facsimile machine was (818) 918-2316. A 13 service on that same day in the ordinary course of business. transmission report was issued by the sending facsimile I am aware that on motion of party served, service is machine confirming that the transmission was completed 14 presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage without error. A true and correct copy of said transmission meter date is more than one ( 1) day after date of deposit for report is attached hereto. 15 mailing in affidavit. ( ) BY OVERNIGHT DELIVERY (XX) BY ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION 16 Said document was placed in an envelope designated by I caused the above-described document to be the express service center and placed for collection in a electronically served to the names and email addresses 17 box regularly maintained by said carrier with whom we listed on the Service List attached hereto. have a direct billing account, to be delivered to the office 18 of the addressee listed above on the next business day. 19 (X) STATE I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the above is true and correct. 20 ( ) FEDERAL I declare that I am employed in the office of a member of the bar of this 21 court at whose direction the service was made. 22 (X) EXECUTED on June 22, 2020, at Sherman Oaks, California. 23 24 25 26 Nicole Salazar 27 28 PROOF OF SERVICE 1 SERVICE LIST 2 "--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lyne A. Richardson, Esq. 3 OGLETREE, DEAKINS NASH, SMOAK & STEWART, P.C. 4 19191 S. Vermont Ave., Suite 950 Torrance, CA 90502 5 Telephone: (310) 217-8191 Facsimile: (310) 217-8184 6 Email: 7 carolina. 8 9 10 Attorneys for Defendant Lake Lindero Homeowner 's Association, Inc. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -2- PROOF OF SERVICE