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  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview


STATE OF CONNECTICUT INVESTIGATION RW DEPARTMENT OF ,AGRICULTURE REPORT Ex. | \y ANIMAL COKRTRO! GEDIVISION 2 Wop TYPE OF COMPLAINT STATUTE OFFICER ASSIGNED CASE NUMBER: Cruelty to Animals 53-247(a) Peet, Kelli K9-4 2017-131 ADDRESS / LOCATION ‘TOWN AND CODE INCIDENT DATE REPORT DATE 147 Cross Highway Redding 117 SANT INCIDENT COMPLAINT DAMAGE G/S/8 DATE / TIME COMPLAINT RECEIVED DATE/TIME OF INVESTIGATION DATE / TIME COMPLAINANT NOTIFIED SN9/7, 12:00 pm 9/20/17, 10:00 am REFERENCE KEY: A-ACCUSED: S-SUSPECT G - COMPLAINANT V-VICTIM W- WITNESS J+ JUVENILE Q-OTHER KEY, NAME ADDRESS D.0.B. SEX RACE TELEPHONE A BURTON, NANCY 147 CROSS HIGHWAY, REDDING] 09/23/1949 F W_ | 203-313-1510 Cc GRIFFEN, COLETTE 203-241-0343 Cc GIBBONS, DENNIS 153 CROSS HIGHWAY 10/02/1948 203-895-1040 CARMODY, ELINORE 153 CROSS HIGHWAY 203-895-1040 MASON, DAVID P 146 CROSS HIGHWAY 03/24/1961 718-564-3151 DELUCA, MACO MIKE REDDING ANIMAL CONTROL 203-938-2525 LIS DVM, DR. MARY JANE STATE VETERINARIAN 860-713-2505 MOORE, PATRICK ANIMAL NATION, VICE PRESIDENT 914-400-6014 COMMINO, JO ELLEN ANIMAL NATION, VOLUNTEER 914-400-6014 SUMMARY OF COMPLAINT: On 9/19/17, Ms. Colette Griffen contacte d State Animal Control Supervisor Ray Connors regarding goats owned by Nancy Burton located at 147 Cross Highway, Redding, CT. She stated that there were 64 goats, some in pens, disabled, overgrown hooves (elf shoes), and some living i in the house. EVIDENCE: Photographs (CD attached), paperwork received from Jo Ellen Cimmino. ACTION TAKEN: On 9/20/17 at approx 9:00 am, this officer s; poke to Ms. Griffen via phone regarding her complaint. She stated that Ms. Burton's neighbors reached out to her re; garding the goats and she met with 5 to 6 neighbors last Sunday to discuss the situation. On 9/20/17 at approx 10:00 am, myself and Department of Agriculture's Agriculture Marketing and Inspection Represent ative 2, Liz Hall went to the Burton residence located at 147 Cross Highway. We met Redding Animal Control Officer Mike Deluca there. A woman identifying herself as Ms. Burton was on the property caring for the goats. I explained to Ms. Burton that the purpose of this investigation was to investigates concerns received by the Department of Agriculture. There were approximately 10 loose goats in the yard. A barn was located on the side of the property but it appeared to be in disrepair and structurally unsound, The barn appears to hold equipment and not properly set up to house animals. Ms. Burton would not provide an accurate number of goats on the property, state who her veterinarian was, or provide information on where the goats were obtained from with the exception of the first couple of goats she owned. Locat ted in the back of the yard where several goat pens, One pen contained approximately 50 goats, co-mingled in age. Behind this pen was another pen which contained approx 25 goats. The two combined areas have 2 three sided sheds approx 4 feet deep by 8 feet long. It was noted that both sheds contained manure that was approximately 3 to 4 feet high. One pen contained several chain link dog kennels approximately 4 feet by 8 feet in width and length. The kennels had tarps on the tops of them. No solid walls were provided on the kennels to offer the goats protection from wind. There was approximately 3 feet of accumulated manure inside the tarped dog kennels, The bodies of the goats appeared to be in good condition however their feet, overall, appeared to be in poor condition. Some of the hooves were twisted and curling upwards, commonly referred to as "elf shoes." Goats also had distended knee joints and female goats appeared to have swollen udders on only one side. Adolescent goats appears to be ACTION TAKEN: [_] INFRACTION () Aovisen LD. NUMBER | SUPERVISOR (J) arrest WRITTEN WARNING [_] NO VIOLATIONS [2] summons [7] VERBAL WARNING FOUND K9-4 ABS Revised 01-16-2002 + pace |__of2__ paces STATE OF CONNECTICUT INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROF DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE REPORT af TYPE OF COMPLAINT ACCUSED / SUSPECT CASE NUMBER Cruelty to Animals Burton, Nancy 2017-131 walking unevenly. One goat, a Saanen crossbred appeared to be lying against the fenceline for support. When Inspector Hall approached the goat, he was reluctantto stand. He briefly sto. od up, defecated a very small amount of feces down. This goat appeared to be underweight and stiff in at | least his left leg joint. It and layed back appears that the other goats were bullying him and not allowing him to get to food. When asked about this, M: 's. Burton stated that "he is just the lowest in the pecking order. Don't you know what a pecking order is?” Tt was noted by Inspecto r Hall that this goats was not chewing his "cud" as the other goats were. The fencing for the goats is a combination of corral panels and woven wire, y neither of which are properly| supported, allowing goats to escape. Ms. Burton was given a written warning to have the Saanen crossbreed goat examined by a veterinarian and have feeding recommendatio ns mad: le by the end of 9/22/17. Per the written warning, the Department of Agriculture with the veterinarian's name and appointment time Ms. Burton was to call by the end of the day. Ms. Burton never called and refused to cooperate in providing that infor rmation. On 10/4/17, statements were taken from complainant, Mr. Dennis Gibbons and witness, David Mason. On 11/2/17, 1 went to 147 Cross Highway with State Animal Control Offic er Gregan to recheck the conditions of the animals, no one answered the door at the residence. On 12/15/17, State Veterinarian Dr. Mary Jane Lis and I went to 147 Cross Highway for a scheduled visit to check on the conditions of Ms. Burton's goats. Also present were Redding MACO DeLuca, Animal Nation's Patrick Moore and volunteer, Jo Ellen Cimmino, and an animal activist named Leah. Ms. Burton was polite and gave us a tour, Minimal improvement were made to the pens. Manure piles were removed from the sheds. When I inqui ired about the Saanen cross that needed to go to the vet, Ms. Burton stated that he went to Grove Street Veterinarian in New Canaan and that he has since died. Dr. Lis provided assistance with a goat that had broken his horn this morning. In ad dition, Dr. Lis gave Ms, Burton suggestions for improving the conditions that the goats were in and advice on ear tagging tl the goats. On 12/18/17, I picked up ear tags from Dr. Lis at our Hartford office, On 12/19/17, ear tags were left in Ms. Burton's jeep on her property per her original request. On 12/20/17, I picked up ear tags that were originally assigned to Dr Poster for Ms. Burto: n's herd from Poster Animal Hospital and dropped a portion off to Dr. Camila Colberg of Norwalk Veterinai ity Hospital, who wil be tagging goats that were being signed over to Animal Nation for adoption. The remainder of the tags were retumed to Dr. Lis on 12/21/17. On 6/8/18, Dr. Lis and 1 returned to 147 Cross Hi, ighway for a scheduled visit to check on the conditions of Ms, Burton's goats. All goats appeared to be in good body condition with food and water availal ble. Ms. Burton has plans in place to remove the manure accumulated over the winter, repair the barn and shelters for the Bo: ats, and to continue with regular hoof trimming. It was recommended by Dr. Lis that the goats be segregated by sex to prevent un wal inted breedings. At the time of the visit, we were unable to determine the exact number of goats on the property. It is estim: ated that there are approximately 30 to 50 goats on the property. Ms. Burton stated that she will continue to work with Animal Nati ion to find appropriate homes for most of the goat herd and that she would like to get the number of goats in her care down to approximately 5 to 10 goats. CONCLUSION: At the end of this investigation, all goats on the property appear to be ‘in good condition with food and water available. . OFFICERS ASSIGNED 1.D. NUMBER PEET K9-4 A865 Revised 01-16-2002 pace 2_ or 2 paces Hello Redding CT September 27, 2020 - Guest Editorial Ey.7 Dear fellow Redding citizens, Exactly 25 years ago this month, I was honored to become the founding Publisher of George Magazine. It was John Kennedy Jr.’s mission to encourage lay people to participate in the Political system. He said, “Politics is far too important to be left to the Politicians.“ Which is why it is shocking to me all these years later to find myselfin exactly the kind of situation John was! referencing. Most of you are aware of Nancy Burton’s wholesale manipulation of the legal system. Despite disbarment in 2003, she continues to use her cursory knowledge of the courts to gum up the works with frivolous law suits. She is now using this method to thwart the Town’s effort to enforce a ‘Cease & Desist’ order limiting the number of goats she’s allowed to populate indiscriminately, The legal limit is 9 goats according to Zoning regulation. Any of you who have driven by her Cross Highway home are aware of exponentially more than 9. This “Cease & Desist” was ruled on and held up on appeal and yet she still has managed to render it unenforceable with counter suits. The herd of goats wander onto my property, my neighbors' property, and of course the road, recently resulting] in a goat being hit by a truck The inadequate fencing Burton has thrown up not only do not contain them but serve to be an impediment to the goats return especially the new baby goats who scream in distress! The conditions these goats live under is appalling. They lack adequate shelter, many appear to be dehydrated, and have severe, painful deformities. They forage to supplement their inadequate feeding and hydration. As it] is unlikely they have any veterinary care, they most likely carry infectious diseases. Tcould go on and on but most importantly, neither the Town nor State Government appear capable of stepping in and correcting this malignant situation. To make matters worse, the Court system lets the matter languish with Burton’s ridiculous appeals and claims of bias against any Judge or Lawyer who challenges her. Tam sitting on my porch on a beautiful September afternoon listening to the the screams and smelling the stench as my husband shoos a herd of goats off of our property for the 2nd time today. Animal Patrol Officer Deluca is here to pick up the reports. There are $5,000+ worth of citations issued to Nancy since March and it has done absolutely nothing. This matter has been brought to the attention of among others State Senator Will Haskell, Senator Jim Himes, CT Agriculture Commissioner Bryan Hurlburt, the State Attorney General, the Governor. And NOTHING has changed. The taxes that we pay do not protect us from a menace like this. We need to take into our hands as citizens. And make sure something gets done immediately. And not allow dozens of innocent goats to suffer every day| PLEASE take the time to react and participate. These goats must be humanely seized and taken out of Nancy Burton’s hands. She’s incapable of looking after the number she has and the ever growing number to come. Please show your support by commenting on the Real Redding 411 Facebook page,../1415.../permalink/2851717565148461/. We will take the comments and incorporate them verbatim in a letter to go to the offices of the powers who can make a difference. The Town, the State, and most immediately the Danbury Court system need to hear our voices. The nuling to uphold enforcement of the Cease & Desist is sitting under Judge Barbara Brazzel-Massaro who needs to be reminded of urgency of the situation. Thanks so much in advance for using your power to put the government and justice system into the hands of the people. It would be a victory for George and John. Sincerely, Elinore Carmody Redding, CT Ex.% Bi Gmail Elinore Carmody Nancy Burton Docket DBD-CV19-5015276-S 14 messages Elinore Carmody Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 9:24 AM To: Dear Ms. Brundage, lunderstand that you are the civil caseflow coordinator in the Danbury Superior Court. | write in regard to a matter currently pending before Judge Pavia captioned Nancy Burton v. Julia Pemberton, et al. (OBD-CV-19-50152076-S). { am Ms. Burton's next door neighbor and | hope that you can forward this email to Judge Pavia prior to the hearing scheduled for August 26th on this and a related matter. The situation has been deplorable for so long (5+ years) and it grows exponentially worse each day. {tis not a benign problem. These poor goats have been subjected to multi-generational abuse and neglect. | am attaching a link to a recent video of the baby goats on my property screaming in distress as they are unable to find their way back around the inadequate fencing Ms. Burton constructed. It is not just the goats who suffer. My neighbors and | are subject to daily invasions onto our properties of the goats foraging for food when not fed, a constant stench, and deafening screams. I've attached a recent sound recording of what we listen to day and night. In a nutshell, the situation is intolerable and while Ms. Burton files frivolous motion after frivolous motion to delay enforcement of a cease and desist order entered three years ago, the animals and our, neighborhood suffer as our quality of life diminishes daily. This has to stop. The goats pose a very real health and safety hazard not just to my neighbors and myself but to the Town of Redding. There is no evidence of veterinary care or testing for disease. Some of the goats were tested 3 years ago by Animal Nation Rescue and they all tested positive for C&L disease, an illness that causes abscesses on the organs and skin and can transfer to humans. Recently a goat was hit on Cross Highway on the way back from my neighbor, Dave Mason's property totaling the truck's front bumper. Yesterday and today there are multiple documented incidents of goats on the road. ! am imploring Judge Pavia to do whatever is necessary on Wednesday to allow a decision on the long-ago argued motion for summary Judgment to be decided. The constant intrusion on our well-being and the horrendous living conditions these animals suffer have become overwhelming. Itis a true nightmare. | would sincerely appreciate whatever you can do to let Judge Pavia know how debilitating Ms. Burton's conduct has been. If appropriate, | would be more than happy to testify this Wednesday as this situation is untenable and has deprived me, my husband, our neighbors and ultimately the abused animals of the basic right to live peacefully in our community. | thank you In advance for helping us allow our voices to be heard. Sincerely, Elinore Carmody Gibbons 153 Cross Highway : Redding, CT 06896 https:/ Elinore Carmody Cabana Magazine 917 796 1894 US Sales Director 917 796 1894 Ex.5e 2 attachments a un i image001.png 183K aoc image001.png 183K Brundage, Laura Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 10:12 AM To: Elinore Carmody Good Morning Ms .Carmody, | cannot forward your email to the judge as it is inappropriate to do so but suggest you forward any information to the town’s attorney Steven Stafstrom. | am attaching his information for your convenience. /s/ Steven J. Stafstrom, Jr. Steven J. Stafstrom, Jr., Town Counsel Pullman & Comley, LLC. 850 Main Street, P.O. Box 7006 Bridgeport, CT 06601-7006 Juris No. 47892 Telephone 203 330 2266 Facsimile 203 576 8888 Their Attorney Best regards, Laura Brundage Laura M. Brundage, J.D. Assistant Clerk 203-207-8600 ext. 8645 aS From: Elinore Carmody Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2020 9:24 AM To: Brundage, Laura Subject: Nancy Burton Docket DBD-CV19-5015276-S Dear Ms. Brundage, [Quoted text hidden] Elinore Carmody Cabana Magazine 917 796 1894 Ex. “Goats” Followup August 9, 2020 Susan OOO® by Susan Winters, Publisher My article on the situation of the goats on Cross Highway owned by Nancy Burton brought some needed activity. News12 picked up the story and did a feature report on the goats. The News-Times is preparing a two part report as well. The information caught the attention of the courts and a hearing on some of the motions has been scheduled for August 12. This will be an online hearing. | am finding out if it will be accessible to the public. | will share that info once | receive it. Meanwhile, | received this message from Ms. Burton. | had sent several messages to her by email and phone asking for information before | published the original article. This was her response that | received on August 6. Dear Ms. Winters: Your article “Goats: an ongoing issue” dated July 22, 2020 is false and defamatory and is replete with malicious lies and vicious animus intended to cause harm to myself and my goats without just cause. This is therefore a statutory demand for a complete and immediate retraction if all lies and falsehoods contained in the article as well as the article itself. Very truly yours, Nancy Burton | stand by what | wrote, every word meticulously researched. Please continue to contact the town and state and ask for these poor animals to be moved to a facility in which they can be properly tended. During the storm, | couldn't help but worry about the goats who do not have adequate shelter. | understand that their inadequate lean-tos were damaged in the wind and rain. Bx. o ORDER 427017 DOCKET NO: DBDCV195015276S SUPERIOR COURT BURTON, NANCY JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF DANBURY AT DANBURY PEMBERTON, JULIA, FIRST SELECTWOMAN Et Al 3/1/2021 ORDER The following order is entered in the above matter: ORDER: At the request of the Civil Presiding Judge, the above case is designated as a complex litigation case and it is hereby ordered transferred to the Complex Litigation Docket in the Judicial District ofWaterbury pursuant to C.G.S. §51-347b(a), the court having determined that such a transfer is required for the efficient operations of the courts and to insure the prompt and proper administration of. justice. Judicial Notice (IDNO) was sent regarding this order. 427017 Judge: JAMES WILSON ABRAMS This document may be signed or verified ele: “ ctronically and has the same validity and status as a document with a physical (pen-to-paper) signature. For more information, see Section LE. of the State of Connecticut Superior Court E-Services Procedures and Technical Standards (, section 51-193c of the Connecticut General Statutes and Connecticut Practice Book Section 4-4. DBDCV195015276S 3/1/2021 Page 1 of 1 Fy. 57 ORDER 427017 DOCKET NO: DBDCV195015277S SUPERIOR COURT BURTON, NANCY JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF DANBURY AT DANBURY ZONING COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF REDDING Et Al 3/1/2021 ORDER The following order is entered in the above matter: ORDER: At the request of the Civil Presiding Judge, the above case is designated as a complex litigation case and it is hereby ordered transferred to the Complex Litigation Docket in the Judicial District of Waterbury pursuant to C.G.S. §51-347b(a), the court having determined that such a transfer is required for the’ efficient operations of the courts and to insure the prompt and proper administration of justice. Judicial Notice (IDNO) was sent regarding this order. 427017 Judge: JAMES WILSON ABRAMS This document may be signed or verified electronically and has the same validity and status as a document with a physical (pen-to-paper) signature. For more information, see Section LE. of the State of Connecticut Superior Court E-Services Procedures and Technical Standards ( pdf), section 51-193c of the Connecticut General Statutes and Connecticut Practice Book Section 4-4. DBDCV195015277S8 3/1/2021 Page 1 of 1 Ey.6 ORDER 421277 DOCKET NO: UWYCV195027713S SUPERIOR COURT BURTON, NANCY JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF WATERBURY! AT WATERBURY PEMBERTON, JULIA, FIRST SELECTWOMAN Et Al 3/3/2021 ORDER The following order is entered in the above matter: ORDER: An on the record telephone status conference in this matter is scheduled for Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. The court, through court officer Ron Ferraro, attempted to obtain a mutually agreed upon date and time for the status conference, but the plaintiff's first available date of April 9, five weeks from now, is not acceptable. As such, the status conference will proceed on the court’s date of March 10, at 9:00 a.m. Failure to participate may result in a non suit, default, or dismissal. Please be on time. Judicial Notice (IDNO) was sent regarding this order. 421277 Judge: BARBARA N BELLIS This document may be signed or verified electronically and has the same validity and status as a document with a physical (pen-to-paper) signature. For more information, see Section LE. of the State of Connecticut Superior Court E-Services Procedures and Technical Standards ( pdf), section 51-193c of the Connecticut General Statutes and Connecticut Practice Book Section 4-4. UWYCV195027713S 3/3/2021 Page 1 of 1 t Click to Download Pe. ' ' 0 bytes Elinore Carmody Cabana US Sales Director 917 796 1894 Sent from my iPhone Elinore Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 7:38 AM To: "Sen. Haskell, Will" Cc: "Romanowicz, Alexander" Hi Will, | spoke to the prosecutor and Julia Pemberton about this yesterday. Steve2 Stafstrom, the Town lawyer, is tying to. obtain” ‘a search warrant for.thé property. | would really appreciate you keeping the pressure on the State as| think it’s starting to trickle down. | am curious about the reaction you received (or lack thereof) from Tong's office? Thanks and let me know. Good luck in November. | think you are going to win. Best, Elinore Elinore Carmody Cabana US Sales Director 917 796 1894 Sent from my iPhone On Oct 8, 2020, at 11:21 AM, Sen. Haskell, Will wrote: {Quoted text hidden} Sen. Haskell, Will Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 11:14 AM To: Elinore Cc: "Romanowicz, Alexander” I'm glad to hear that it's starting to trickle down! Any new details from the prosecutor on next steps? Tong's job is essentially to defend the Department of Agriculture if (or when) Nancy takes them to court. In order to get the state to act more expeditiously, | think we need to continue appealing to the Commissioner rather than the AG Fx.® ED ost o@® oS Gr Do eo aa os oc no oa zo Qs =o oo as Ow se Ce ae > Nd as os Ba ia to cz oO oEO Ox | i 23 Io Ce or Va >o ed eg oss i Hi =s oe sé — on et a et oO éx. 7 NB Email March 11 2020 re SS to Bd Sel Tue, Oct 5, 2021 8:27 am ( Details Click here for the accessible version More RE: "Global Goat Settlement: Thu, Mar 11, 2021 9:08 am Stafstrom, Steven J. (SStafstrom@PULLCOM.COM)To:you + 3 more Details Ms. Burton, As you are aware, | represent the Town and the Zoning Commission respectively in the actions you reference below. As the Town and the Zoning Commission are represented parties, | ask that all communications directed to the Town and Zoning Commission Officials, agents or employees, including to the Board of Selectmen, regarding these matters to go through me. Furthermore, please me reminded that any and all discussion you and | had on March 9th are covered by the evidentiary exclusion of Connecticut Code of Evidence Sec. 4-8 and otherwise should be treated as confidential. Thank you. Steven J. Stafstrom, Jr., Esq. PULLMAN & COMLEY LLC 203 330 2266 . THIS MESSAGE AND ANY OF ITS ATTACHMENTS ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE DESIGNATED RECIPIENT, OR THE RECIPIENT'S DESIGNEE, AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL OR PRIVILEGED. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, PLEASE (1) IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY PULLMAN & COMLEY ABOUT THE RECEIPT BY TELEPHONING (203) 330-2000; (2) DELETE ALL COPIES OF THE MESSAGE AND ANY ATTACHMENTS; AND (3) DO NOT DISSEMINATE OR MAKE ANY USE OF ANY OF THEIR CONTENTS. From: Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2021 7:34 AM To:;; Maria Thompson Subject: "Global Goat Settlement: Nancy Burton 147 Cross Highway Redding CT 06896 203-313-1510 March 11, 2021 Julia Pemberton First Selectman Margaret O’Donnell Selectman Michael Thompson Selectman Dear Members of the Redding Board of Selectmen: This letter responds to the invitation extended to me by Redding Town Counsel Steven Stafstrom in the course of a telephone conference call he and | engaged in on Tuesday, March 9, 2021. This letter serves as notification that | accept the offer. The teleconference was initiated in preparation for a remote proceeding scheduled to take place on March 10, 2021 at 9 AM before Superior Court Judge Barbara N. Bellis as an “initial status conference’ in two matters | have brought to the Superior Court, Nancy Burton v. Redding Zoning Commission, UWY-CV-195027712-S (“Zoning”), and Nancy Burton v. Julia Pemberton, UWY-CV-195027713-S (“Pemberton”). Both cases concern goats maintained on my property as participants in the Mothers Milk Project, a public- interest, not-for-profit project to sample and analyse goat milk for the presence of radioisotopes routinely released by nuclear power plants. During the conversation, | happened to mention to Mr. Stafstrom that | had rented a truck over the previous weekend to transport twelve goats from my property to new homes with the assistance of Rosa Buonomo, president of SBF Animal Rescue, Inc. (‘Stony Brook Farm”), a 501(c)(3) not-for profit animal sanctuary with a facility located in Harwinton, Connecticut. | explained that | had been devoting much time and attention over several years to relocate all but nine of the goats to good “forever” homes. | further explained that | had had to postpone the scheduled March 7 transfer because my property was still covered in ice which posed a danger to myself, the goats and the three people | had hired to assist me with the transfer. Mr. Stafstrom interrupted me to ask if it would be helpful if the Town of Redding were to cover the cost of the truck rental. | did not hesitate to say “Yes.” Mr. Stafstrom then ventured that the Town’s financial assistance to cover the entire cost of relocating all but nine of my goats to the Harwinton facility, which was willing to adopt them all, would be money much better spent than money spent on the costs of taking Zoning and Pemberton to trial. | agreed. | further explained that various Redding residents and | had initiated a fundraising drive to finance the move but were still quite far from the goal. | was told by Ms. Buonomo that once the funds were made available, the goat transfer could take place within two short weeks. Mr. Stafstrom asked for the name of the sanctuary and | replied that | would be happy to provide it after obtaining Ms. Buonomo’s assent. | contacted her and she agreed to accept the offer and she extended an invitation to the Board of Selectmen and other town representatives to visit the sanctuary. Mr. Stafstrom then asked if | would draft a proposal which he would submit to the Redding Board of Selectmen with his strong endorsement. We discussed how such contribution by the Town of Redding would cover all the costs of relocation, including constructing shelters and setting up fencing, drilling a well, hiring construction workers and covering all other costs to make the move possible. lam in the process of preparing the proposal and will present it to Mr. Stafstrom shortly. | look forward to working with you to achieve the “global settlement” Mr. Stafstrom has initiated Sincerely, /s/ Nancy Burton Ex. {oO & = & g, o = 3 = 2 a: a: a a s: » or & a. co: wig! h = & eas 32," 2 Lak a @ oS:Q. @ ae 1 & " oS 25 = $ ED gs a9 DD os @9 o >a 2 ag & a0 Es 2= & 2s ov xé 2. 2a ce Bie! PEs GO a6 15 Bp” — s an &co ao oD2 os os. os & sc° 38 =: ED = 8a .: Sr a ee, A 3oF aa ar wo x. 2ot 2Qc® 2 2a fo oN on eF ean oe a? ‘2508 wey Won We se 4 “y