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  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview


ORDER 421277 DOCKET NO: UWYCV215028294S SUPERIOR COURT BURTON,NANCY JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF WATERBURY V. AT WATERBURY MASON,DAVID PHILIP 9/13/2021 ORDER The following order is entered in the above matter: ORDER: Following the limited discovery permitted as to the defendants Mason, Carmody, and Gibbons, the plaintiffs may file replacement briefs, if necessary, on or before 10/12/21. If the plaintiff files replacement briefs, the defendants must file replacement replies on or before 10/22/21. Judicial Notice (JDNO) was sent regarding this order. 421277 Judge: BARBARA N BELLIS This document may be signed or verified electronically and has the same validity and status as a document with a physical (pen-to-paper) signature. For more information, see Section I.E. of the State of Connecticut Superior Court E-Services Procedures and Technical Standards (, section 51-193c of the Connecticut General Statutes and Connecticut Practice Book Section 4-4. UWYCV215028294S 9/13/2021 Page 1 of 1