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  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview


ORDER 421277 DOCKET NO: UWYCV215028294S SUPERIOR COURT BURTON,NANCY JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF WATERBURY V. AT WATERBURY MASON,DAVID PHILIP 8/25/2021 ORDER ORDER REGARDING: 08/23/2021 171.00 REQUEST The foregoing, having been considered by the Court, is hereby: ORDER: REJECTED The plaintiff’s proposed interrogatories can be found at entry #129. The court’s order of 8/18/21 allowing limited discovery only as to the complaints referred to in paragraph 21 of the Mason affidavit required the plaintiff, should she wish to pursue discovery on that limited issue, to file with the court by today a narrowed list of interrogatories, working off the existing proposal found at #129, and using the original numbers for each interrogatory as found in #129. This was not an opportunity to file a new request, such as was done here at entry #171. The limited discovery will not be allowed unless the plaintiff complies with the court’s order. The court is sua sponte extending the plaintiff’s deadline to 8/27/21. The opposing party will then have until 9/3/21 to file specific discovery objections. Judicial Notice (JDNO) was sent regarding this order. 421277 Judge: BARBARA N BELLIS This document may be signed or verified electronically and has the same validity and status as a document with a physical (pen-to-paper) signature. For more information, see Section I.E. of the State of Connecticut Superior Court E-Services Procedures and Technical Standards (, section 51-193c of the Connecticut General Statutes and Connecticut Practice Book Section 4-4. UWYCV215028294S 8/25/2021 Page 1 of 1