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  • 16 CV 007583PERSONAL INJURY document preview
  • 16 CV 007583PERSONAL INJURY document preview
  • 16 CV 007583PERSONAL INJURY document preview
  • 16 CV 007583PERSONAL INJURY document preview


Franklin County Ohio Clerk of Courts of the Common Pleas- 2017 Aug 01 9:52 AM-16CV007583 0D734 - D80 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO CIVIL DIVISION VICTOR CARDWELL, PLAINTIFFS, CASE NO. 16CV007583 VS. JUDGE COLLEEEN O’DONNELL JOSHUA GLOVER et al., DEFENDANT. PLAINTIFF’S FINAL PRE-TRIAL STATEMENT Pursuant to Local Rule 41.04, Plaintiffs, hereby submits their Final Pre-trial Statement as follows: 1. Trial Counsel for Plaintiff: | Ryan H. Lauer, Esq., Megan Hayden, Esq. 2. Issues: a. Are Joshua Glover and HYG Alum, LLC liable to Plaintiff for the dog attack which injured his leg? b. Was Plaintiff an employee on duty at the time of the accident? c. Was Plaintiff a trespasser at the time of the accident? 3. Witnesses: a. Plaintiff, Victor Cardwell b. Defendant, Joshua Glover as on cross-examination c. A representative of HYG Alum LLC as on cross-examination c. Dr. Joseph Minarcheck, M.D. f. Defense witnesses, as on cross 4. Exhibits: a. Injury Photos b. Photos of the accident sceneFranklin County Ohio Clerk of Courts of the Common Pleas- 2017 Aug 01 9:52 AM-16CV007583 0D734 - D81 c. Photos and Diagram of the accident scene. b. Medical records c. Medical bills d. Billing summary Damages: Medical bills $137,093.29. Discovery: Discovery is complete and all exhibits have been exchanged. Plaintiff and Defendants depositions have been taken. 7. Trial: a. Jury: Plaintiff filed a jury demand with the Complaint. b. Trial Time: Anticipated trial time is 2 and 1/2 days. Settlement: Demand for Plaintiff is $175,000 Defendant has offered $20,000. Respectfully submitted, /s/Ryan H. Lauer, Esq. Ryan H. Lauer, Esq. (0083474) SCOTT W. SCHIFF & ASSOC. CO., LPA 115 West Main Street, Suite 100 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Tel: 614.621.8888 Fax: 614.621.8814