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  • Yatsenick, Rick et al vs. Old Wharf Village LLC et al Malpractice - Other document preview
  • Yatsenick, Rick et al vs. Old Wharf Village LLC et al Malpractice - Other document preview


Zimbra Page 1 of 1 Zimbra | | | | 2019-P-1670 - Notice of Entry to Trial Court i From: Fri, Nov 22, 2019 01:00 PM Subject : 2019-P-1670 - Notice of Entry to Trial Court To: Reply To: -COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS | | APPEALS COURT: CLERK'S OFFICE | | | | Dated: November 22, 2019 RE: No. 2019-P-1670 Lower Court No: 1372CVv00125 RICK YATSENICK & another vs. OLD WHARF VILLAGE LLC & others | : NOTICE OF ENTRY OF APPEAL In accordance with Massachusetts Rule of Appellate Procedure 10 (a) (3), please note that the above-referenced case was entered in this Court on November 21, 2019, IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM THE APPEALS COURT ELECTRONIC NOTICE TO TRIAL COURTS. The Appeals Court is conducting a pilot program to provide electronic notification to the trial courts. Please contact Assistant Clerk Paul Tuttle for more details about participating in this program. His phone number is 617-723-1522, and his, email address is Very truly yours, Joseph Stanton, Clerk ' If you have any questions, or wish to communicate with the Clerk's Office about this case, please :contact the Clerk's Office at 617-725-8106. Thank you. , | | | https://mail merica/N ew_York 11/22/2019