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  • Yatsenick, Rick et al vs. Old Wharf Village LLC et al Malpractice - Other document preview
  • Yatsenick, Rick et al vs. Old Wharf Village LLC et al Malpractice - Other document preview
  • Yatsenick, Rick et al vs. Old Wharf Village LLC et al Malpractice - Other document preview
  • Yatsenick, Rick et al vs. Old Wharf Village LLC et al Malpractice - Other document preview


F) ORIGINAL COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE, ss. SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT . CIVIL ACTION NO. 1372CV00125 RICK YATSENICK and JOAL YATSENICK Plaintiffs, v. OLD WHARF VILLAGE, LLC, CHARLES EDGAR, DAVID DILLON D/B/A DILLON REAL ESTATE, and STACEY CURLEY, Defendants. —_S—S Se SSS nS Sew SD gat Now comes Counsel for the Plaintiffs, Rick Yatsenick and Joal Yatsenick, Eric H. Price, Esq. AFFIDAVIT OF PLAINTIFFS’ COUNSEL who state as follows: 1.1 am counsel of record for the Plaintiffs, Rick Yatsenick and Joal Yatsenick. 2. Ihave reviewed the Defendant Old Wharf Village’s Motion to Reconsider as well as the Affidavit of Charles Edgar for Defendant Old Wharf Village with its attached exhibits thereto. 3. Thave reviewed any and all statutes, case law, and the record with regards to the legal requirements for a Motion to Reconsider and I have found nothing that would serve as a legal basis for such a motion to be granted. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury this day, July 18", 2019.Respectfully Submitted, THE PLAINTIFFS, July 18, 2019 By their Attorney « WL : Eric H. Price, Esquire Attorney at Law BBO# 698995 62 Main Street Kingston, MA 02364 339-832-3605 CERTICIATE OF SERVICE Thereby certify that a true copy of the forgoing document was served upon all C ounsel of record for all known parties herein by causing a copy to be delivered by first class mail this 18" day of July, 2019. “ on Joti, p. AL Eric H. Price, Esquire BBO # 698995 62 Main Street Kingston, MA 02364 (339) 832-3605 Fax: (508) 746-1817