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  • Yatsenick, Rick et al vs. Old Wharf Village LLC et al Malpractice - Other document preview
  • Yatsenick, Rick et al vs. Old Wharf Village LLC et al Malpractice - Other document preview
  • Yatsenick, Rick et al vs. Old Wharf Village LLC et al Malpractice - Other document preview
  • Yatsenick, Rick et al vs. Old Wharf Village LLC et al Malpractice - Other document preview
  • Yatsenick, Rick et al vs. Old Wharf Village LLC et al Malpractice - Other document preview
  • Yatsenick, Rick et al vs. Old Wharf Village LLC et al Malpractice - Other document preview


COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE, ss. SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT CIVIL ACTION NO. 1372CV00125 RICK YATSENICK and JOAL YATSENICK Plaintiffs, Vv. OLD WHARF VILLAGE, LLC, CHARLES EDGAR, DAVID DILLON D/B/A DILLON REAL ESTATE, and STACEY CURLEY, Lo Defendants. AFFIDAVIT OF DOUGLAS A. TROYER I, Douglas A. Troyer, being duly sworn, depose and say as follows: 1 lam an attorney duly licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and State of Maine and am a Principal with Moriarty Troyer & Malloy LLC (“MTM”), with an office located at 30 Braintree Hill Office Park, Suite 205, Braintree, Massachusetts. Lo we 2 MIM is co-counsel for the Plaintiffs, Rick Yatsenick and Joal Yatsenick (“Plaintiffs”), in the above-referenced matter. The Plaintiffs are also represented by Brian K. 1 Galletta, Esq. 3 There has been a substantial and irretrievable breakdown in communications between MTM, on the one hand, and the Plaintiffs and Attorney Galletta, on the other. Such a breakdown in communications, and in the attorney-client relationship, constitutes good cause for withdrawal.! 4 If permitted to withdraw as counsel in this matter, MTM will assist the Plaintiff upon withdrawal, including undertaking those measures as set forth under Rule 1.16(d)-(e) of the Massachusetts Rules of Professional Conduct, or as may be further ordered by the Court. 5 On the date set forth below, I have provided a copy of the Motion to Withdraw Appearance and this Affidavit to the Plaintiffs, Attorney Galletta and all counsel of record. SIGNED UNDER THE PAINS AND P. TIES OF PERJURY THIS 187 DAY OF MAY, 2018. ao Douglas A. Troyer ' Tn the interest of preserving client confidences, MTM declines to state in greater detail the bases for its withdrawal. However, in accordance with Ethics Opinion No. 96-3 of the Massachusetts Bar Association, MTM is prepared to provide additional information as may be ordered by the Court through in camera proceedings as the Court may require. 2 CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE Thereby certify that on May 1, 2018, I served a true and correct copy of this document upon all counsel of record via first-class mail. Douglas A. Troyer