MEMORANDUM & ORDER: MEMORANDUM AND ORDER ON PLAINTIFF-INTERVENOR'S EMERGENCY MOTION FOR TRUSTEE PROCESS ATTACHMENT AND TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER: Judge: Deakin, Hon. David A The court therefore ORDERS that, if the D'Angelo Law Group, or anyone acting at its direction or on its behalf, receives in any form payment for the firm's work - including but not limited to the work of any of its owners, principals, attorney, and/or personnel - in Acosta et al v. Bay State Gas Company d/b/a Columbia Gas of Mass. et al, 1877CV01343, the D'Angelo Law Group shall place the entirety of those funds in an interest-bearing escrow account and shall not withdraw, dispense, spend, use, or in any other way disturb the balance of the account without prior approval of this court, after notice to the plaintiff-intervenor Jennifer M. Carrion, and an opportunity for her to be heard in opposition, should she so choose. This order applies to funds received by the firm for its work in the case; it does not apply to funds received by the firm that are payable to clients as damages or other forms of recovery. The court further ORDERS that the D'Angelo Law Group's opposition, if any, be filed via email no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 13, 2020. So ORDERED this 9th day of July 2020.

On September 16, 2016 an accounting case was filed by Carrion, Jennifer M, and Hashem, Saba, represented by Farrah, Jr., Esq., Albert L, Kaplan, Esq., Wendy Anne, Pro Se, and Rivera-Bujosa, Esq., Mernaysa, against D'Angelo And Hashem, Llc, D'Angelo Law Group Llc And Nominally, D'Angelo And Hashem, Llc, and D'Angelo, Stephen L., represented by Amann, Esq., William James, Andrade, Esq., Matthew, Cossingham, Esq., Kenneth, D'Angelo, Esq., Stephen Lawrence, and Laporte, Esq., Thomas C, in the jurisdiction of Essex County. Judge Timothy Q. Feeley presiding.

COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX, ss. SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL ACTION NO. 1677CV01419 SABA HASHEM ys. STEPHEN D’ANGELO, ET AL MEMORANDUM ON PLAINTIFF-INTERVENOR’S EMERGENCY MOTION FOR TRUSTEE PROCESS ATTACHMENT AND TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER On July 8, 2020, counsel for the plaintiff-intervenor, Jennifer M. Carrion, filed an Emergency Motion for Trustee Process Attachm this case against the defendant, The! year. See Paper No. 92. In order to ent (Paper No. 96).' Carrion seeks to enforce a. judgment entered in D’ Angelo Law Group, LLC (“D’ Angelo Law Group”) earlier this establish an entitlement to injunctive relief, Carrion must prove that she is likely to succeed on the merits, that she would suffer irreparable harm if the injunction were denied, and that the risk of harm to her outy Group. See Doe v. Worcester Publi; Indus, Group, Inc.v. Cheney, 380 spans nine years, indicates that there the funds that are the subject of the them to satisfy Carrion’s judgment havin…

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