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  • Duda, M.D., Francis J. vs. Baystate Medical Practices, Inc. Formerly Known As Baystate Medical Education and Research Foundation, Inc. Employment Discrimination document preview
  • Duda, M.D., Francis J. vs. Baystate Medical Practices, Inc. Formerly Known As Baystate Medical Education and Research Foundation, Inc. Employment Discrimination document preview
  • Duda, M.D., Francis J. vs. Baystate Medical Practices, Inc. Formerly Known As Baystate Medical Education and Research Foundation, Inc. Employment Discrimination document preview
  • Duda, M.D., Francis J. vs. Baystate Medical Practices, Inc. Formerly Known As Baystate Medical Education and Research Foundation, Inc. Employment Discrimination document preview
  • Duda, M.D., Francis J. vs. Baystate Medical Practices, Inc. Formerly Known As Baystate Medical Education and Research Foundation, Inc. Employment Discrimination document preview
  • Duda, M.D., Francis J. vs. Baystate Medical Practices, Inc. Formerly Known As Baystate Medical Education and Research Foundation, Inc. Employment Discrimination document preview


COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT HAMPDEN, ss. Superior Court Department Civil Action No: 15-679 FRANCIS J, DUDA, M.D. Plaintiff HAMPDEN COUNTY v. SUPERIOR COURT BAYSTATE MEDICAL FILED PRACTICES, ING. JUL 4 fik/a BAYSTATE MEDICAL L 17 2018 EDUCATION AND RESEARCH be OF GA AFFIDAVIT OF MATTHEW J. FOGELMAN FOUNDATION, INC. ee ee Defendant |, Matthew J. Fogelman, being duly sworn, state as follows: 1. ! am over the age of eighteen (18) and have direct knowledge of the facts contained herein. 2. ! am duly licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as well as before the United States District Court of Massachusetts and the First Circuit Court of Appeals. | am also admitted in the State of New York. | provide the following information based on my personal knowledge. 3. 1 am a founding partner of the law firm Fogelman & Fogelman, P.C., where | practice plaintiff-side employment litigation and personal injury litigation. | was admitted in Massachusetts in 2002 and practiced at Bingham McCutchen, LLP, and Todd & Weld, LLP before establishing Fogelman & 512Fogelman in 2010. 4. My employment litigation practice ranges from wage and hour to overtime cases to discrimination, sexual harassment, and retaliation matters. | regularly represent clients before state and federal courts and in trials. 5. In 2017, | successfully prevailed in an appeal before the Supreme Judicial Court in establishing a disabled employee's right to bring a civil action based upon the off-site use of medical marijuana as a potential reasonable accommodation under Chapter 151B in Barbuto v. Advantage Sales & Mktg., LLC, 477 Mass. 456, 457 (2017). | also won a $1.2 million verdict in an age discrimination case in Norfolk County in late 2017, Beresford vy. Charles River Automotive. 6. | am familiar with Attorney Tani Sapirstein from our work as plaintiff- side employment attorneys over the past several years and our association with the Massachusetts Employment Lawyers’ Association. | have known Attorney Sapirstein professionally and personally for several years and am familiar with her skills and experience. 7. Based on my comparable hourly rate, my knowledge of Attorney Sapirstein’s skills and experience, and my knowledge of similar attorneys of similar experience in the greater Boston area, | believe a $425 hourly rate is fair and reasonable for Attorney Sapirstein. 8. An hourly rate of $425.00 for an attorney engaged in a litigation practice with thirty-six (36) years of experience is reasonable for the Springfield area.9, In my experience, an hourly rate of $275.00 for an associate engaged in a litigation practice with two (2) years of experience is reasonable for the Springfield area. 10. The facts set forth in this Affidavit are made upon my own personal knowledge and belief and so far as upon belief. | believe those facts to be true. Further, affiant sayeth not. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury on this Ss day of dere, 2018. 3uly Mads Matthew J. Fdgelman KACASEFILE\Duda, Francis, M.D. 2015 750\Past TriaiAffidavit of Matthew J, Fogefman 6-22-18-1.doc