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  • Sylvia, Lori vs. Town of Acushnet MA Treasurer et al Other Contract Action document preview
  • Sylvia, Lori vs. Town of Acushnet MA Treasurer et al Other Contract Action document preview


HU BRISTOL, SS. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. SUPERIOR COURT Docket number 1473 CV 880 SR Te OURT LORI SYLVIA v. hg TOWN OF ACUSHNET TREASURER and PAUL SYLVIA ORDER ON DEFENDANT PAUL SYLVIA’S MOTION TO DISMISS (pleading number 5) At hearing on the above-referenced motion it was confirmed by counsel for the plaintiff that count I is only intended to assert a claim under the whistleblower statute against the Town of Acushnet and that no relief is sought against the defendant Sylvia in such count. After review of the complaint . The court concludes that Count II fails to plead a defamation claim against Sylvia with sufficient specificity. The motion to dismiss Count I is therefore ALLOWED WITHOUT PREJUDICE to file an amended complaint on or before February 9, 2015. Such complaint shall state with specificity as precisely as possible : 1) when any alleged defamatory statements were made, and by whom. 2) the identity of persons or entities to whom said statements were published by the defendant and the manner in which they were published 3) as precisely as possible the contents of each of the above referenced defamatory statements and whether said statements were oral or in writing. The plaintiff is reminded that a cause of action for defamation requires that the plaintiff assert and establish that the defendant (a) new the statement was false; or (b) acted in reckless disregard as to whether the statement was true of false; or (c) acted negligently in failing to ascertain whether the statement is true or false before publishing it. The Complaint must further assert that the defamatory statement either caused the plaintiff economic loss or must assert facts demonstrating that it was the type of statement that is actionable without proof of economic loss. See Ravnikar v.Bogojaviensky 438 Mass 627, 630 . Tyre Dated: January 8, 2015 iL ft Yew ~ Richard T Moses. Justice Superior Court