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  • Hasper, John et al vs. Gajda, Stanley et al Dispute Concerning Title document preview
  • Hasper, John et al vs. Gajda, Stanley et al Dispute Concerning Title document preview


“ . Is COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPSHIRE, ss. SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT CIVIL ACTION NO. 2014-0214 PATRICIA HASPER and STANLEY GAIDA, Plaintiffs ) sf Ve HAMPSHIRE SUPERIOR COURT S AUG Ld 2016 JOHN HASPER and MARY HASPER HARRY JEKANOWSKI, JR. CLERK / MAGISTRATE < Defendants DEFENDANTS’ MOTION TO CONTINUE TRIAL DATE Now come the Plaintiffs in the above-captioned matter and respectfully request this Honorable Court to continue the trial of this matter, currently on the March, 2017 Trial list, until the trial list for the month of June 2017. As grounds therefore, the Plaintiffs state that the Defendants, John Hasper and Mary Hasper, spend their winters in Florida. Both Defendants are elderly (ages 76 and 77 respectively) have certain mobility issues (they both have had knee replacement surgeries recently), and are full time caregivers to their adult disabled daughter. They will return to their home in New York during the month of May, 2017. Returning from Florida earler in the winter months would pose a severe hardship upon said defendants. In addition, since the date of the pre-trial conference, the Defendants’ attorney, the undersigned John H. Fitz-Gibbon, has received an opportunity to be out of the country on vacation for a portion of the month of March, 2017. Bebe IN) OG The parties are currently exploring mediation, but in the event that mediation does not work, they desire a trial date during June of 2017.