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A San Francisco Superior Courts Information Technology Group Document Scanning Lead Sheet Jun-06-2003 3:38 pm Case Number: PES-02-282999 Filing Date: Jun-05-2003 3:37 Juke Box: 001 Image: 00706106 MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES THE ESTATE OF DEAN LAU BACCIOCCO 001P00706106 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned.0 mI DWH BF WN Bee ee ee ee BNRFRREBRESSCRerVTARBEBRSS Robert I. Simon(SB#72671) Attorney at Law 550 Montgomery St, Suite 550 San Francisco County Superior Court San Francisco, CA. 9411 Telephone: (415) 434- 3608; Fax: (415) 781-6683 JUN 0 5/2003 Attorney for Respondent Judith Bacciocco GORDON PARK-LI, Clerk oY Deputy Clerk SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Estate of } Case No.: PES-02-282999 DEAN BACCIOCCO, ) POINTS AND AUTHORITIES OF ) RESPONDENT JUDITH BACCIOCCO IN ) OPPOSITION TO PETITIONER ATHENA ) BACCIOCCO’S PETITION TO ALLOCATE ) RESPONSIBILITY FOR DEBT’S PAYABLE } TO ESTATE AND SURVIVING Deceased. } SPOUSE(Probate Code Section 11441) Date: July 16, 2003 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept: Probate, Room 204 Decedent and Respondent Judith Bacciocco were married on 8/20/94 and separated on 8/19/98. The marriage was never finally dissolved and decedent died on 2/9/02. There was no agreement, written or oral, as to the allocation of responsibility for any debts of the decedent or any claims against his estate. (Declaration of Judith Bacciocco, Page 1. Para. 1). Petitioner is seeking to have the following debts allocated to Judith Bacciocco: (1) Income taxes owed to the U.S. Treasury-amount unknown. (2) Income taxes owed to the California Franchise Tax Board-amount unknown. (3) S.F. Police Credit Union-$7,159.57 -1- POINTS AND AUTHORITIES of JUDITH BACCIOCCO IN OPPOSITION TO... PETITION TO ALLOCATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR DEBTSwo end AW Fs WN Ny bw N NN NN FY B& KF PF KF Pe PF RP Se eS BPeRRRRPRBBHFSFiTGTe AA aARYHHHE CO (4) Car loan-$15,707.23. (5) Funeral Expenses. FUNERAL EXPENSES: Probate Code Section 11446 provides that funeral expenses shall be charged against the estate of the decedent and shall not be allocated to, or charged against the community share of, the surviving spouse... Therefore, the funeral expenses cannot be allocated to Respondent Judith Bacciocco. TAXES OWED ,CREDIT UNION DEBT and CAR LOAN: Any taxes owed to the IRS or California Franchise Tax Board, the Credit Union debt and the Car loan were incurred by decedent after separation (Declaration of Judith Bacciocco, Page 1-2, Para. 2,3 & 4). Probate Code Section 11444(b)(1) provides: Separate property debts of either spouse shall be allocated to that spouse’s separate property assets, and the community debts shall be allocated to the spouses’ community property assets. As the taxes owed, credit union debt and the car loan were incurred after date of separation they are separate property debts and cannot be allocated to Judith Bacciocco but must be allocated to decedent’s separate property assets. All the property listed in the Inventory and Appraisal(Partial No. 1) is believed to be the separate property of the decedent.(Declaration of Judith Bacciocco, Page 2, Para. 6). ALLEGATIONS OF PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE PETITION: None of the items referred to in paragraph 4 of the Petition are assets of the estate. Benefits under the SF Retirement Pension Payout/Death Benefit, SFPD Widows & Orphans Aid Assn and CIGNA Group Life Benefit are controlled by contract or statute. The Harley Davidson motorcycle was in joint tenancy with decedent’s father and decedent’s father received that asset. Respondent has not received anything from the SF Retirement Pension Payout/Death Benefit. In fact, Petitioner is claiming the same benefits and both Petitioner and Respondent are claiming “death in the line of duty” benefits 2- POINTS AND AUTHORITIES of JUDITH BACCIOCCO IN OPPOSITION TO... PETITION TO ALLOCATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR DEBTSCo Oe NY DUH FF WN NY N NY N NY N KN DY Nm aa ent A nA FF YW NHN KF GO wM RIAA A RW NH ES under the rules of the SF Retirement System which if successful would substitute for the $67,787.16 Retirement Pension Payout/Death Benefit.( Declaration of Judith Bacciocco, Page 2, Para.5) DEBTS FOR COMMON NECESSARIES OF LIFE: While not relevant to the discussion here because Probate Code Section 11444 sets out the way in which debts are allocated, the debts listed by Petitioner are not for common necessaries of life. The term “common necessaries of life” means essentials commonly required by all persons for the sustenance of life...J.J. MacIntyre Co. v. Duren(1981) 118C.A.3 Supp. 16, 19. Certainly taxes are not common necessaries of life. A car is not a common necessary of life. Ratzlaff'v. Portillo(1971)14 Cal. App. 3d 1013, 1016. The use by decedent of the credit union funds is unknown to Respondent. PETITION UNVERIFIED: The Petition herein is unverified and should be denied on that basis. WHEREFORE, Respondent prays that the Petition be denied. Dated: June 5, 2003 Ae Robert I. Simon, Attorney for Respondent Judith Bacciocco 3. POINTS AND AUTHORITIES of JUDITH BACCIOCCO IN OPPOSITION TO... PETITION TO ALLOCATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR DEBTS