Opposition to of Defendants, Stephen D'Angelo, Ind and D'Angelo Law Group, LLC to Cross-Motion of Plaintiff-Intervenor for Summary Judgment filed by Applies To: D'Angelo Law Group LLC and nominally, D'Angelo and Hashem, LLC (Defendant); LaPorte, Esq., Thomas C (Attorney) on behalf of D'Angelo Law Group LLC and nominally, D'Angelo and Hashem, LLC (Defendant)

On September 16, 2016 an accounting case was filed by Carrion, Jennifer M, and Hashem, Saba, represented by Farrah, Jr., Esq., Albert L, Kaplan, Esq., Wendy Anne, Pro Se, and Rivera-Bujosa, Esq., Mernaysa, against D'Angelo And Hashem, Llc, D'Angelo Law Group Llc And Nominally, D'Angelo And Hashem, Llc, and D'Angelo, Stephen L., represented by Amann, Esq., William James, Andrade, Esq., Matthew, Cossingham, Esq., Kenneth, D'Angelo, Esq., Stephen Lawrence, and Laporte, Esq., Thomas C, in the jurisdiction of Essex County. Judge Timothy Q. Feeley presiding.

80.13 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX, ss. SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT CIVIL ACTION NO. 16CV1419 Saba Hashem, individually and as Manager of D’Angelo & Hashem, LLC, Plaintiff/Defendant-Intervenor ve. Stephen D’ Angelo, individually and as a Manager of D’ Angelo & Hashem, LLC, and D’ Angelo Law Group; D’ Angelo & Hashem, LLC; and D’Angelo Law Group, LLC. Defendants/Defendants-Intervenors, Reach and Apply Defendants ve Jennifer M. Carrion, Plaintiff-Intervenor Ne ee ee eee ee OPPOSITION OF DEFENDANTS, STEPHEN D'ANGELO, INDIVIDUALLY AND D'ANGELO LAW GROUP LLC TO CROSS-MOTION OF PLAINTIFF- INTERVENOR FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Now come Defendants, Stephen D'Angelo, individually and D'Angelo Law Group, LLC, and D'Angelo Law Group, LLC, in opposition to the cross-motion of Plaintiff-Intervenor, Jennifer M. Carrion, for.summary judgment.STATEMENT OF FACTS On January 12, 2000, D’ Angelo and Hashem became a two member LLC. Mr. Hashem and Mr. D'Angelo were equal members an…

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