Kenneth Cossingham, Esq., Thomas C LaPorte, Esq.'s Memorandum in support of Defendants Stephen L D'Angelo And D'Angelo Law Group, LLC's Motion For Summary Adjudication (filed 9/18/19)

On September 16, 2016 an accounting case was filed by Carrion, Jennifer M, and Hashem, Saba, represented by Farrah, Jr., Esq., Albert L, Kaplan, Esq., Wendy Anne, Pro Se, and Rivera-Bujosa, Esq., Mernaysa, against D'Angelo And Hashem, Llc, D'Angelo Law Group Llc And Nominally, D'Angelo And Hashem, Llc, and D'Angelo, Stephen L., represented by Amann, Esq., William James, Andrade, Esq., Matthew, Cossingham, Esq., Kenneth, D'Angelo, Esq., Stephen Lawrence, and Laporte, Esq., Thomas C, in the jurisdiction of Essex County. Judge Timothy Q. Feeley presiding.

COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX, SS , SUPERIOR COURT SABA HASHEM, Individually and Derivatively on behalf of, D'ANGELO & HASHEM, LLC Plaintiffs, CIVIL ACTION NO: 16CV1419 A- Vv. STEPHEN L. D'ANGELO D'ANGELO LAW GROUP, LLC, and nominally, D'‘ANGELO & HASHEM, LLC Defendants. bet Ne re ee lcd Bt JS aie MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS STEPHEN, L. : D’ANGELO AND D’ANGELO LAW GROUP, LLC’S MOTION FOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION IL INTRODUCTION This case presents a seemingly unprecedented situation where a lawyer, Mr. Hashem, who is currently suspended from the practice of law, is suing his former law firm, and said former law firm's only other principal and that principal’s newly formed limited liability company, for: breach of fiduciary duty, interference with contractual relations, conversion, quantum meruit, an accounting and injunctive relief. This motion challenges that there is a material issue of triable fact with regard to those counts with the exception of …

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