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  • Piszcz, Jr., Edward et al vs. Stanley, David W. et al Other Real Property Action document preview
  • Piszcz, Jr., Edward et al vs. Stanley, David W. et al Other Real Property Action document preview
  • Piszcz, Jr., Edward et al vs. Stanley, David W. et al Other Real Property Action document preview
  • Piszcz, Jr., Edward et al vs. Stanley, David W. et al Other Real Property Action document preview


aN\a.\ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Bristol, ss. Superior Court Department Docket No. 1973CV00704 EDWARD PISZCZ, JR. and ) CHRSTINE A. PISZCZ, ) BRISTOL, SS SUPERIOR COURT ) FILED Plaintiffs ) ) JAN 3 0 2020 v. ) ) MARC J SANTOS, ESQ, DAVID W. STANLEY and ) CLERK/MAGISTRATE ELIA STANLEY, ) ) Defendants ) AFFIDAVIT OF JOHN A. MARKEY, JR. Iam an attorney licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I represent the Defendants David W. Stanley and Elia Stanley in the above referenced matter. . In August 2019, I received copies of the Complaint from the Defendants. ; At about the same time, I contacted counsel for the Plaintiffs and explained that I would need some additional time to file an Answer so that I could complete title work and determine whether (or not) insurance might be available to assist with the defense. Counsel for Plaintiff graciously granted me until early September to file an Answer. . In September, Defendants provided me with the closing documentation needed to prepare the Answer. Despite this, I failed to prepare and deliver a timely Answer. I did not request a further extension to file an Answer. . In late September / early October, Defendants provided me with copies of the Default Judgment. Again, I failed to immediately take action. In late November, Defendants provided my office with a Notice of the December 11" Hearing. Subsequently, I received the documents recently filed by counsel for Defendants. . The reasons for my failure to take timely action in this case are multi-faceted: (a) Professional Overwhelm - I have had a number of very active legal matters — litigation and non-litigation cases during the period from late August — through early December. Many of these matters are related to the government ordered disposition of Carlos Rafael’s fishing assets (26 commercialfishing vessels and 45 federal fishing permits). This process unexpectedly led to related litigation in Bristol County Superior Court; the Business Litigation Session of Suffolk County Court; the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts and the American Arbitration Association. In addition to the Rafael matters, this Fall I have had a number of other very active cases — one of which has required me to make multiple trips to New Jersey for discovery in a case pending in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey; (b) Familial - My 82 year old mother sustained a fall requiring my assistance at the hospital and in the nursing home. Her unavailability has also led me to take on care giving responsibilities for my 85 year old father who is now home alone while my mother convalesces; and (c) Personal Overwhelm - These personal issues and professional issues should not have resulted in this situation. The unacceptable delay is my fault and my personal failure (despite my best intentions) to get the work completed for the Defendants as promised. . To address this problem; to ensure that my clients are not further compromised; and so as not to further inconvenience the Court and opposing counsel, I will overcome my personal overwhelm and my personal embarrassment by involving additional resources / counsel to assist me with defending this case if I am unable to keep pace going forward. . To the extent that the Court believes it equitable to grant this Motion to Remove Default, I am willing to personally pay the reasonable fees and costs associated with counsel for the Plaintiffs preparing the Default Judgment paperwork and in preparing and filing the subsequent paperwork with the Court. I would also be willing to agree to a revised and/or reasonably expedited tracking order if counsel for Plaintiffs requested such an order to allow for a more expedient resolution of this dispute. Dated: December 10, 2019