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  • Piszcz, Jr., Edward et al vs. Stanley, David W. et al Other Real Property Action document preview
  • Piszcz, Jr., Edward et al vs. Stanley, David W. et al Other Real Property Action document preview


Fq Edward Piszcz, Jr. and Christine A. Piszez FILED | | wv) OCT IT wy David W. Stanley and Elia Stanley MARC J SANTOS, ESQ. CLERK/MAGISTRATE TRIAL COURT OF MILITARY AFFIDAVIT MASSACHUSETTS (pursuant to 50 U.S.C. § 3931) COURT DEPARTMENT DIVISION OR COUNTY Superior Bristol Superior COURT USE ONLY CASE NAME IDOCKET NUMBER: [In Matter of] BRISTOL, SS SUPERIOR COURT 1973CV00704 the undersigned, hereby state under oath or affirmation as follows: plreuant to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. § 3931, I, Thomas J. Hallal, Jr. , (Name) i The following party(ies) is/are currently in military service as defined in the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. David W. Stanley, Elia Stanley The following party(ies) is/are NOT currently in military service as defined in the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. may require that | file a bond. | 1am unable to determine whether the following party(ies) is/are in military service as defined in the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. As a result, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. § 3934(b)(3), | understand that the court, before entering judgment, The following facts support this affidavit (required): {served in hand according to the Return of Sheriff's Service filed with the Court. Both defendants reside permanently at 211 Fisher Road, Westport, Massachusetts. Both defendants are employed in civilian employment unrelated to the military, one of whom operates a day care business from 211 Fisher Road according to ithe plaintiffs. Neither defendant has been seen in a military uniform. There are no other facts that would suggest that either {defendant is in the military service as defined in the Servicemenbers Civil Relief Act. Moreover, both defendants were Subscribed and declared to be true under the penalties of perjury. SIGNATURE x DATED October 16, 2019 eae) MMA PRINT OR TYPE NAMES eN Thomas J. Hallal, Jr. B.B.O. NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 550212 [Military Affidavit (TC002: 09/2017)] Page 1 of 1