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  • ALICIA MISDEMEANOR document preview


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA 2021001432 01/18/2021 STATE OF FLORIDA BOOKING NOICASE NO. 50-2021-MM-000434-AXXX-MB v. [ | FELONY [X ] MISDEMEANOR [| CRIMINAL TRAFFIC ORDER THE DEFENDANT is here for a non-adversary probable cause determination (a first court appearance). See Rule 3.131. Fla.R.Cr.P. He/She is in custody charged with the offense(s) named in the Booking Slip and/or Charging Document of Record. THE COURT FINDS AND ORDERS AS FOLLOWS: PROBABLE CAUSE EXISTS for the pending charge(s) (unless otherwise checked below), AND while the defendant awaits trial. [| ] RELEASE ON OWN RECOGNIZANCE is hereby ordered. [ ] NO BOND is allowed because this is a capital or life felony and/or for good cause shown. [ ] Defendant is ordered held NO BOND PENDING FORENSIC evaluation and return to Court. [ ] Defendant is ordered held NO BOND PENDING SAAP (ie., substance abuse) evaluation and return to Court. KELLY, ALICIA CHRISTINE ] NO BOND PENDING FURTHER HEARING for ] BOND is set in the amount of $ (including the following ONE condition if checked). [ ] ALTERNATIVE S.0.R. (Supervised Release on Own Recognizance) is also authorized, { ] PLUS S.R. (Supervised Release by SOR Program) if and only if the bond set above i [ ] COURT ORDERED HOUSE ARREST. [ ] SOR Level . ie [ ] COURT ORDERED SUPERVISED RELEASE. 6 [ ] CUSTODY RELEASE to A { ] NO PROBABLE CAUSE exists, THEREFORE Defendant is RELEASED ON OWN RECO! CE. { ]NO PROBABLE CAUSE but HEARING CONTINUED for supplement P.C. (not more than x hours) until of / CONDITIONS OF RELEASE Defendant is required to: (1) appear at time set for arraignment and all other set times for court proceedings in this case, (2) keep the Cler of Court notified to Defendant's current and correct mailing address, (3) understand that mailing of notice of court proceedings to Defendant's address as provided to Clerk constitutes legal notice of court proceedings if mailed at least 72 hours before time of hearing, anc (4) comply with the following additional conditions: ] NO CONTACT WITH VICTIM(S) direct or indirect (except through attorneys) ] NO CONTACT WITH ANY CO-DEFENDANT(S) direct or indirect (except through attorneys) ] NO CONTACT WITH ANY WITNESSES. ] NO VIOLENT CONTACT WITH VICTIM(S) [per victim request only] ] CHILD VISITS. [ i [ [ { ]CURFEW[ ] 24 hours a day, or [ ] from to -{ ] EXCEPTIONS : [ ] Sign up for and comply with BATTERERS INTERVENTION PROGRAM. (Select program now in Court on records). [ ] Immediately obtain a SAAP EVALUATION (substance abuse evaluation) within 48 hours, and comply with all recommended treatm if [ if [ [ 4 ] Be subject 24 hours a day to RANDOM TESTING at Defendant's expense for [_] ALCOHOL and/or for [_ ] DRUGS. ] Attend ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES, [ ] using a program WITH SUBSTANCE ABUSE COMPONENT. JNO ALCOHOL possession or consumption, no visits to bars or lounges or any place where alcohol is a primary business. ] NO WEAPONS in Defendant's possession, constructive or otherwise, or in Defendant's residence or vehicle. ] DO NOT LEAVE PALM BEACH COUNTY except with prior authorization of Court. ] Prior to release from custody, submit to HIV/STD/HBS-Ag TEST with results returnable to victim(s) and Defendant only. ] Submit to MENTAL HEALTH EVALUATION at Community Mental Health Center or by private psychiatrist (not psychologist) wi 8 hours AND COMPLY with any and all recommended treatment and medication. [ ]OTHER 7 DONE AND ORDERED this 18th day of Januar 021 } at West Palm Beach, Florida. Presiqing Rese ]