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  • Cavalry Spv I, Llc, Spv I Ll Cavlary v. Tricia L SnyderOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Cavalry Spv I, Llc, Spv I Ll Cavlary v. Tricia L SnyderOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Cavalry Spv I, Llc, Spv I Ll Cavlary v. Tricia L SnyderOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Cavalry Spv I, Llc, Spv I Ll Cavlary v. Tricia L SnyderOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


FILED: ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY CLERK 04/03/2019 12:09 PM INDEX NO. EFCV-2018-0154440 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/03/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ST. LAWRENCE Cavalry SPV I, LLC, . Plaintiff, -against- Verified Answer TRICIA L. SNYDER 7 Kenny Street Index #: EFCV-2018-0154440 Star Lake, NY 13690-3134, Defendant. The Defendant, TRICIA L. SYNDER, as and for her answer to the Plaintiff's verified complaint in this action, sets forth and alleges as follows: 1. Lacks sufficient knowledge or information so as to form a belief as to each "5" and every allegation in paragraphs numbered "1", "2", of Plaintiff's complaint. 2. Denies each and every allegation in paragraphs "3", "4", "6", "8", "9", "10", "11" and of Plaintiff's complaint. Dated: April , 2019 L Tricia L. Snyder 04/03/2019 12:09:22 PM 1111 ANSWER Mary Lou Rupo. St Lawrence County Cler' 1 of 2 FILED: ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY CLERK 04/03/2019 12:09 PMINDEX NO. EFCV-2018-0154440 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/03/2019 VERIFICATION STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF ST. LAWRENCE ) Tricia L. Snyder, being duly swom, deposes and states that she is the Defendant in this action; that she has read the foregoing Verified Answer and knows the contents thereof; and the same is true to her own knowledge, except as to those matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and belief, and as to those matters she believes them to be true. Tricia L. Snyder Sworn to before me this ed day of April, 2019. SHARON E. REYNOLDS Notary Public, State ofNew York Reg #01RE5021438 Notary Public, State of N York oustinesiast.mcae W Counnission Expires Dec. 13, 2O Notary Seal TO: Girvin & Ferlazzo, P.C. Alex S. Dahle, Esq., Attorneys for Plaintiff 20 Corporate Woods Boulevard Albany, NY 12211 2 of 2