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  • Christine Blyler v. Yonkers CityOther Real Property - SCAR document preview
  • Christine Blyler v. Yonkers CityOther Real Property - SCAR document preview


“FILED: WESTCHESTER COGNTY: CEERK°D7/ NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/25/2016 — SUPREME COURTOF THE STATE OF NEW YORK STIPULATION OF SETTLEMENT ‘COUNTY OF WESTCHESTERea Inne matterof 2036 Small Chis Assess ew ung # 9201972036 PRE TRIAL/TANRL DATE: 7/21/2016 Pattionera) MUNICIPALTY__Yonkee ‘RegenPL Yonkers NY AEDRESENTATIVE| Property Location inview, NY 11803 631-499-4089, PARCELLD. 4.435214 IT ISHEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the above name Ptlion (6) nd Tax Arsesting Munlcpaliy ‘that the 2015 Assessment onthe relecenced tx parcel be reduced fom um ‘0 3099 reuctionof 400 ITs FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED thatthe muniil offal having custody ofthe assessment rolls shal correct, the entey Inthe 2046 assessment rol to conform ta this Stipulation. any tax were paid bused on the “reduced fom? 2036 assessment Indiated above.» sefund of the taxes paid on the amount f the redttion ofthe abovementioned assessment willbe reade tothe petitones (). 115 FUTHER AGREED that this spulation constitutesa “decison” he purposes of the Section 759 ofthe Raat Property Taxa, rocecingI andFumie that no AGHEED cost o that es Sipaton spent a stlenent ofthis Sal Crs Assman Rew allowances Deanst any of the pares DATED: uty23, 2016 PETTONER OF, BED REPRESENTATIVE ‘SO ORDERED: ‘BSSESGOR Ow aurPuORED REPRESENTATIVE Wh Co Starcvvedl. see it lofil