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  • Celal Sayi v. Avraham Israel Malka, Ari Rent A Car CorpTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Celal Sayi v. Avraham Israel Malka, Ari Rent A Car CorpTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview


(FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 0872872020) INDEX NO. 521588/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 35 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/31/2020 IG Ut At a Centralized Compliance Part of the Supreme Court of the State of New ork, held 720 AUG 28 AK 9 3@ in and for the County of Kin; at the Courthouse, located at Civic Ee nter, Borough of Brooklyn, City and State of ane ‘ork, on the 24_ day of August PRESENT: HON. LAWRENCE KNIPEL CAL. NO. 95 Justice/JHO Sanaa wan abate tirmn ewe eees aeeersmwewerentomiaanst Celel Sayi Plaintiff(s), INDEX NO. 521588/18 ~against- CONSENT IN DEF, orper ORDER Avraham Israel Malka et al TER ORAL ARG! Defendant(s) lepewnw ewer cteesinewwe rretmn wena wee ee rem een es reresewesnsorverews numbe er 1 2 read on this motion The followin Nf apers nun | Papers Numbered Notice of Mo how Cause and Affidavits(A ffirmati, Qo Annexed answenny “eda rh (A imation), davit (Affirmation). Ret ¢ ‘Affirmation. Pieadings- xhibits Stipulations-Minutés. Filed Papers Plaintiff moves to strike defendants’ answer, preclude defendants’ from offering testimony, and extend time to file note of issue. The motion is decided as follows: 1. Defendants are hereby precluded from testimony at the time of trial or in support or opposition to dispositive motions for failure to comply with court orders dated: May 14, 2019, September5, 2019, January 3. 2020, and March 6, 2020; 2. Plaintiff's time to file the note of issue is extended to Febramae26, Meu hi 2021 ws afc Motion Seq. Seq. ## For Clerk’s Use Only 2 racked, O Standard © Complex ENTER pe a JS.C. HON, LAWRENCE KNIPEL PRINT FIRM NAME SIGNATURE ATTORNEY FIRM. by. FOR PLAINTIFF(S) a ATTORNEY FIRM. by. ate FOR DEFENDANT(S) ATTORNEY FIRM. es by. FOR DEFENDANT(S), at ATTORNEY FIRM. by. aca FOR DEFENDANT(S), ee ATTORNEY FIRM. by FOR DEFENDANT(S), CAS-rev. 09-2014 lofl