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  • Board Of Managers Of  The Manhattan Place Condominium v. Eduardo Morales-Rodriguez, Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Court Of The City Of New York, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Commissioner Of Social Services Of New York City, New York Supreme Court, New York City Parking Violation Bureau, New York City Environmental Control Board, Vakhtang Makharoblishvili, John Doe, Jane DoeForeclosure (non-mortgage) document preview
  • Board Of Managers Of  The Manhattan Place Condominium v. Eduardo Morales-Rodriguez, Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Court Of The City Of New York, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Commissioner Of Social Services Of New York City, New York Supreme Court, New York City Parking Violation Bureau, New York City Environmental Control Board, Vakhtang Makharoblishvili, John Doe, Jane DoeForeclosure (non-mortgage) document preview
  • Board Of Managers Of  The Manhattan Place Condominium v. Eduardo Morales-Rodriguez, Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Court Of The City Of New York, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Commissioner Of Social Services Of New York City, New York Supreme Court, New York City Parking Violation Bureau, New York City Environmental Control Board, Vakhtang Makharoblishvili, John Doe, Jane DoeForeclosure (non-mortgage) document preview


At an JAS Part, Courtroom ___ of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of New York, at the Courthouse thereof located at 60 Centre Street, New York, New York, on the ___ day of 2015 PRESENT: : Justice wenn ence cence cece nen ee ne nen nenennnnnneeennnne xX BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE MANHATTAN PLACE CONDOMINIUM, Plaintiff, Index No.: 161006/2014 -against- EDUARDO MORALES-RODRIGUEZ, INTERNAL EX PARTE ORDER FOR REVENUE SERVICE, CRIMINAL COURT OF THE SUBSTITUTED SERVICE CITY OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK STATE a DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE, COMMISSIONER OF SOCIAL SERVICES OF NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK SUPREME COURT, NEW YORK CITY PARKING VIOLATION BUREAU, NEW YORK CITY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL BOARD, VAKHTANG MAKHAROBLISHVILI, "JOHN DOE" AND "JANE DOE" (the last two names being fictitious, it being the intention of plaintiff to designate any and all occupants of the premises being foreclosed herein, and any parties, corporations or entities, if any, having or claiming an interest or lien upon the premises), Defendants. cee ene xX UPON reading and filing the Affirmation in Support of the Ex Parte Order for Substituted Service of Anna Guiliano, Esq. dated January 21,2015, the Affidavit of Michael Rothschild sworn toon the 20" day of January 2015, the Affidavit of Attempted Service of Wilson P. Pastoriza sworn to on the 24" day of November 2014, and the exhibits annexed thereto in support, and all of the proceedings heretofore had herein, and all the papers on file in this action, including the Summons, Verified Complaint and Notices of Pendency duly filed in this foreclosure action in the Office of the County Clerk of the County of New York on November 5, 2014; and due deliberation having been had thereon: NOW ON MOTION OF BORAH, GOLDSTEIN, ALTSCHULER, NAHINS & GOIDEL, P.C., attorneys for the Plaintiff, it is ORDERED, that Plaintiffs ex parte motion for substituted service is granted in its entirety; and it is further ORDERED, that service of process upon defendant Eduardo Morales-Rodriguez: (i) by regular and certified mail at defendant Eduardo Morales-Rodriguez’s last known address in New York at 630 First Avenue, Unit 29F, New York, New York, 10016; and (ii) by overnight mail (Federal Express or DHL) at defendant Eduardo Morales-Rodriguez’s residence at] 0 Rue Christine, Paris, France 75006, on orbefore____——————«2015, shall be deemed good and valid service; and it is further ORDERED, that a copy of this Order with Notice of Entry shall be served upon defendant Eduardo Morales-Rodriguez: (i) by regular and certified mail at defendant Eduardo Morales- Rodriguez’s last known address in New York at 630 First Avenue, Unit 29F, New York, New York, 10016; and (ii) by overnight mail (Federal Express or DHL) at defendant Eduardo Morales- Rodriguez’s residence at10 Rue Christine, Paris, France 75006; and it is furtherORDERED, that a copy of this Order with Notice of Entry shall be served, by regular mail, upon defendants Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Court of the City of New York, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Commissioner of Social Services Of New York City, New York Supreme Court, New York City Parking Violation Bureau, New York City Environmental Control Board, Vakhtang Makharoblishvili, "John Doe" and "Jane Doe." ENTER: JSC.