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  • Terence Cardinal Cooke Nursing Home v. Robert RohrContract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Terence Cardinal Cooke Nursing Home v. Robert RohrContract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Terence Cardinal Cooke Nursing Home v. Robert RohrContract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Terence Cardinal Cooke Nursing Home v. Robert RohrContract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Terence Cardinal Cooke Nursing Home v. Robert RohrContract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Terence Cardinal Cooke Nursing Home v. Robert RohrContract (Non-Commercial) document preview


INDEX NO. 151788/2014 nyster DUC." NOT @ooY RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/25/2014 tndex Number Drence. Cardiidd Che Plaintiff [SJV EE SLY - against - ANSWER Alok Gh Defendant As and for his / her answer to the complaint herein, the defendant, Bbok Reba RA 7 respectfully shows and alleged as follows: Admits the truth of the allegations of Paragraphs(s) of the complaint. Y Denies knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations of Paragraph(s) of the coi laint. Denies the allegations of Paragraph(s) S/l0 of the complaint. Affirmative Defenses sele p LC Like, dee 4 LEE g—£L P Mio Lote At CAA Lo StS awrtefes, Te Doce Akad Dprh 7 @ cote totes a, 7 fe SI ahd Ah Li LFA ae _Liuhrhihe, LID WO Hig Bez Zz Me fetbegg ££ ArbL< GEG dds LVGLE Lé 1D Ld y oF LEAL. GA tet Lee LICL C£2E. Aes UY, PLA LLAFEG fe fe? b- (hiding Fee ALEAE pL AOE CH, (he LOG &/ Sf atorel LIPLE ES Je haba (Keds. Counterciaims Cross claims with iss the complaint of the plaintiff herein, WHEREFORE, defendant, prays that this Court dism with any other relief the Court find is to be just and t, together costs and di isbursements to defendan prope: Dated: Madar. 200, 4 KRBE OG E NNIGER R T fkEe £OO name LOK T + = E vss L NeW IORK MY. OE IEAO 7 Address and telephone number 2414 VERIFICATION deposes and says Robert Rohr being duly swom, know the contents thereof. The lam the defendant. | have read the foregoing an swer and leged on same are t rue to my knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be all e m: atters | believe them to be true information and belief and as to thas f ry} [sign your name in front of a Nota ROBERT _ROuR [print your name] Sworn to before mé on Zoi ctr RMN BO ES, vex 1S day of Marc + oR Cue in Goeeeel No, O1RO8Z3305% My Conntason Expres Jan, 3.2018 Zl} ee . Answer 2-11 - Notary Public