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  • Yvette Mcclamb v. Housing Partnership Development Corporation, Kalahari Condominium, The Board Of Managers Of Kalahari Condominium, Wallack Management Co., Inc., Rnc Industries, Llc, West New York Restoration Of Ct, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Premises Trip and Fall) document preview
  • Yvette Mcclamb v. Housing Partnership Development Corporation, Kalahari Condominium, The Board Of Managers Of Kalahari Condominium, Wallack Management Co., Inc., Rnc Industries, Llc, West New York Restoration Of Ct, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Premises Trip and Fall) document preview
  • Yvette Mcclamb v. Housing Partnership Development Corporation, Kalahari Condominium, The Board Of Managers Of Kalahari Condominium, Wallack Management Co., Inc., Rnc Industries, Llc, West New York Restoration Of Ct, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Premises Trip and Fall) document preview
  • Yvette Mcclamb v. Housing Partnership Development Corporation, Kalahari Condominium, The Board Of Managers Of Kalahari Condominium, Wallack Management Co., Inc., Rnc Industries, Llc, West New York Restoration Of Ct, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Premises Trip and Fall) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2018 11:40 AM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK __---____-________ -----------------------------------X YVETTE MCCLAMB, Index No. 154374/2018 (ECF) Plaintiff, v. Motion Sequence No. 1 HOUSING PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, KALAHARI CONDOMINIUM, THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF KALAHARI Assigned Judge: Lynn R. Kotler CONDOMINIUM, WALLACK MANAGEMENT CO., INC., RNC INDUSTRIES, LLC AND WEST NEW YORK RESTORATION OF CT, INC., Return Date: October 29, 2018 Defendants. ------------------- ---------------------------------------x REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN FURTHER SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT AND ALL CROSS-CLAIMS AND CROSS-COMPLAINTS ASSERTED AGAINST DEFENDANT WEST NEW YORK RESTORATION OF CT, INC. Scott H. Bernstein, Esq. STRADLEY RONON STEVENS & YOUNG, LLP ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT, WEST NEW YORK RESTORATION OF CT, INC. 100 Park Avenue, Suite 2000 New York, New York 10017 Telephone: (212) 812-4132 Facsimile: (646) 682-7180 #3700589 v. I 1 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2018 11:40 AM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2018 TABLEOFCONTENTS Page PRELIMINARY STATEMENT.......................................................................-...-..--...-..-.-....-.-..-...1 ARGUMENT ............................................................-....-.-.--..---.-.-....--..--...-..-......·.....-...-.........3 I. The Attorney's Affirmations Offered by Plaintiff and RNC Industries Should be Stricken...................................................................................-..........-..-........-...---....-......3 Industries' II. Plaintiff's Complaint and RNC Cross-Claims Should be Dismissed with Prejudice........................................................................................................................................4 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................-.....................................................6 1 # 3700589 v. 1 2 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2018 11:40 AM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2018 TABLEOF AUTHORITIES CASES Balsam v Delma Eng'g Corp., 139 A.D. 2d 292 (1st Dep't 1998)...................................................................................................... 5 Breland v. Bavridge Air Rights, Inc., 65 A.D.3d 559 (2d Dept. 5 2009).......................................................................................................... Digital Broadcasting Corp. v. Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., Inc., Index No. 117041/2005, 19 Misc. 3d 1130(A), (Sup. Ct. N.Y. Ctny. April 21, 2008) (Lowe, 4 J.)............................................................................................................................................ Espinal v. Melville Snow Contrs., 98 N.Y.2d 136 5 (2002)......................................................................................................................... Mamoon v. Dot Net Inc., 135 A.D. 3d 656 (1st Dep't 4 2016)...................................................................................................... Noia v Maselli, 45 A.D. 3d 746 (2d Dep't 2007)......................................................................................................... 5 Response Personnel Inc. v. Aschenbrenner, 2014 NY Slip Op. 31948(U) (Sup. Ct. N.Y. Cnty. July 17, 2014) (Branstein, 3 J.)............................. Ruffino v. New York City Transit Auth., 55 A.D. 3d 817 (2d Dep't 5 2008)......................................................................................................... S.J Capelin Assocs.. Inc. v. Globe Mfg. Corp., 34 N.Y.2d 338 4 (1974)......................................................................................................................... Tripp & Co. v. Bank of New York, Inc., 28 Misc.3d 1211(A) (Sup. Ct. N.Y. Cnty. July 14, 2010) 3 .................................................................. Usman v. Alexander's Rego, Shopping Center, Inc., 11 A.D.3d 450 (2d Dept. 2004).......................................................................................................... 5 RULES CPLR Rule 3211(a)(1) and 1 (a)(7)............................................................................................................. 11 3 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2018 11:40 AM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2018 Defendant West New York Restoration of CT, Inc. ("West New York") respectfully submits this reply memorandum of law in further support of its motion, pursuant to Rule 3211(a)(1) and (a)(7) of the Civil Practice Law and Rules ("CPLR"), to dismiss the Complaint filed by Plaintiff Yvette ("Plaintiff" McClamb or "McClamb") and the Cross-Claims and Cross-Complaints asserted by Defendants Housing Partnership Development Corporation, Kalahari Condominium, the Board of Managers of Kalahari Condominium, Wallack Management Co., Inc. ("Wallack"), and RNC Industries, LLC ("RNC Industries") against West New York. The basis for the dismissal of West New York from this lawsuit is that the unambiguous and undeniable documentary evidence conclusively establishes that (1) West New York completed all of its facade restoration work and operations at the Kalahari Condominium more than two weeks before the date of occurrence of Plaintiff's alleged trip-and-fall incident and (2) West New York had no responsibility for the maintenance of the sidewalk abutting the Kalahari Condominium. STATEMENT2 PRELIMINARY Plaintiff alleges that on or about August 22, 2017, while lawfully walking on the sidewalk abutting the building known as Kalahari Condominium, she was caused to fall thereat and as a result sustained severe personal injuries. (Complaint, ¶ 49.) Plaintiff alleges that her injuries were "due to the carelessness, recklessness, and negligence of the defendants . . . in the ownership, operation, ." management, maintenance and ownership of said premises . . . (Complaint, ¶ 50.) Plaintiff also alleges that West New York entered into certain contracts and/or agreements with Kalahari The cross-claims asserted by Defendants Housing Partnership Development Corporation, Kalahari Condominium, the Board of Managers of Kalahari Condominium, and Wallack Management Co., Inc. should be promptly dismissed with prejudice because such Defendants are not opposing West New York's motion to dismiss. 2 West New York accepts as true the facts set forth in Plaintiff's Complaint solely for the purposes of West New York's motion to dismiss. True and correct copies of Plaintiff's Complaint and RNC Industries Answer with Cross-Claims are annexed as Exhibits 1 and 2, respectively, to the accompanying Affirmation of Scott H. Bernstein, Esq. (the "Bernstein Affirmation"). # 3700589 v. I 4 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2018 11:40 AM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2018 Condominium and Wallack to perform certain services including but not limited to construction and renovation at the aforesaid building premises. (Complaint, ¶¶ 44-45.) The opposition of Plaintiff and RNC Industries to West New York's motion to dismiss are based the false premise that Plaintiff's Complaint, which "does not identify the nature of the defective 2017" condition of the sidewalk that is purported to have caused her fall to fall on August 27, (RNC Industries Attorney's Affirmation, ¶ 14), is sufficient to state a claim against a facade restoration company that completed itswork weeks before the alleged incident. Putting aside the palpable failure of Plaintiff and RNC Industries to state a claim, Plaintiff and RNC Industries completely ignore the very documentary evidence establishing that (1) West New York completed allof itsfacade restoration work and operations at the Kalahari Condominium more than two weeks before the date of occurrence of Plaintiff's alleged incident and (2) West New York had no responsibility for the maintenance of the sidewalk abutting the Kalahari Condominium. The undisputable documentary evidence is as follows: • On April 29, 2015, West New York entered into an AIA Contract (the "Facade Restoration Contract") with Kalahari Condominium for facade restoration and related work that involved the erection of scaffolding and a sidewalk bridge. (Gallicchio Affidavit, Exhibit A.) Under the Facade Restoration Contract, West New York had no responsibility for the maintenance of the sidewalk. (See id.) • Section 15.5 of the Facade Restoration Contract, entitled "Final Completion and Final Payment", provides that "Upon receipt of the Contractor's written notice that the Work is ready for final inspection and acceptance and upon receipt of a final Application for Payment, the Architect will promptly make such inspection and when the Architect finds the Work acceptable under the Contract Documents and the Contract fully performed, the Architect will promptly issue a final Certificate for Payment stating that to the best of the Architect's knowledge, information and belief, and on the basis of the Architect's on-site visits and inspections, the Work has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and the entire balance found to be due to the Contractor and noted in the final Certificate ." is due and payable. . . (Gallicchio Affdavit, Exhibit A) (emphasis added); • In accordance with Section 15.5 of the Facade Restoration Contract, on August 4, 2017, West New York submitted a Final Application and Certification for Payment evidencing that all of its work at the Kalahari Condominium had already been fully performed by August 4, 2017. (Gallicchio Affidavit, Exhibit B). The architect 2 # 3700589 v. 1 5 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2018 11:40 AM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2018 employed by Defendant Kalahari Condominium approved the Final Application and Certification for Payment and authorized the payment of all remaining monies due under the contract documents to West New York without a single penny of retainage held back. (See id.) Indeed, the Final Application and Certification for Payment states 0.00." that the "BALANCE TO FINISH, INCLUDING RETAINAGE [is] (Gallicchio Affidavit, Exhibit B) (capitalization in original) (emphasis added). Against this backdrop of uncontested documentary evidence mandating dismissal, RNC Industries merely argues in an impermissible attorney's affirmation that West New York cannot be dismissed from the lawsuit because Plaintiff's Complaint "does not identify the nature of the defective 2017." condition [of the sidewalk] that purported to have caused her to fall on August 27, (RNC Industries Attorney's Affirmation, ¶ 14.) In a similar vein, Plaintiff's counsel makes the circular argument in an equally impermissible attorney's affirmation that "the payment is ambiguous and meaningless." therefore (Plaintiff's Attorney's Affirmation, ¶ 9.) In other words, rather than address West New York's documentary evidence proving that itcompleted all of itsfacade restoration work by August 4, 2017, RNC Industries and Plaintiff attempt to obscure and camouflage the significant issues that should be decided by the Court on West New York's motion. For the reasons discussed below, and those in West New York's opening memorandum of law, the Court should grant West New York's motion and dismiss Plaintiff s Complaint and the cross- claims of RNC Industries with prejudice. ARGUMENT I. The Attorney's Affirmations Offered by Plaintiff and RNC Industries Should be Stricken. It is well-established that "argument is to be presented in a memorandum of law. The affirmation is neither a replacement for a memorandum of law nor a place to submit additional argument." Response Personnel, Inc. v. Aschenbrenner, 2014 NY Slip Op. 31948(U) (Sup. Ct. N.Y. Cnty. July 17, 2014) (Branstein, J.) (Exhibit 3 to Bernstein. Aff.) (citing Tripp & Co. v. Bank of New York, Inc., 28 Misc.3d 1211(A), *6 (Sup. Ct. N.Y. Cnty. July 14, 2010) (Bernard, J.) (Exhibit 4 to Bernstein Aff.). ("Affirmations, like affidavits, are reserved for a statement of the relevant facts; a 3 # 3700589 v. 1 6 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2018 11:40 AM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2018 statement of the relevant law and arguments belongs in a brief")). In addition to impermissible attomey's affirmations, the affirmations offered in being opposition to West New York's motion do not constitute documentary evidence (see Mamoon v. Dot (13' Net Inc., 135 A.D. 3d 656, 657 Dep't 2016)), and "[are] meaningless as [they are] not based on knowledge." personal Digital Broadcasting Corp. v. Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., Inc., Index No. * Ctny. April (Exhibit 5 to 117041/2005, 19 Misc. 3d 1130(A), 4 (Sup. Ct. N.Y. 21, 2008) (Lowe, J.) Bemstein Aff.) (citing S.J Capelin Assocs., Inc. v. Globe Mfg. Corp., 34 N.Y.2d 338, 342 (1974) (holding that affidavits must be "made by one having personal knowledge of the facts")). Consequently, the affirmations of Plaintiff and RNC Industries offered in opposition to West New York's motion to dismiss should be stricken and West New York's motion treated as unopposed. Industries' II. Plaintiff's Complaint and RNC Cross-Claims Should be Dismissed with Prejudice. In her Complaint, Plaintiff alleges that on or about August 22, 2017, while lawfully walking on the sidewalk abutting the building known Kalahari Condominium, she was caused to fall thereat and as a result sustained severe personal injuries. (Complaint, ¶ 49.) In addition, Plaintiff alleges that her defendants." injuries are "due to the carelessness, recklessness, and negligence of the (Complaint, ¶ 50.) All of the Cross-Claims of RNC Industries bootstrap from Plaintiff's allegations and do not have an independent basis in the absence of Plaintiff's allegations. [Docket Nos. 9, 10 & 16}. West New York's Final Certification and Application for Payment (which is certified by Defendant Kalahari Condominium's architect) conclusively establishes that West New York completed all of its facade work and operations at the Kalahari Condominium and vacated the premises by no later than August 4, 2017 (i.e., more than two (2) weeks before the date of the occurrence of Plaintiff's alleged injury). (Gallicchio Affidavit, Exhibit B.) The documentary evidence also conclusively establishes that West New York had no responsibility for the maintenance of the sidewalk abutting the Kalahari Condominium under the Facade Restoration Contract. 4 # 3700589 v. I 7 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2018 11:40 AM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2018 (Gallicchio Affidavit, Exhibit A.) It iswell-established that a threshold question in a finding of negligence is "whether the alleged party." tortfeasor owed a duty of care to the injured Espinal v. Melville Snow Contrs., 98 N.Y.2d 136, 138 (2002); see also Balsam v Delma Eng'g Corp., 139 A.D. 2d 292, 296 (1st Dep't 1998) (holding that "[a]bsent a duty of care to the person injured, a party cannot be held liable in negligence") (citation omitted). It is equally well-established that, with respect to a claim of negligence arising from a dangerous condition on the property, liability is predicated upon ownership, occupancy, control or special use of said premises. See Breland v. Bavridge Air Rights, Inc., 65 A.D.3d 559, 560 (2d Dept. 2009); Ruffino v. New York City Transit Auth., 55 A.D. 3d 817, 818 (2d Dep't 2008); Usman v. Alexander's Rego, Shopping Center, Inc., 11 A.D.3d 450, 451 (2d Dept. 2004). Consequently, where none is present, "a party cannot be held liable for injuries caused by the dangerous or defective property." condition on the Ruffino, supra at 818; see, Breland, supra at 560; Usman, supra at 451. Here, West New York did not owe a duty of care to Plaintiff because West New York did not own, occupy or control the premises on the date of the incident. (Gallicchio Affidavit, Exhibits A, B & C). See Ruffino, supra, 55 A.D.3d at 818 (recognizing that "[1]iability for a dangerous or defective condition on property is . . . predicated upon ownership, occupancy, control or special use of the property . .. Where none is present, a party cannot be held liable for injuries caused by the dangerous or defective condition of the property") (quoting Noia v Maselli, 45 A.D. 3d 746, 746 (2d Dep't 2007)). As a result, applying the foregoing standards to the instant case, West New York's Motion to Dismiss the Plaintiffs Complaint and all Cross-Complaints and Cross-Claims asserted against itby the other Defendants should be granted. 5 # 3700589 v. I 8 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2018 11:40 AM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2018 CONCLUSION For all of the reasons and those set forth in its opening memorandum of law, West foregoing New York requests that the Court (i) grant its Motion and dismiss Plaintiff's Complaint respectfully and all of the Cross-Complaints and Cross-Claims asserted by the other Defendants in their entirety and with prejudice, and (ii) grant West New York such other and further relief as may be just, proper, and equitable. ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that, to the best of the undersigned's knowledge, information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry under the circumstances, the presentation of the within Reply Memorandum of Law in Further Support of Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Complaint and All Cross-Claims and Cross-Complaints Asserted Against West New York Restoration of CT, Inc., or the contentions contained therein are not frivolous as defined in 22 NYCRR § 130-1.1(c). Dated: New York, New York October 26, 2018 Respectfully submitted, Scott H. Bernstein, Esq. STRADLEY RONON STEVENS & YOUNG, LLP ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT, WEST NEW YORK RESTORATION OF CT, INC. 100 Park Avenue, Suite 2000 New York, New York 10017 Telephone: (212) 812-4132 Facsimile: (646) 682-7180 TO: RHEINGOLD GIUFFRA RUFFO & PLOTKIN LLP ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF YVETTE MCCLAMB Jeremy A. Hellman, Esq. 29"' 551 Fifth Avenue, Floor New York, New York 10176 6 # 3700589 v. 1 9 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2018 11:40 AM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2018 PERRY, VAN ETTEN, ROZANSKI & PRIMAVERA, LLP ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT/CROSS-CLAIMANT RNC INDUSTRIES, LLC Kenneth J. Kutner, Esq. 60 Broad Street, Suite 3600A New York, New York 10004 MARGARET G. KLEIN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS/CROSS-CLAIMANTS KALAHARI CONDOMINIUM, THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF KALAHARI CONDOMINIUM, AND WALLACK MANAGEMENT CO., INC. Carol Morell, Esq. 2nd 200 Madison Avenue, FlOOr New York, New York 10016 DEVITT SPELLMAN BARRETT, LLP ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT/CROSS-CLAIMANT HOUSING PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Kelly E. Wright, Esq. 50 Route 11, Suite 314 Smithtown, New York 11787 7 # 3700589 v. I 10 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2018 11:40 AM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK PART 8 Index No. 154374/2018 ____ ... ..- YVETTE MCCLAMB, Plaintiff, -against- HOUSING PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, KALAHARI CONDOMINIUM, THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF KALAHARI CONDOMINIUM, WALLACK MANAGEMENT CO., INC., RNC INDUSTRIES, LLC AND WEST NEW YORK RESTORATION OF CT, INC., Defendants. REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN FURTHER SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT AND ALL CROSS-CLAIMS AND CROSS-COMPLAINTS ASSERTED AGAINST DEFENDANT WEST NEW YORK RESTORATION OF CT, INC. STRADLEY RONON STEVENS & YOUNG, LLP Attorneys for Defendant 100 Park Avenue, Suite 2000 New York, New York 10017 (212) 812-4124 (telephone) Pursuant to 22 NYCRR 130-1.1, the undersigned, an attorney admitted to practice in the courts of New York State, certifies that, upon information and belief and reasonable inquiry, the contentions contained in the annexed document are not frivolous. Dated: October 26, 2018 Signature: ..) Scott H. Bernstein 11 of 11