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  • Yvette Mcclamb v. Housing Partnership Development Corporation, Kalahari Condominium, The Board Of Managers Of Kalahari Condominium, Wallack Management Co., Inc., Rnc Industries, Llc, West New York Restoration Of Ct, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Premises Trip and Fall) document preview
  • Yvette Mcclamb v. Housing Partnership Development Corporation, Kalahari Condominium, The Board Of Managers Of Kalahari Condominium, Wallack Management Co., Inc., Rnc Industries, Llc, West New York Restoration Of Ct, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Premises Trip and Fall) document preview
  • Yvette Mcclamb v. Housing Partnership Development Corporation, Kalahari Condominium, The Board Of Managers Of Kalahari Condominium, Wallack Management Co., Inc., Rnc Industries, Llc, West New York Restoration Of Ct, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Premises Trip and Fall) document preview
  • Yvette Mcclamb v. Housing Partnership Development Corporation, Kalahari Condominium, The Board Of Managers Of Kalahari Condominium, Wallack Management Co., Inc., Rnc Industries, Llc, West New York Restoration Of Ct, Inc.Torts - Other Negligence (Premises Trip and Fall) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/28/2018 04:43 PM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/28/2018 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION . c6ggcier ueé Oniy: UCS-840 (7/2012) IAS Ï-ntryate Supreme COURT, COUNTY OF New York Judge Assigned Index No: 154374/2018 Date Index Issued: 05/10/2018 case caption Enter the complete Dö not use et al or et ano. is required If more space rider sheet. attach a caption Yvette McClamb PlaintiM(s)/Petitioner(s) -against- HOUSING PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, KALAHARI CONDOMINIUM, THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF KALAHARI CONDOMINIUM, WALLACK MANAGEMENT CO., INC.,RNC INDUSTRIES, LLC AND WEST NEW YORK RESTORATION OF CT, INC. Defendant(s)/Resp: .,,e) NATURE OF ACTÏON OR PROCEEDING: Check ONE box only and specifysh indicated. MATRIMONIAL COMMERCIAL O Contested O BusinessEntity corporations, (including partnerships, LLCs, etc.) NOTE: For all Matrimonial actionswhere the parties have children under O Contract the age of 18, complete and attach the MATRIMONIAL RJI Addendum. Q Insurance(whereinsureris a party, except arbitration) For UncontestedMatrimonial use RJI form UD-13· actions, Q UCC (including sales,negotiableinstruments) TORTS OtherCommercial: (specify) Q Asbestos O BreastImplant NOTE: For CommercialDivisionassignmentrequests[22 NYCRR § Q Environmental: complete 202.70(d)], and attachthe COMMERCIAL DIV RJi Addendum. (specify) O Medical,Dental, or Podiatric Malpractice Condemnation O Motor Vehicle O Mortgage Foreclosure (specify): O Residential O Commercial Q ProductsLiability: PropertyAddress: (specify) StreetAddress City state Zip OtherNegligence:Personal and Fall on Sidewalk InjuryRrip NOTE: For Mortgage actions Foreclosure a one- to four-family, involving (specify) OWner-Occupied, residential or an owner-occupied property, OtherProfessional Malpractice: condominium,complete and attach the FORECLOSURE RJI Addendum. (specify) - Section: Q Tax Certiorari Block: Lot: O Other Tort: Q Tax Foreclosure (specify) Q OtherReal Property: (SP*° ) OTHER MATTERS O of Incorporation/Dissolution Certificate [see NOTE under Commercial] SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS O Emergency Medical Treatment Q CPLR Article [see NOTE 75 (Arbitration) under Commercial] O Habeas Corpus Q CPLR Article 78 (Body or Officer) O Local Court Appeal Q Election Law O Mechanic'sLien Q MHL Article 9.60 (Kendra'sLaw) O Name Change Q MHL Article10 (Sex Offender Confinement-Initial) O Pistol Permit Revocation Hearing Q MHL Article10 (Sex Offender Confinement-Review) O saleor Financeof Religious/Not-for-Profit Property Q 81 (Guardianship) MHL Article O Other: Q OtherMental Hygiene: (specify) (specify) O OtherSpecialProceeding: (specify) STATUS OF ACTION OR PROCEEDING: Answer YES or NO for EVERÝquestionANIfenter additional isormatiónwhe e indicated. [ YES | NO | Has a summons and complaintor summons w/noticebeen filed? If yes, date filed: 05/10/2018 Has a summons and complaintor summons w/noticebeen served? 05/22/2018 If yes, date served: Is this action/proceeding being filed post-judgment? If yes, judgment date: 1 of 4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/28/2018 04:43 PM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/28/2018 NATURE OF JUDICIAL INTERVENTION: Check ONE box only AND enter edditione! information where indicated. Infant's Compromise O Note of Issue and/or of Readiness Certificate O Notice of Medical, Dental, or Podiatric Malpractice Date Issue Joined: Notice of Motion Relief Sought: Dismiss ReturnDate: o9/27/2018 O Notice of Petition Relief Sought: Retum Date: O Order to Show Cause Relief Sought: Retum Date: O OtherEx Parte Application Relief Sought: O Poor Person Application O Request Conference for Preliminary O Residential Mortgage Settlement Foreclosure Conference Q Writ of Habeas Corpus Q Other (specify): CASES· actions. List any related For Matrimonial actions,include any related criminaland/orFamilyCourt cases. RELATED If additional space complete is required, the RJI Addendum. and attach If none, leave blank. Case Title Index/Case No. |Court Judge (ifassigned) Relationship to InstantCase "Un-Rep" and e-mail in space MTIES, For parties without an attorney, check phone number box AND enter party address, address provided. If additional space is required, completeand attachthe RJI Addondum. Parties: Attorneys and/or Unrepresented Litigants: locus Un- List parties in caption order and Provide business phone number and e-mail Insurance name, firm name, attorney address, Joined Rep indicate party role(s) (e.g. defendant; address that have appeared of all attorneys For unrepresented in the case. (Y/N): CaMedsh plaintiff). 3rd-paity provide litigants, address,phone number and e-mailaddress. McClamb -tellen Jeremy LastName LastName FirstName Yvette Theingold Giuffra Rufio & Plotkin LLP FirstName F1rmName PrimaryRole: 351Fifth Avenue,29th Floor NewYork NewYork 10176 StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): 1 (212)684-1880 Plaintiff Phone Fax e-mail Housing Partnership Development Corp. Wright Kelly LastName LastName First Name Devitt Spellman Barrett, LLP FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: 50Route11,Suite314 Smithtown NewYork 11787 streetAddress city State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): F1(631)724-8833 Defendant Phone Fax e-mail Kalahari Condominium VIorell Carol LastName LastName FirstName Wargaret G. Klein & Associates FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: 200MadisonAvenue,2nd Floor NewYork NewYork 10016 StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): F1(646)392-0250 Defendant Phone Fax e-mail The Board of Managers of Kalahari Worell Carol LastName LastName FirstName Condominium Wargaret G. Klein & Associates FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: 200MadisonAvenue,2nd Floor NewYork NewYork 10016 StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): +1 (646)392-9250 Defendant Phone Fax e-mail I AFFIRM UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT, TO MY KNOWLEDGE, OTHER THAN AS NOTED ABOVE, THERE ARE AND HAVE BEEN NO RELATED ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS, NOR HAS A REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION PREVIOUSLY BEEN FILED IN THIS ACTION OR PROCEEDING. Dated: 08/28/2018 SIGNATURE 4096673 ScottH. Bernstein ATTORNEY REGISTRATION NUMBER PRINT OR TYPE NAME PrintForm 2 of 4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/28/2018 04:43 PM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 PrintForm NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/28/2018 Request for Judicial Intervention Addendum ucs-a4ommom Supreme New York 154374/2018 __COURT, COUNTY OF Index No: For use when additional space is needed to provide party or related case information. "Un-Rep" "Attb-GGys" space. PAR ilESC For pÂrties without an:attorheycheck boxÁND e ter party address) phonê númbef and e-niaiLaddresin Parties: |Attorneys and/or Unrepresented Lit!g::nts. Un- Issue in caption LiSt párties order and Provideattorneyname, firm name, businessaddress,phone number and e-mail Joined insuranceCarrier(s): Rep indicate party role(s) (e.g. defendant; addressof all attomeys that have appeared in the case. For unrepresented (Y/N): plaintiff). 3rd-party provide litigants, address,phonenumber and e-mail address. WallackManagement Co., Inc. Morell Carol LastName LastName First Name MargaretG. Klein & Associates FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: 200 Madison Avenue, 2nd Floor New York New Yo 10016 Defendant StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): 6463920350 Phone Fax e-mail RNC Industries, LLC Kutner Kenneth LastName LastName First Name Perry VanEtten Rozanski& Primavera,LLP FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: 60 Broad Street, Suite 3600A New York New Yo 10004 Defendant StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): 2124069170 Phone e-mail West New York Restoration of CT, Inc. Benrstein Scott LastName LastName First Name StradleyRonon Stevens& Young, LLP, FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: 100 Park Avenue, Suite 2000 New York New Yo 10017 Defendant StreetAddress State City Zip SecondaryRole(if any): 2128124132 64.66827180 Phone Fax e-mail LastName LastName First Name FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mail LastName LastName First Name FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mail LastName LastName First Name FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: StreetAddress City State Zip SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mail RELATED CASES List any related actions.For Matrimonial include actions, and/or any related criminal Farnity Court cases. Case Title Index/Case No. Court Judge (ifassigned) Pe!etionship to InstantCase 3 of 4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/28/2018 04:43 PM INDEX NO. 154374/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/28/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK Index No. 154374/2018 (ECF) YVETTE MCCLAMB, Plaintiff, -against- HOUSING PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, KALAHARI CONDOMINIUM, THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF KALAHARI CONDOMINIUM, WALLACK MANAGEMENT CO., INC., RNC INDUSTRIES, LLC AND WEST NEW YORK RESTORATION OF CT, INC., Defendants. REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION STRADLEY RONON STEVENS & YOUNG, LLP Attorneys forDefendant 100 Park Avenue, Suite 2000 New York, New York 10017 (212) 812-4124 (telephone) Pursuant to 22 NYCRR 130-1.1, the undersigned, an attorney admitted to practice in York State, certifies that, upon iiiforisiation and belief andreasonable inquiry, the conten in the annexed document are not frivolous. Dated: August 28, 2018 Signature: Scott H. Bernste 4 of 4